Map of Watcher’s Pass

How to unlock it: Find the map in Watcher’s Reach

Quest giver: – (M17,5)

The map is located in the refugee cave

When you arrive at Watcher’s Reach, search for a small cabin where you will find the map lying on the ground (M17,5). Pick it up and head towards the rift (M17,5a). On the big, sloping stone lies a buried treasure containing a legendary item.

Rewards for completing the quest:

  • Experience (small amount)
  • 80 Influence points


What is Watcher’s Pass Map?

Watcher’s Pass Map is a location in the game Path of Exile. It is a narrow mountain pass that serves as a connection between two different zones in the game. It is also the location of the entrance to the Labyrinth, which is a major end-game dungeon in the game. Players have to fight their way through various monsters to reach the end of the Labyrinth and face the final boss. The Watcher’s Pass Map is a popular location for players to farm for loot and experience because of the challenging enemies and the potential rewards.

How do I get to Watcher’s Pass Map?

To get to Watcher’s Pass Map, players have to progress through the main storyline of the game until they reach Act 3. Once they reach Act 3, they will have to complete a series of quests that will eventually lead them to the entrance of the Labyrinth, which is located in Watcher’s Pass Map. Players will have to defeat the final boss of the Labyrinth to progress to the next act of the game. After completing the Labyrinth once, players can also use a special item called a Map Device to enter the Labyrinth through Watcher’s Pass Map without having to complete the quests again.

What are some tips for navigating Watcher’s Pass Map?

Watcher’s Pass Map can be a challenging location to navigate because of its narrow paths and tough enemies. Here are some tips to help players navigate through Watcher’s Pass Map:

  • Take your time and avoid rushing through the area.
  • Be prepared for tough enemies and bring appropriate gear and skills.
  • Pay attention to the layout of the area and try to memorize the paths.
  • Use the environment to your advantage, such as hiding behind cover or using traps to defeat enemies.
  • Bring a good supply of healing potions and use them strategically during fights.

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