LEGO Skywalker Saga: Darth Sidious (Emperor Palpatine) – how to beat the boss?

This page of the LEGO Skywalker Saga guide provides a detailed guide on how to defeat the boss, Darth Sidious (Emperor Palpatine), from Episode 3 (Revenge of the Sith).

Here, you will find a complete walkthrough of the boss battle against Darth Sidious, also known as Emperor Palpatine. This battle takes place during the Senate Showdown level in Episode 3 (Revenge of the Sith). You will learn how to avoid the Emperor’s lightning bolts, how to drain his health bars, and how to reach the flying platforms.

  • Darth Sidious boss arena
  • Phase one – round hall
  • Phase two – flying platforms

Darth Sidious boss arena

Darth Sidious, also known as Emperor Palpatine, is one of the major bosses in Episode 3 (Revenge of the Sith). You will start fighting him after reaching the Senate building and starting the Senate Showdown story mission.

Phase one – round hall

At the beginning of the battle with Darth Sidious, you have to defend yourself against his lightning attack while playing as Yoda. When the crosshair appears on the screen, point it at Palpatine to reflect and interrupt his attack.

During the fight, Palpatine will continue to use Force Lightning. You must:

  1. Avoid the red circles on the ground (example shown in picture 1) – they indicate where the boss’ lightning will strike after he charges it up. Minor enemies will be a nuisance, so try to get rid of them when they get close enough.
  2. Avoid the rotating lightning (example shown in picture 2) – double jump over the lightning bolts and wait for the attack to stop. If you’re feeling daring, you can block the lightning and reflect it, which completes the Return to Senator challenge.

Darth Sidious needs to recover for a while after using the lightning spin. Take advantage of this and attack him while he’s winded.

A more conventional phase of the fight will start, during which you must evade his powerful attacks signaled with red lines and circles.

After draining his first health bar out of four, Sidious will pull you closer – struggle against him using the Force. As usual, you must quickly mash the buttons displayed on the screen.

Phase two – flying platforms

During phase two, the arena will change. Start by jumping onto the adjacent platform where Sidious is. You can start attacking him right away. Keep dodging his attacks but be careful – the platform is small and it’s easy to fall off.

After losing his second health bar, Sidious will flee to a different, distant platform. There are two paths you can take to reach him – left and right, both having soldiers on them. It doesn’t matter which path you choose, you’ll have to do the same thing either way. Defeat the boss’ troops, build a button, stand on it as Yoda, and ask Typho to interact with the console (symbol mini-game).

To defeat Palpatine, players must reach his platform and engage in combat while avoiding his attacks. Once his health bar is depleted, players must then face his reinforcements before being pulled into a quick time event where they must press the displayed button rhythmically to overcome Sidious and end the battle. The process is repeated until the player successfully defeats the boss.


1. What are the best characters to use when facing Darth Sidious (Emperor Palpatine) in LEGO Skywalker Saga?

When taking on Darth Sidious, it is best to use characters with ranged attacks and high health. Characters like General Grievous, Boba Fett, and Jango Fett are great choices. Additionally, characters with the ability to deflect blaster fire, such as Jedi and Sith, can also be helpful in avoiding his attacks. It is also important to have characters with the ability to destroy gold LEGO objects, as this is necessary to damage him.

2. What are the phases of the Darth Sidious boss battle in LEGO Skywalker Saga?

The Darth Sidious boss battle consists of three phases. In the first phase, he will attack with his lightsaber and shoot lightning from his fingertips. Players must dodge his attacks and use characters with ranged attacks to damage him. In the second phase, he will become invincible and send out waves of shockwaves. Players must use characters with the ability to destroy gold LEGO objects to damage him. In the third and final phase, he will shoot lightning bolts at the player. Players must use characters with the ability to deflect blaster fire to avoid his attacks and then attack him with ranged attacks.

3. What are some tips for defeating Darth Sidious in LEGO Skywalker Saga?

One of the most important things to remember when facing Darth Sidious is to be patient. It can take a while to defeat him, and rushing can lead to mistakes and unnecessary damage. Players should also make sure to bring characters with ranged attacks and the ability to destroy gold LEGO objects. Finally, it can be helpful to have a character with the ability to heal, such as a Jedi or Sith, to keep the party healthy during the battle. By following these tips and being persistent, players can defeat Darth Sidious in LEGO Skywalker Saga.

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