Life is Strange: Chrysalis, Chapter 2

This particular page in our Life is Strange guide is dedicated to the second chapter of the Chrysalis episode. Here, we’ve detailed the actions that are required outside the school. This chapter offers an opportunity to earn the Wide Angles and Telephotogenic trophies.

The story moves forward as Max leaves Blackwell Academy. Follow our walkthrough for Chapter 2 Episode 1 of Life Is Strange:

Take some time to explore the surroundings. You can talk to your peers and the teacher. In the center of the area, there’s a statue. You can snap a picture of it and add it to your journal.

The teacher is the first person you’ll interact with. She’ll have a petition against surveillance. You can sign it or not. Your decision will have an impact on your future actions.

While talking to Brooke, you can get closer to her by inquiring about her drone. You’ll need to select the correct answer, “That’s a HiFly Drone,” to fly it and get in touch with her. This option will only be available after you’ve gathered information about it. If you spoke with Brooke before getting the information, you’ll need to rewind time.

After speaking with Brooke, head over to Justin. You can gain more information about him during your conversation. Rewinding time and speaking to him again is enough to get closer to him. “I came to Noseslide” is the correct answer. When Justin asks which trick you want his friend to perform, you can choose any answer.

Note! If you want to take all the required photos for your journal, select “Tre Flip.” Justin’s friend will perform a trick, fall, and then you can take a photo of him.

The next person you need to get to know is Daniel. You can let him draw a picture, which he’ll later post on his website or not. This choice will have an impact on the future.

After speaking with Daniel, head over to Hayden. To get closer to him and access his portfolio, answer his question. The correct response is “Robert Capa.” After some exploration and brief conversations, head to the dormitory.


What is Life is Strange: Chrysalis, Chapter 2?

Life is Strange: Chrysalis, Chapter 2 is the second episode of an episodic graphic adventure video game called Life is Strange. The game is developed by Dontnod Entertainment and published by Square Enix. In this episode, the player continues to control the protagonist Maxine Caulfield, a high school student who discovers that she has the ability to rewind time. The story continues to explore the themes of friendship, love, and loss, as Maxine tries to unravel the mystery surrounding the disappearance of a fellow student.

What are some new features in Life is Strange: Chrysalis, Chapter 2?

Life is Strange: Chrysalis, Chapter 2 introduces new gameplay mechanics such as the ability to manipulate time, which allows the player to rewind and alter certain events. The episode also features new characters and locations, such as the local diner and a nearby junkyard. One of the major additions to the game is the introduction of a new character named Chloe, who has a history with Maxine and becomes an important ally in the investigation of the missing student. The episode also introduces new choices and consequences that affect the outcome of the story.

What is the reception of Life is Strange: Chrysalis, Chapter 2?

Life is Strange: Chrysalis, Chapter 2 received positive reviews from critics and players alike. The episode was praised for its storytelling, characters, and atmosphere. The ability to manipulate time was also a highlight, as it added a unique and interesting gameplay mechanic. Many players also appreciated the game’s focus on choices and consequences, as it allowed them to shape the story and characters according to their own preferences. Overall, Life is Strange: Chrysalis, Chapter 2 is considered a successful continuation of the series, and fans eagerly awaited the release of the next episode.

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