Playing as a Female in Disco Elysium: Is it Possible?

If you’re wondering whether it’s possible to play as a female character in Disco Elysium, this guide has the answer for you.

The game centers around Harrier Du Bois, a seasoned detective who is trying to solve a perplexing murder case in a small town called Revachol. Along the way, he also grapples with his own identity.

Unlike other RPGs like Baldur’s Gate 3, Disco Elysium doesn’t offer the option to craft your own character. Harry is the game’s protagonist, which means that playing as a woman isn’t possible. That said, it’s conceivable that the developers at ZA/UM studio may introduce a female lead in the sequel.


1. Can you play as a female character in Disco Elysium?

No, you cannot play as a female character in Disco Elysium. The game only offers one playable character, Detective Lieutenant Kim Kitsuragi, who is male. The game’s developers have stated that they intentionally designed the game with a male protagonist to explore themes of toxic masculinity and male identity.

2. Why did the developers choose to only offer a male protagonist?

The developers of Disco Elysium, ZA/UM, have stated that they wanted to explore themes of toxic masculinity and male identity in the game. By creating a male protagonist, they were able to delve deeper into these themes and create a more nuanced story. Additionally, the game is set in a fictional world that is heavily influenced by 20th century Eastern European culture, where traditional gender roles are still prevalent.

3. Will there ever be an option to play as a female character in Disco Elysium?

It is unlikely that Disco Elysium will ever offer an option to play as a female character. The game’s developers have stated that the male protagonist was a deliberate choice and integral to the game’s themes and story. However, ZA/UM has expressed interest in exploring other stories and themes in future games, so it is possible that they may offer a different type of protagonist in their next project.

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