Pull the Plug (Thicket Excavations)

How to start: Meet Sully Mathis in Thicket Excavations (M1,5).


  • Talk to Sully Mathis
  • Fix the pipes
  • Activate the pump

Meeting Sully Mathis

You can use persuasion to demand a bigger reward

Upon arriving at Thicket Excavations, seek out Sully Mathis near the central pool of water. Engage in conversation and either agree to help or use high Charisma to demand a larger reward – the maximum being 125 bottlecaps.

Fixing the Pipes

Your task is to repair three pipes, all located underwater in the irradiated pool. Before entering the water, consume Rad-X or wear radiation-resistant armor. Bubbles on the surface indicate the leaks, which are marked in the screenshot above.

One of the underwater valves

Repair the leaks in any order. Dive in near the bubbles, locate the damaged pipe, and turn the valve. Repeat for the remaining two valves, then return to Sully and activate the circuit breaker.

Activating the Pump

Eliminate the mirelurks

You can’t collect your reward yet, as several softshell mirelurks will appear. Defeat them and avoid injuring your ally. After the area is secure, you will receive your bottlecaps and complete the quest.

Rewards: Experience points, bottlecaps.


You have the option to eliminate Sully and other bandits

It takes approximately 24 in-game hours from the pump’s activation to drain the water. Return to explore the previously submerged area via the narrow metal balcony or elevator. Thugs with guard dogs will be present, including Sully, who will now be hostile. You can loot their bodies and containers for items, including Sully’s sniper rifle.


1. What is Pull the Plug mission in Thicket Excavations?

Pull the Plug is a mission that is part of the Fallout 4 game, set in the Thicket Excavations location. The objective of the mission is to drain the flooded quarry. The player is asked by Sully Mathis to help clear the water from the quarry so that he can resume his work. However, it is later revealed that Sully is actually a Raider who has been using the quarry to hoard a water supply, and the player must decide whether to help him or stop him.

2. How do you start the Pull the Plug mission in Thicket Excavations?

The Pull the Plug mission in Thicket Excavations can be started by talking to Sully Mathis, who can be found in the quarry. Sully will ask the player to help him clear the water from the quarry so that he can resume his work. Alternatively, the player may stumble upon the location and decide to investigate on their own.

3. What are the rewards for completing the Pull the Plug mission in Thicket Excavations?

Completing the Pull the Plug mission in Thicket Excavations will result in a number of rewards for the player. These include experience points, caps, and unique loot that can be found in the quarry. Additionally, the player may receive a reputation boost with certain factions depending on the choices they make during the mission.

4. What are some tips for completing the Pull the Plug mission in Thicket Excavations?

There are a few tips that may be useful for players attempting to complete the Pull the Plug mission in Thicket Excavations. Firstly, it is important to come prepared with weapons, ammunition, and healing items, as there will be enemies to fight in the quarry. Additionally, players may want to bring a companion along to help them in combat. It is also worth exploring the entire quarry to find all of the loot and complete any side objectives. Finally, players should consider their choices carefully, as they will have an impact on the outcome of the mission.

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