How to Grow Sugarcane in Farming Simulator 22

Learn how to cultivate sugarcane in Farming Simulator 22 with our guide. Discover how to plant and harvest sugarcane, and the differences between cane harvesters. We also cover where to use sugarcane, and how to process it into sugar.

  • Planting sugarcane
  • Harvesting sugarcane
  • Use and size of harvests

Planting Sugarcane

Sugarcane is a unique plant and requires special attention. To plant it, you need a dedicated seeder found in the Sugarcane Technology tab.

Prepare the field by plowing it to get a larger crop. Sugarcane does not need to be replanted, except if the periodic plowing option is active. After harvesting, fertilize the field twice to get the full harvest next time.

Harvesting Sugarcane

Use a small and inexpensive harvester like the Lizard SWT 7 connected to a tractor to harvest sugarcane. It does not have its own tank, so attach a trailer to the back or drive a tractor with a trailer next to it.

Auger trailers, available in the Sugarcane Technology tab, are designed for harvesting sugarcane (and grass, straw, etc.). They work like a dump truck, but they are lifted when pouring the contents. Hold the LMB or LB/L1 on the controller and use the analog stick/mouse to control the trailer. The trailers can also be assembled together.

The self-propelled harvester is another option, but it does not have its own tank, and the available trailers are small. Use a yellow trailer TT Colossus 10.000 for the best results.

Use and Size of Harvests

Sugarcane is a challenging crop to work with. Do not invest in large fields as the harvesters and trailers are not designed for it. Sugarcane can be processed into sugar in the factory (500l of sugar cane -> 250 of sugar). The yield of sugar cane is close to 100,000l/hectare.


What is Sugarcane in Farming Simulator 22?

Sugarcane is a new crop added to Farming Simulator 22. It is a tall tropical grass that is grown mainly for its sweet juice, which is used to make sugar and other products. Sugarcane is a high-yielding crop that requires a warm climate and a lot of water. It takes about 12-18 months to mature, but once harvested, it can be sold for a high price. In Farming Simulator 22, you can grow sugarcane on your farm and use it to produce sugar, molasses, and other products.

How do you plant Sugarcane in Farming Simulator 22?

To plant sugarcane in Farming Simulator 22, you need to first buy the sugarcane planter from the store. Once you have the planter, you can attach it to your tractor and drive it to the field where you want to plant sugarcane. You need to prepare the field by plowing and cultivating it before planting. Then, you can fill the planter with sugarcane seeds and start planting. Sugarcane requires a lot of water, so make sure to irrigate your field regularly to ensure good growth.

How do you harvest Sugarcane in Farming Simulator 22?

To harvest sugarcane in Farming Simulator 22, you need to first buy the sugarcane harvester from the store. Once you have the harvester, you can attach it to your tractor and drive it to the field where your sugarcane is growing. The harvester will cut the sugarcane stalks and collect them in the hopper. Once the hopper is full, you can drive the harvester to the storage facility and unload the sugarcane. Sugarcane can be sold directly or used to produce sugar or other products.

What are the benefits of growing Sugarcane in Farming Simulator 22?

Growing sugarcane in Farming Simulator 22 can be very profitable. Sugarcane is a high-yielding crop that can be sold for a high price. It also has a long growing season, which means you can harvest it multiple times in a year. In addition, sugarcane can also be used to produce sugar, molasses, and other products, which can be sold for even more profit. However, sugarcane requires a warm climate and a lot of water, so it may not be suitable for all farms.

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