A Father’s Advice

How to unlock: Retrieve the book from the table located in the ruined building near the road close to Victory Rise.

Quest giver: – (M18,29)

The farmer’s ruined home

Located near the road next to Victory Rise, there is a building that has been almost completely destroyed by fire. Inside, on a table, you will find a book (M18,29) which contains a few tips leading you to the treasure hidden by a local farmer.

The farmer’s hidden treasure

The treasure can be found on the western part of the plains, under a large withered tree. The chest is almost invisible and hidden among a few bushes. Once you reach the tree, you will need to scan the area (M18,29a). The quest will be considered complete once you have taken what is inside the chest.

Rewards for completing this quest:

  • Experience (small amount)
  • 80 Influence Points


1) What is a father’s role in guiding his children?

A father plays a crucial role in guiding his children. He is responsible for teaching them right from wrong, instilling values and morals, and setting a good example. A father’s guidance helps his children navigate through life’s challenges and make good choices. He provides emotional support, encouragement, and discipline when necessary. A father’s guidance also helps his children develop self-confidence and a strong sense of self-worth.

2) How can a father ensure that he is providing effective guidance?

A father can ensure that he is providing effective guidance by being present and involved in his children’s lives. He should take the time to listen to his children and understand their thoughts and feelings. A father should also communicate clearly and consistently with his children, setting clear expectations and boundaries. He should lead by example, demonstrating the values and behaviors he wants his children to emulate. Additionally, a father should be open to feedback and willing to adjust his approach as needed.

3) What are some common challenges that fathers face in providing guidance?

Some common challenges that fathers face in providing guidance include balancing work and family responsibilities, dealing with their own emotions and stress, and navigating conflicts with their children. Fathers may also struggle with knowing how to communicate effectively with their children and providing guidance that is age-appropriate. Additionally, fathers may face challenges in developing a strong relationship with their children if they have not been involved in their lives from an early age.

4) How can a father’s guidance impact his children’s future success?

A father’s guidance can have a significant impact on his children’s future success. Children who have a strong relationship with their father and receive effective guidance are more likely to develop healthy self-esteem, have better academic performance, and make responsible choices. They are also more likely to have positive relationships with others and to be successful in their careers. A father’s guidance can help his children navigate through difficult situations and make good decisions, setting them up for success in all areas of their lives.

5) What advice would you give to fathers who want to provide effective guidance to their children?

I would advise fathers to be present and involved in their children’s lives, taking the time to listen and understand their thoughts and feelings. Communication is key, so fathers should strive to be clear and consistent in their expectations and boundaries. They should also lead by example, demonstrating the values and behaviors they want their children to emulate. Additionally, fathers should be patient and understanding, recognizing that providing guidance is a process that takes time and effort. Finally, fathers should be willing to seek support and guidance themselves, whether through books, counseling, or other resources, to ensure that they are providing the best guidance possible to their children.

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