Breeding Grounds

How to unlock: Recover Suledin keep, repair the bridge to Eastern Emprise du Lion, speak with Baron Edouard Desjardins

Quest giver: Baron Edouard Desjardins (M15,14)

The view of the three Coliseums- dragon breeding grounds

At Suledin keep, you will find Baron Edouard Desjardins (M15,14). He will give you a quest to secure the passage in the eastern part of Emprise du Lion after the bridge is fixed. This is one of the most challenging side quests in the game as it requires you to defeat three dragons of varying difficulty levels in three Coliseums. The most powerful dragon is at level 23, so you need to be well-prepared if you want to complete this quest.

The first dragon

There are three dragons to defeat. The first one is ice-type and at level 19. To defeat this dragon, use fire as much as possible. Every 1/5 of his health that you deplete, he launches into the air and casts ice balls. Once his health level drops to approximately half, he will start summoning dragonlings to his aid.

The second dragon is also ice-type and at level 21. This one also attacks from above and summons dragonlings. Moreover, he will be activating a protective shield very often.

The third dragon is fire-type and at level 23. He is quite vulnerable to poisons as well as the power of the Fade. The dragon has lots of health points and occasionally, he performs a quite specific attack: circles will appear around each of the characters, and if they don’t leave the circles fast, the characters will receive severe burns when they erupt in fire. This dragon does not fly, but he also summons dragonlings. Very often, the dragon activates a magic shield. It is best not to attack the dragon if your experience level is not equal to or higher than the dragon’s level.

Rewards for completing the quest (chunks of it are awarded to you after you kill each dragon):

  • Experience (lots)
  • 3600 Influence Points
  • 7 Power points


What are breeding grounds?

Breeding grounds are areas where animals, birds, and fish mate and reproduce. These areas are essential for the continuation of various species. The breeding season starts when the weather becomes favorable for the successful rearing of offspring. The breeding grounds can be located in different habitats such as forests, grasslands, wetlands, and oceans. The quality of the breeding grounds plays a vital role in the survival of species. Environmental factors like temperature, humidity, food availability, and water quality are essential for the successful breeding of animals. Breeding grounds are essential for maintaining the population of various species and are a critical part of the ecosystem.

Why is it important to protect breeding grounds?

Protecting breeding grounds is crucial for the survival of various species. Human activities like deforestation, construction, and pollution have an adverse effect on the environment, which leads to the destruction of breeding grounds. When breeding grounds are destroyed, the population of species decreases, and some may even become extinct. Protecting breeding grounds helps to maintain the balance of the ecosystem and ensures the survival of different species. It also helps to maintain the food chain, which is essential for the survival of predators and prey. It is vital to implement measures to protect breeding grounds and to educate people about the importance of preserving the environment for the survival of future generations.

What can be done to preserve breeding grounds?

There are several measures that can be taken to preserve breeding grounds. One of the most effective ways is to create protected areas that are designated for the protection and preservation of breeding grounds. These areas are managed by government agencies and are essential for the survival of different species. Another way to preserve breeding grounds is to implement sustainable practices that minimize the impact of human activities on the environment. This includes reducing pollution, limiting deforestation, and controlling the use of pesticides and fertilizers. Educating people about the importance of preserving the environment is also essential. This can be done through awareness campaigns, workshops, and educational programs. By working together, we can ensure the preservation of breeding grounds and the survival of different species for generations to come.

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