
Dead by Daylight: Huntress – abilities, advantages

This part of the DBD manual provides information about the killer known as the Huntress. Here you will discover her abilities and advantages, as well as tips on how to play as her.

Within this guide, you will find a detailed description of the Huntress, including her unique skills and perks.

  • Essential knowledge
  • Abilities and perks
  • Playing as the Huntress
  • Sample build

Essential knowledge

The Huntress is the ultimate killer for ranged combat. She can cause damage from afar, making her a formidable opponent.

  1. Name: Anna,
  2. Height: Tall,
  3. Terror Radius: 20 meters,
  4. LullabyВ Radius: 45 meters,
  5. Movement speed: 4.4 m/s,
  6. Difficulty level: Moderate,
  7. DLC: None, available in the basic version of the game.

Abilities and perks

The Huntress has a simple yet effective power: she has five axes that she can throw at survivors, which cause damage upon impact. Axes can be restocked from lockers.

The main challenge when playing as the Huntress is the absence of a crosshair, which means you must aim by eye. The axes will automatically fly towards the center of the screen, where the target should be.




Beast of Prey

When the BloodlustВ status effect is triggered, this perk grants:

  1. TheВ UndetectableВ status effectВ for as long asВ BloodlustВ is active.
  2. A 30/40/50% bonus to blood points for actions in the Hunter category.

Territorial Imperative

Reveals the aura of a survivor entering the basement when you are at least 32 meters away, for 3 seconds.

Cooldown time: 30/25/20 seconds.

Hex: Huntress Lullaby

Survivors receive a 2/4/6% penalty to regression toВ Failed Skill Checks for repair and healing actions.

Each time you hook a survivor, you gain a token. The effects of this perk increase with each token:

  1. 1 token: reduces the time between the Warning sound and the skill Check by 14%.
  2. 2 tokens: reduces the time between the Warning sound and the skill Check by 28%.
  3. 3 tokens: reduces the time between the Warning sound and the skill Check by 42%.
  4. 4 tokens: reduces the time between the Warning sound and the skill Check by 56%.
  5. 5 tokens: turns off the Warning sound.

Playing as the Huntress

The Huntress is one of the few killers who can deal damage from a distance. Using her axes, she can catch survivors off guard. Additionally, she has the ability to break low loops by throwing axes over obstacles – just aim slightly higher than usual.

The ideal moments to strike are when the survivor drops a pallet or jumps through a window, as they are unable to dodge or turn for a short period of time.

It’s important to note that if a survivor is running in a straight line without obstacles, they can easily avoid your attack.

As a long-range killer, the Huntress has a slower movement speed which can make it difficult to control the situation in the early stages of the game, especially on larger maps.

Recommended Build




Scourge Hook: Floods of Rage

At the start of the trial, 4 random hooks are highlighted in white. Whenever a survivor is taken off one of these hooks, the auras of all other survivors are revealed for 5/6/7 seconds.

Darkness Revealed

When you search a locker, the auras of all survivors within 8 meters of any locker are revealed for 3/4/5 seconds. The perk has a 3-second cooldown.

No Way Out

You receive 1 token for each survivor you hang on a hook for the first time. The perk activates when the exit gates are powered. When a survivor interacts with the exit gate switch, you receive a notification and the Entity blocks both exits for 12 seconds, plus an additional 6/9/12 seconds for each token held, up to a total maximum of 36/48/60 seconds.


Repairing a generator causes the Entity to block the generator with the most progression for 20/25/30 seconds.


What are the perks of playing as the Huntress in Dead by Daylight?

The Huntress in Dead by Daylight has three unique perks that players can take advantage of. The first is called Beast of Prey, which makes it so that the Huntress gains no terror radius for as long as the player remains in a chase. This can be useful for ambushing survivors who think they’re safe. The second perk is called Territorial Imperative, which allows the player to see the auras of any survivor who enters a certain area around a hooked survivor. This can be useful for keeping track of survivors who are attempting to rescue their teammate. The third and final perk is called Huntress Lullaby, which causes skill checks to be more difficult for survivors as the number of hooked survivors increases. This can make it much harder for survivors to repair generators and escape.

What are the Huntress’ powers in Dead by Daylight?

The Huntress in Dead by Daylight has two unique powers that players can use to their advantage. The first is her ability to throw hatchets at survivors from a distance. This can be useful for injuring survivors who are attempting to escape or for breaking pallets and windows. The second power is her ability to hum a lullaby that can put survivors to sleep and reveal their auras to the player. This can be useful for tracking survivors who are attempting to hide or for ambushing survivors who think they’re safe.

How can players effectively use the Huntress in Dead by Daylight?

Players can effectively use the Huntress in Dead by Daylight by taking advantage of her unique perks and powers. One effective strategy is to use the Beast of Prey perk to ambush survivors who think they’re safe. Another effective strategy is to use the Territorial Imperative perk to keep track of survivors who are attempting to rescue their teammates. Players can also use the Huntress’ hatchet throwing ability to injure survivors from a distance and break pallets and windows. Finally, players can use the Huntress’ lullaby ability to track survivors who are attempting to hide and ambush them when they least expect it.

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