
Crucial Personalities and Sites | Exalted Plains

Essential Locations and Personalities in M18 Exalted Plains – Dragon Age: Inquisition

Noteworthy Personalities


Dragon Nests

Campsites, Forts, Towns, and Cities

Quick Travel Points, Gateways to Dungeons, and Separate Sites


Others (flags, landmarks, etc.)

Others (flags, landmarks, etc.)

P пїЅ Landmark

Operation Flag 1

Operation Flag 2

Quick Travel Points, Gateways to Dungeons, and Separate Sites

1 пїЅ Cave Entrances/Exits.

2 пїЅ Locked Door

Noteworthy Personalities

1 – Corporal Rosselin

2 – Olafin

3 – Hawen

4 пїЅ Loranil

5 пїЅ NIssa

6 – Emallen

7 – Ithiren

8 – Proulx

9 – Meursault

10 – Jehan


1 пїЅ Merchant – This character specializes in selling staffs, armors, upgrades, crafting materials and schematics.

Dragon Nests

1 – Dragon Nest пїЅ Gamordan Stormrider – lvl 15

The map shown above displays all crucial personalities and sites in the Exalted Plains. Here, you will come across a surprising number of NPCs with whom you can converse. The largest group is located in the southern camp on the map (where you also meet a trader). As for the main sites, be sure to explore the underground ones thoroughly. Additionally, as usual, you can find logging stands, campsites, and landmarks.


What are the important characters in Exalted Plains?

One of the important characters in Exalted Plains is the Avvar leader, Movran the Under. He is the leader of the Avvar tribe and is known for his ferocity in battle. Another important character is the elven mage, Briala. She is an expert in magical arts and plays a crucial role in the politics of Orlais. Finally, there is the undead general, Calpernia. She is a powerful necromancer and a key figure in the war between the Templars and mages.

What are the important locations in Exalted Plains?

There are several important locations in Exalted Plains. One of them is the Lost Temple of Dirthamen, which is an ancient elven temple that is said to hold great power. Another important location is the Griffon Keep, which is a fortress that is home to the Griffin Order. It is a strategic location that is often fought over by various factions. Finally, there is the Village of Crestwood, which is a small village that is home to a group of refugees who are trying to survive in the midst of the war.

How do the important characters and locations in Exalted Plains affect the gameplay?

The important characters and locations in Exalted Plains have a significant impact on the gameplay. They provide players with quests, objectives, and challenges that must be overcome in order to progress through the game. For example, players must interact with Briala in order to gain access to the elven ruins, which is a key location in the game. Additionally, players must fight their way through the Griffon Keep in order to gain access to the temple. The characters and locations in Exalted Plains also provide players with unique items and rewards that can be used to enhance their abilities and equipment.

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