Dead by Daylight: How to Repair and Regress Generators

In this guide for Dead by Daylight, we will focus on the game’s most crucial element: generators. We will provide tips on how to repair them as a survivor and how to regress them as a killer.

Generators are the core of the game, and survivors must repair five of them to power the exit gate and escape the trial, while the killer’s objective is to prevent them from doing so.

  • Generator Locations
  • Repairing Generators (Survivors)
  • Regressing Generators (Killers)

Generator Locations

Every map in Dead by Daylight has seven generators, which are visible to killers from the very beginning of the game. They are highlighted in red by default, but some perks can change their color to signify different situations. Survivors, on the other hand, need to locate them on their own. Although the locations are not fixed, each realm has a single generator that remains in the same location between matches. Usually, it is situated in the main building at the center of the map.

However, some maps have several buildings or completely inaccessible ones, and even they have a fixed generator location. These locations are:

  1. Lampkin Lane – Myers’ House (the one with a pumpkin on the porch);
  2. LГ©ry’s Memorial Institute – the huge round hall in the center of the map;
  3. Gideon Meat Plant – the bathroom on the lower floor, where the first Saw movie took place;
  4. Raccoon City Police Station – the generator is always in the main hall, regardless of the wing;
  5. Midwich Elementary School – the courtyard in the center of the map.

Other generators can be found by searching around the killer’s shack, hills, or small mazes. Look out for lantern poles as they signal the generator’s status – if they glow steadily, it means the machine has been repaired.

On closed maps, contextual clues can help locate them:

  1. LГ©ry’s Memorial Institute – illuminating toilet plaques when moving through corridors if there’s a generator in the room next to them;
  1. Raccoon City Police Station – a lit light bulb above each room’s entrance indicates the presence of a generator inside;
  1. Gideon Meat Plant – near the massive steel doors.

Several perks allow players to see the generator’s auras, making the search easier:

  1. DГ©jГ  Vu – at the start of the Trial and each time a generator is completed, this perk reveals the auras of the three closest generators for 30/45/60 seconds. When active, it also increases repair speed on marked generators by 5%.
  2. Clairvoyance – after cleansing a Totem, hold down the Ability button to reveal the auras of exit gates, generators, hooks, chests, and the hatch within 64 metres for 8/9/10 seconds.
  3. Detective’s Hunch – after completing a generator, the auras of generators, chests, and totems within 32/48/64 metres are revealed for 10 seconds.
  4. Rookie Spirit – complete 5/4/3 skill checks while repairing generators to activate this perk for the duration of the Trial. It reveals the auras of every regressing generator.
  5. Visionary – shows the auras of generators within 32 metres. Completing a generator disables the perk for 20/18/16 seconds.

If you don’t want to use perk slots, you can take a map with you instead. Even a green map can reveal the auras of generators within a specific radius.

Generator Repair (Survivors)

As mentioned earlier, the goal of survivors is to repair five out of the seven generators. The process involves holding down the repair button while near the generator.

Watch out for skill checks that may appear while repairing.

It takes 90 charges to complete a generator, which takes 90 seconds if done alone without any perks or toolboxes.

Working on a generator with others imposes a penalty on each survivor. For each additional survivor, repair speed drops by 15%, but it is still faster than repairing alone. Here’s the breakdown:

  1. 1 survivor: 100% efficiency;
  2. 2 survivors: 85% efficiency;
  3. 3 survivors: 70% efficiency;
  4. 4 survivors: 55% efficiency.

Despite the penalty, it is still beneficial to repair generators as a group. For example, if two survivors are repairing a generator, their combined efficiency is 170%, completing the generator in only 53 seconds.

The Prove Thyself perk can eliminate the penalty entirely.

There are also various perks that can speed up the repair process:

In order to speed up the process of repairing generators, survivors can make use of various perks. The Fast Track perk allows survivors to accumulate tokens when another survivor is hooked, which can then be used to increase generator repair progress. The Overzealous perk grants a speed boost to generator repair if a Totem is cleansed, while the Hyperfocus perk increases skill check rotation speed and the chance of triggering a skill check. The Resilience perk increases the speed of actions while injured, and the Sole Survivor perk grants tokens for each successfully sacrificed survivor, which can be used to increase the radius within which the killer can’t see the survivor’s aura. This perk also increases generator repair speed and hatch/gate opening speed if the survivor is the last one standing.

