Kachirho Puzzles List in LEGO Skywalker Saga

This page is dedicated to the puzzles available in Kachirho, a location on the planet Kashyyyk, in LEGO Skywalker Saga game.

Here, you will find a list of all the puzzles and secrets present in Kachirho, including the Kyber Bricks, which are one of the major secrets in the game. We have provided a detailed description of each puzzle to help you solve them and acquire the Kyber Bricks.

  • Tiny Tree Trip
  • Shoreline Silver
  • Wookiee Wattage
  • Kachirho’s Chorus
  • Trapped Troopers
  • Swing and a Brick
  • Leaf Leaper
  • Prisoners of Waaarrrgghhh
  • Streaming Sensation
  • Sandcastle Crasher
  • Precarious Panel
  • Cheers, Big Ears
  • Vine Time
  • How Many Wookiees Does it Take…
  • Below Deck
  • Treasure in the Trunk
  • Treetop Traversal
  • Climb, Climb and Climb Some More
  • Beach Button Blitz
  • Pipe Pull-up
  • Welcome to Kachirho!
  • Pipe Prize
  • Wroshyr Range
  • Crate Clamber
  • Twirl Around the Trunk

Tiny Tree Trip

  1. Collectible: Puzzle – Kyber Brick
  2. Location: On the tree

To get the Kyber Brick, climb the tree using the special handles and jump on the third platform. Any character can climb the tree.

Shoreline Silver

  1. Collectible: Puzzle – Kyber Brick
  2. Location: On the beach

You need a villain class character to destroy the chest and get the Kyber Brick. The chest is located on the beach next to the shore.

Wookiee Wattage

  1. Collectible: Puzzle – Kyber Brick
  2. Location: Inside the building

You need to collect batteries scattered around the door near the tree to open the door and get the Kyber Brick.

Kachirho’s Chorus

  1. Collectible: Puzzle – Kyber Brick
  2. Location: Inside the building

You need a Jedi character to solve this puzzle. Take over the Wookies and have them stand in the correct order based on their tone of voice:

  1. High
  2. Medium-Low
  3. Low
  4. Medium-High

Trapped Troopers

  1. Collectible: Puzzle – Kyber Brick
  2. Location: Inside the building

In order to find the next Kyber brick, head to the swamps with two characters. One character must pull the lever and keep it down, while the other needs a grappling hook to attach to the ship and free several characters. The ship will sink, but the Kyber brick will surface for you to collect. This is the puzzle Kyber brick.

To get the Kyber brick in the Leaf Leaper puzzle, use a grappling hook to latch onto the bar attached to the tree and climb the tree canopy. This puzzle also requires an Astromech Droid or a Bounty Hunter.

For the Prisoners of Waaarrrgghhh ship puzzle, you must complete several tasks, including opening the mechanism with a Villain class character and chasing after escaping captive Wookiees. Once you catch up to them, one of them will give you the HMP Droid Gunship.

To find the puzzle Kyber brick in Streaming Sensation, jump over the wooden beams to reach the beam by the waterfall. Be careful not to fall into the water.

In the Sandcastle Crasher puzzle, you must destroy 14 sand castles built by the Wookiees along the shore to get the Kyber brick.

Finally, the Precarious Panel puzzle requires a Jedi and a Hero class character. Create a small staircase to reach the device above the door with the Jedi, and then complete a quick mini-game with the Hero to get into the room and collect the Kyber brick.

Cheers, Big Ears

  1. Collectible: Puzzle – Kyber Brick

You need two characters with grappling hooks to get this collectible. You can choose from Bounty Hunters, Heroes or Astromech Droids. Start by grabbing onto the orange bar and then jump to the lever (as seen in the screenshot above). You have to activate both levers on the building to open a cage that blocks the brick at the top of the metal tower.

Vine Time

  1. Collectible: Puzzle – Kyber Brick

You can reach this collectible in two ways. One option is to climb the vines in the area. Alternatively, you can jump off the tree and land straight onto the object. Boba Fett is the perfect character for this task.

How Many Wookiees Does it Take…

  1. Collectible: Puzzle – Kyber Brick

This brick is hanging above the wooden platform and you can reach it by using the yellow ladder. Once upstairs, place two bricks on the table to make it easier to access the collectible hidden beneath the ceiling. Boba Fett is the best character for this task since he can reach it with the help of just one block.

