Dead by Daylight: Deathslinger – perks, abilities

On this page of the DBD guide, you can find information about the killer Deathslinger, including his abilities and perks. You will also find tips on how to play him effectively.

This page of the DBD guide provides detailed information about the Deathslinger, including his abilities and perks.

  • Basic information
  • Abilities and perks
  • Tips for playing Deathslinger
  • Sample build

Basic information

The Deathslinger is a skilled killer who attacks from a distance with great accuracy. One of his strengths is that each of his attacks is considered a basic attack.

  1. Name: Caleb Quinn
  2. Height: Tall
  3. Terror Radius: 32 meters
  4. Movement speed: 4.4 m/s
  5. Difficulty level: Difficult
  6. DLC: Yes

Abilities and perks

Deathslinger’s main ability is his harpoon gun, which he uses to shoot harpoons on a chain. If he hits a survivor, he can pull them towards him and attack.

Survivors can break free from the chain by using environmental elements, but they will still be injured and suffer from the Deep Wound status effect. However, they will not be in the Dying State.

Deathslinger has a moderately powerful set of perks.




Dead Man’s Switch

After hooking a Survivor, this perk activates for 20/25/30 seconds. During this time, if a Survivor stops repairing the generator, it will be blocked by the Entity.


Whenever a survivor completes a Great Skill Check while repairing, their aura is revealed for 6/8/10 seconds.

Hex: Retribution

Any survivor interacting with any totem will suffer from the ObliviousВ status effect for 35/40/45 seconds.

If any Hex Totem is destroyed, the auras of all survivors will be revealed for 15 seconds.

Tips for playing Deathslinger

Playing as Deathslinger is not difficult, as he has a crosshair that makes it easy to target survivors. His harpoon is also smaller than the Huntress’ axe and more accurate than Trickster’s blades, which allows him to shoot through small holes.

However, he needs to reload after each shot, which slows down his movement and wastes valuable time. Therefore, it’s important to aim carefully and make each shot count.

Sample build




Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance

At the beginning of the game, 4 Hex Hooks appear on the map. If you hook a Survivor on one of them, the generator with the higher progression will explode and lose 9/12/15% of repair progression.

The survivors who are working on the generator will shout, but their location won’t be revealed.

Dead Man’s Switch

Once you hook a survivor, the perk will activate for a duration of 20/25/30 seconds. If a survivor stops repairing the generator during this time, the Entity will block it.

Make Your Choice

If a survivor rescues someone from a hook at least 32 meters away from you, the perk will activate:

  1. The rescued survivor will scream and becomeВ ExposedВ for 40/50/60 seconds.
  2. The perk will have a cooldown of 40/50/60 seconds.

Devour Hope

You will receive a token when a survivor is rescued from a hook at least 24 meters away.

The perk has the following effects:

  1. 2 tokens: You will get a Haste status effect of 3/4/5% for 10 seconds after hooking a survivor.
  2. 3 tokens: Survivors will becomeВ Exposed.
  3. 5 tokens: You will be able to kill survivors.

The perk will deactivate when the Hex Totem is destroyed.


What are the perks of Deathslinger in Dead by Daylight?

Deathslinger, one of the killers in Dead by Daylight, has three unique perks:

  • Dead Man’s Switch: After hooking a survivor, any survivor that interacts with a generator within a certain range will suffer from the Exposed status effect for a short period of time. This can be useful in forcing survivors to stay away from generators and focus on saving their teammates.
  • Gearhead: Every time a generator is repaired fully, Gearhead activates and reveals the aura of all survivors who are within a certain range of the completed generator for a short period of time. This can be helpful in finding survivors and predicting their movements.
  • Hex: Retribution: When a survivor cleanses a dull totem, the killer’s aura is revealed to the survivor for a short period of time. If the killer downs the survivor who cleansed the totem while Hex: Retribution is active, all other survivors’ auras are revealed to the killer for a short period of time. This can be useful in punishing survivors who focus on cleansing totems instead of repairing generators.

What are the powers of Deathslinger in Dead by Daylight?

Deathslinger’s power is called The Redeemer, which is a modified rifle that he uses to shoot survivors. When aiming with The Redeemer, Deathslinger moves slower and cannot attack or interact with objects. Once he fires, a harpoon will shoot out and grab any survivor within its range. If a survivor is hit by the harpoon, they will be pulled towards Deathslinger and suffer from the Hindered status effect, which slows down their movement speed. If the survivor is pulled all the way to Deathslinger, he can then attack them with his melee weapon. The Redeemer has a limited range and takes time to reload, so it requires precise aiming and timing to be effective.

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