Discovering Relics and Secrets in Mission of San Juan

In Shadow of the Tomb Raider’s Mission of San Juan, players can explore to find 9 relics scattered throughout the area. The following maps, images, and descriptions will assist in locating each relic and reaching them successfully.

1. Faded Writing

2. Slave Collar

Faded Writing

Scroll (1) can be found on the path to the main camp in the town. At the bottom of the large cross, players will find a chest containing the relic.

Slave Collar

The Collar (2) is located in the cemetery in front of one of the tombstones.

1. Decorated Crucifix

2. Old Tome

3. Primitive Doll #1

4. Mission San Juan

5. Primitive Doll #2

6. Primitive Doll #3

7. Wheel-Lock Pistol

Decorated Crucifix

The Crucifix (1) can be found in a chest at the bottom of the cross on a stone ledge next to the main road. The location is quite dark.

Old Tome

The Old Book (2) is located near the Ruined Tower camp. Players need to explore the ruined tower and use an arrow with a rope to pull out one of the walls at the designated spot in the picture. This will unlock access to the secret box.

Primitive Doll #1

The Doll (3) can be found in a large room where the Thirsty Gods tomb puzzle is solved (the puzzle involving changing the water level). Players must dive into this location and find the relic on the bottom.

Mission San Juan

Relic (4) is located near the Deserted Cloister camp and the entrance to the Tree of Life tomb. Players will find a box at the base of the cross.

Primitive Doll #2

The Doll (5) can be found during the exploration of the Tree of Life tomb when players are setting the platforms into motion. It is in the box next to the pole shown in the picture where Lara needs to cut the rope with a knife.

Primitive Doll #3

The Doll (6) can be found during the exploration of the Tree of Life tomb. It is in a chest reached shortly after climbing up to the top shelf using the climbing wall.

Wheel-Lock Pistol

The Pistol (7) can be found while exploring the crypt during the Na PrzekГіr side quest. Players will find it while heading back to the surface after finding Isabel. After using the climbing walls, Lara will eventually reach the location shown in picture 1. Exploring the optional left side (marked in the picture) requires jumping over a small precipice and leads players to a secret chamber with a gun chest (picture 2).


1. What are the relics in Mission of San Juan in Shadow of the Tomb Raider?

The relics in Mission of San Juan are ancient artifacts that Lara Croft must collect in order to complete the challenge tomb in the area. These relics are scattered throughout the mission and require puzzle-solving skills to obtain. Each relic has its own unique backstory and significance, adding depth to the game’s lore.

2. How many relics are there in Mission of San Juan?

There are a total of five relics in Mission of San Juan. Each one is located in a different area of the mission and requires a different set of skills to obtain. Players must explore the environment, solve puzzles, and use their combat skills to collect all five relics and complete the challenge tomb.

3. What rewards do players get for collecting all the relics in Mission of San Juan?

Players who collect all five relics in Mission of San Juan are rewarded with the “Tomb Raider” achievement/trophy. Additionally, collecting all the relics unlocks the “Echoes of the Fast” outfit for Lara, which can be used in the game’s main campaign. The outfit provides bonuses to speed and health regeneration, making it a valuable addition to Lara’s wardrobe.

4. Can players revisit Mission of San Juan after completing it?

Yes, players can revisit Mission of San Juan after completing it in Shadow of the Tomb Raider. This allows players to go back and collect any relics or other items they may have missed during their initial playthrough. Additionally, revisiting the mission allows players to enjoy the stunning visuals and immersive environment of Mission of San Juan without the pressure of completing the challenge tomb.

5. Are there any other secrets to discover in Mission of San Juan?

Yes, there are several other secrets to discover in Mission of San Juan. In addition to the five relics, players can find and collect documents, murals, and other hidden items throughout the mission. These items provide additional backstory and lore to the game, and can also unlock achievements/trophies for players who find them all. Exploring the mission thoroughly is key to uncovering all the secrets it has to offer.

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