The Path to the Hidden City: Completing the Trials of the Jaguar and the Spider

This guide provides a step-by-step walkthrough for completing the Path to the Hidden City story mission, specifically the Trials of the Jaguar and the Spider, in Shadow of the Tomb Raider.

The Trials of the Jaguar and the Spider are two short and relatively easy challenges that Lara must complete in order to progress through the Path to the Hidden City mission. The Trial of the Jaguar requires Lara to swim through a flooded section of the ruins and defeat an eel, while the Trial of the Spider involves a short climb up a wall.

  • The Trial of the Jaguar
  • The Trial of the Spider

The Trial of the Jaguar

To begin the Trial of the Jaguar, jump down the destroyed stairs and swim towards the main tunnel. Watch out for the narrow gap that Lara will have to squeeze through, and defeat the attacking eel quickly. Then, swim to the next air pocket.

Continue exploring until you reach the narrow passage between the rocks. Squeeze through and swim to the surface.

The Trial of the Spider

The Trial of the Spider takes place in a new portion of the ruins. Approach the wall with the red silhouette and climb the higher shelf to begin the climb. Use the axe wall to reach the upper level, then squeeze through the narrow corridor.

In picture 1, use the grappling axe to perform a long jump and swing through the air. Catch a spot on the ceiling and swing on the rope to reach the hole above the red silhouette in picture 2. This will lead you to a separate location where you’ll face the Trial of the Eagle.


1. What is the Trial of the Jaguar and the Trial of the Spider?

The Trial of the Jaguar and the Trial of the Spider are two challenges that the player must overcome in the video game “Shadow of the Tomb Raider” in order to progress to the Hidden City. The Trial of the Jaguar involves navigating through a jungle filled with traps and jaguars, while the Trial of the Spider requires the player to climb a treacherous cliff face while avoiding deadly spiders.

2. How do I start the Trials?

To start the Trials, the player must first complete the main story mission “The Hidden City”. After completing this mission, the player will be directed to the Challenge Tomb, where they can start the Trials of the Jaguar and the Spider.

3. Are the Trials difficult?

The Trials can be quite challenging, especially for players who are new to the game or have not yet fully upgraded their skills and equipment. However, with practice and patience, most players should be able to complete the Trials and progress to the Hidden City.

4. What rewards do I get for completing the Trials?

Completing the Trials of the Jaguar and the Spider rewards the player with valuable resources and new skills. These rewards can help the player in their quest to uncover the secrets of the Hidden City and defeat the game’s final boss.

5. Can I replay the Trials after completing them?

Yes, the Trials can be replayed at any time from the main menu. In fact, replaying the Trials is a great way to practice your skills and earn additional rewards, such as experience points and crafting materials.

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