Tips for Farming Simulator 22 Greenhouses

This page provides information on greenhouses in Farming Simulator 22.

This guide explains how to cultivate plants in the greenhouses of Farming Simulator 22. You will learn about the different greenhouse models, the plants that can be grown in them, and what you need to grow your crops.

  • Greenhouse models
  • Water
  • How to obtain water?
  • Production and harvesting

Greenhouse models

There are three models of greenhouses:

  1. Small – €3,000. Water capacity: 5,000L. Water consumption per hour: 2×16 liters.
  2. Medium – €5,000. Water capacity: 10,000l. Water consumption per hour: 2×28 liters.
  3. Large – €10,000. Water capacity: 20,000l. Water consumption per hour: 2×64 liters.


Water consumption is converted into product quantity, as in factories, depending on the type of plant – one of three that you can plant in greenhouses:

  1. 1l of water – 1l of tomatoes
  2. 1l of water – 0.5l of lettuce,
  3. 1l of water – 2l of strawberries.

Be careful with the water-to-lettuce converter in the small greenhouse, which is about 1l of water per 1/3 of lettuce. Therefore, it is not recommended to grow lettuce in a small greenhouse.

Greenhouses only require water. Once the greenhouse is activated in the production chain management menu, plant growth and harvesting will begin in an hourly cycle. The plant type can be manually chosen or selected from the menu. Water can be transported by tanker, which can be found in the Animals tab of the store. Note that the tanker should be suitable for transporting water (some tank trailers are used only for transporting fuel).

How to obtain water?

Water is not expensive – it can be obtained from wells (real estate). Although they do not take up much space, the water from a well will cost you money. The cost will not be significant, but with high water consumption by greenhouses, you may notice reduced profits after selling your harvest.

A better option is to build many greenhouses near natural reservoirs to obtain free water (the trailer or at least its back must be placed in the water – not every reservoir/river can be used to obtain water).

Production and harvesting

Production is quite quick, as the pallets will not hold many vegetables. Fortunately, the vegetables are light and can be manually stacked onto the trailer, which will speed up the unloading process.

The crops will appear immediately on pallets in the area next to the greenhouse, ready for sale. Only strawberries can be processed in the factory (The Bakery needs strawberries to make Cakes).


1. What is the Greenhouse feature in Farming Simulator 22?

The Greenhouse feature in Farming Simulator 22 is a new addition to the game where players can grow fruits and vegetables in a controlled environment. This allows for year-round production regardless of weather conditions. The Greenhouse also provides an opportunity for players to experiment with different types of crops and growing techniques.

2. How do you unlock the Greenhouse in Farming Simulator 22?

To unlock the Greenhouse feature in Farming Simulator 22, players must first purchase a plot of land that has a pre-built Greenhouse. Once the land is purchased, players can then start growing crops in the Greenhouse.

3. What are some tips for successful Greenhouse farming in Farming Simulator 22?

Some tips for successful Greenhouse farming in Farming Simulator 22 include: choosing the right crops for the season, maintaining proper temperature and humidity levels, using fertilizers and pesticides as needed, and keeping the Greenhouse clean and free of debris. It is also important to continually monitor the crops and adjust growing techniques as necessary.

4. Can you sell Greenhouse crops in Farming Simulator 22?

Yes, players can sell Greenhouse crops in Farming Simulator 22 just like any other crop. The Greenhouse crops will appear in the store menu and can be sold for profit.

5. How does the Greenhouse feature benefit players in Farming Simulator 22?

The Greenhouse feature benefits players in Farming Simulator 22 by providing a new way to grow crops and earn profit. It also allows for more control over the growing process and the ability to experiment with different types of crops and techniques. Additionally, the Greenhouse feature provides an opportunity for year-round production regardless of weather conditions, which can be especially beneficial in areas with harsh climates.

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