Below Deck

  1. Collectible: Puzzle – Kyber Brick

You can find this brick on a wooden platform, locked securely in a cage. To open it, you have to shoot the button hidden under the leaves. You’ll need a character with firearms to easily get rid of the plants and to shoot the right target.

Treasure in the Trunk

  1. Collectible: Puzzle – Kyber Brick

You need a Bounty Hunter to get this brick. Use their weapon to destroy the golden brick that is blocking access to the collectible.

Treetop Traversal

  1. Collectible: Puzzle – Kyber Brick

This Kyber brick is on a small wooden platform. You’ll need to make some precise jumps on the white, moving platforms to reach it.

Climb, Climb and Climb Some More

  1. Collectible: Puzzle – Kyber Brick

It’s best to get this brick just after completing the Treetop Traversal. From the wooden platform, jump to the first vine, then on the next one, and finally onto the ladder. Boba Fett or a Scavenger with a glider is ideal for this task.

Beach Button Blitz

  1. Collectible: Puzzle – Kyber Brick

To get this brick, you’ll need to solve a quick puzzle. You have to activate all 12 buttons in 20 seconds to open the cage that is blocking access to the Kyber brick.

Be careful, as the character that’s following you might accidentally step on the button. You can repeat the whole process as many times as necessary until you succeed.

Pull-up Challenge

  1. Collectible: Puzzle – Kyber Brick

To obtain this brick, you must have a character with a grappling hook – either an Astromech Droid or a Bounty Hunter. Simply grab onto the orange bar, leap onto the pipes, and the brick will be within reach.

Welcome to Kachirho!

  1. Collectible: Puzzle – Kyber Brick

This collectible is on a metal tower. To reach it, leap onto the rope on the left side of the platform, then jump to the brick. Boba Fett or a Scavenger with a glider will be ideal for this task.

Pipe Prize

  1. Collectible: Puzzle – Kyber Brick

You’ll need two characters to obtain this Kyber brick. One must be a Scavenger with a Net Launcher. For more information about Scavengers, see a separate page of the guide. The Scavenger has only 4 nets at their disposal, but to reach the top, you’ll need 6 of them. To accomplish this, use one character to climb the current nets. When they encounter a gap, switch between the characters and use the Scavenger to launch a net in the empty spot. This method will enable you to reach the top.

Wroshyr Range

  1. Collectible: Puzzle – Kyber Brick

To unlock the cage containing this brick, you must shoot the 4 red and white targets. A character with fast firearms, such as a Bounty Hunter or a Scoundrel, will be ideal for this task. You have 30 seconds to destroy the targets, which can all be found on the walls surrounding the tree.

Crate Clamber

  1. Collectible: Puzzle – Kyber Brick

This Kyber brick is located on top of the wooden platforms. To reach it, climb up and use the various bricks or vines. A character with a grappling hook, such as a Bounty Hunter, works best here, as they can grab onto the beams if something goes wrong.

Twirl Around the Trunk

  1. Collectible: Puzzle – Kyber Brick

The final Kyber brick is on the wooden platform. To reach it, you need a skillful character who can easily jump over the bars. A bounty hunter, scoundrel, scavenger, or Jedi will do well in this role.


What is Kachirho in LEGO Skywalker Saga?

Kachirho is a location in LEGO Skywalker Saga, based on the planet Kashyyyk from the Star Wars universe. It is a Wookiee village that is featured in the game and is known for its treehouses and platforms that are built among the branches of giant trees. In the game, players will need to explore Kachirho to complete various missions and puzzles, as well as to interact with its inhabitants. The location is also notable for its natural beauty and the unique architecture of the Wookiees, which has been recreated in stunning detail in the game.

What are the puzzles in Kachirho in LEGO Skywalker Saga?

Kachirho in LEGO Skywalker Saga is filled with puzzles that players need to solve in order to progress through the game. These puzzles range from simple platforming challenges to more complex puzzles that require players to use their logic and problem-solving skills. Some of the puzzles in Kachirho involve manipulating objects in the environment, while others require players to interact with the Wookiee inhabitants to gather information or items. Some of the puzzles in Kachirho are optional, but completing them can often lead to rewards such as collectibles or upgrades for the player’s characters. Overall, Kachirho is a fun and challenging location in LEGO Skywalker Saga that offers a variety of puzzles for players to enjoy.

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