Although Sole Survivor is not useful for most of the game, it can be effective in the endgame if the survivor outlives all allies. For more information on quick generator repair, refer to the survivor builds chapter.

For the killer, the objective is to eliminate all survivors before they can repair the generators. Kicking the generator can slow down the repair progress, but the regression is slow and can be stopped by a survivor interacting with the generator. Regressing generators emit sparks, which can be used to gain information about the survivor’s location. There are also a number of perks that can be used to slow down generator repair.

The following are descriptions of various perks available to players in the game Dead by Daylight:

1. Dead Man’s Switch – If a survivor is hooked while this perk is active, it lasts for 20/25/30 seconds. If another survivor stops repairing a generator during this time, the generator will be inaccessible until the perk expires.

2. Corrupt Intervention – At the beginning of the game, the three generators farthest from the killer are blocked for 80/100/120 seconds. If a survivor is put in the dying state, the perk deactivates prematurely.

3. Pop Goes the Weasel – If a survivor is hooked while this perk is active, it lasts for 35/40/45 seconds. The first generator the killer kicks during this time will regress by 20% of its current progress.

4. Eruption – If a generator is kicked, it will have a yellow aura. If a survivor is put in the dying state, all yellow generators will explode and immediately regress by 10% of their progress. Any survivor repairing a generator during this time will become incapacitated for 15/20/25 seconds.

5. Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance – At the beginning of the game, four random hooks become Scourge Hooks. If a survivor is hooked on one of them, the generator with the highest progression will explode and lose 9/12/15% of its repair progression. The survivors working on the generator will scream, but their position will not be revealed.

6. Hex: Ruin – At the beginning of the game, one of the totems will be cursed. While the perk is active, any generator not currently being worked on by a survivor will slowly regress at 50/75/100% normal regression speed. The effect lasts until the killer sacrifices their first survivor or the cursed totem is destroyed.

7. Oppression – If a generator is kicked, three different generators will start regressing as well. Survivors working on this generator will also have to face difficult skill checks. This perk has a cooldown of 120/100/80 seconds.

8. Grim Embrace – Each time a survivor is hooked for the first time, the killer receives a token. Once four tokens are collected, the Entity will block all generators for 30/35/40 seconds. The aura of the Obsession will also be revealed for 5 seconds.

9. Overcharge – If a generator is kicked, the first survivor who starts repairing it will face a difficult skill check. If they miss the skill check, the generator will regress by an additional 4%. Overcharged generators’ regression speed will increase from 75% to 200% for 30 seconds.

10. Dragon’s Grip – If a generator is kicked, this perk will last for 30 seconds. The first survivor to touch the generator will scream and their aura will be visible for 4 seconds. This also inflicts an Exposed status effect on them for 60 seconds. This perk has a cooldown of 120/100/80 seconds.

11. Jolt – If a survivor is put in the dying state, every generator within 32 meters will explode and lose 6/7/8% repair progress.

12. Deadlock – If a generator is completed, the Entity will block the generator with the most progression for 20/25/30 seconds.


What are generators in Dead by Daylight?

Generators are the key objectives for survivors in Dead by Daylight. They are scattered throughout the map and must be repaired in order to power up the exit gates and escape from the killer. Survivors must work together to repair generators as quickly as possible while avoiding the killer’s attacks.

How do you repair a generator in Dead by Daylight?

To repair a generator, survivors must approach it and hold down the interaction button. This will initiate a quick-time event where the survivor must hit a series of skill checks to repair the generator. Once all the skill checks have been successfully completed, the generator will be repaired and will start to emit a sound.

What is generator regression in Dead by Daylight?

Generator regression is a mechanic in Dead by Daylight where partially repaired generators will slowly start to lose progress if the survivor working on it stops repairing it or gets interrupted by the killer. This means that survivors must work quickly and efficiently to repair generators without stopping or getting caught by the killer.

How can you prevent generator regression in Dead by Daylight?

Survivors can prevent generator regression in Dead by Daylight by using certain perks and abilities that reduce the regression penalty or by having multiple survivors working on the same generator at the same time. Additionally, survivors can also use toolboxes to repair generators faster and reduce the chance of regression.

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