The Tomb of Fairel

How to Unlock: Meet with Lace Harding.

Quest Giver: Lace Harding (M16,1)

A sketch of one of the extra tombs.

This quest becomes available after arriving at the Hissing Wastes for the first time and speaking with Lace Harding (M16,1). The protagonist will learn about a dwarven tomb and receive a Sketch of Four Pillar Tomb, which contains clues on where to find one of the five additional tombs. Visiting these smaller tombs will be necessary to search for keys to the Tomb of Fairel. The order in which you visit the tombs doesn’t matter. You can find information on where to find them below.

One of the Braziers – you have to light them in the order in which the game requires.

The first of the five tombs is located in the southwest corner of the map, with a large square in front of it (M16,1b). To gain access to this tomb (and any other tombs), you must light the Braziers located nearby in the correct order. If you make a mistake, a couple of strong enemies will appear near the tomb, and you will have to defeat them and start over. The right order to light the Braziers is:

  • The one in the southern part of the square
  • The one in the eastern part
  • The one in the northern part
  • The one in the western part (the closest to the entrance)

Enter the tomb and reach the chamber with a large chest.

You can now begin exploring the first tomb. The most important thing is to find a large chest located in the main hall. Inside the chest, you will find a few very valuable items and a Key Fragment (one of five).

Go down the stairs to the tomb.

The second tomb is located near a cultist camp in the central part of the wasters (M16,1e). While you could try to sneak past them, it is best to eliminate them as they are connected to the “Sand and Ruin” quest. After the battle, search the area on the surface and find the stairs leading down. Enter the main hall and find another book.

Just like before, you must interact with the Braziers in the correct order to prevent enemies from spawning. The correct order is marked on the screen above (start from 1 and end on 4). After lighting all the Braziers, go to the last chamber of the tomb and open the large chest to find the next Key Fragment.

The entrance to the third tomb.

The third tomb is located at the bottom of the canyon west of where you found the second tomb (M16,1g). Use a mount to safely get to the bottom, as there are Poison Spiders around and inside the tomb that can poison you and your team members.

The third, fourth, and fifth tombs can be found on the eastern part of the map and the northern part of the Wastes. The third tomb requires the player to light the Braziers in the correct order, as marked in the picture. Once all the Braziers are lit, the player can collect the third Key Fragment from the chest. In the fourth tomb, the player must find a hole in the ground and use ladders to reach the bottom. The Braziers in the hall must be lit in the right order before collecting the fourth Key Fragment from the chest. The fifth tomb is located near a camp in the northern part of the Wastes, and the player must be cautious of Poison Spiders near the entrance. After lighting the Braziers in the main hall in the correct order, the player can collect the fifth Key Fragment from the chest. The Tomb of Fairel is located in the eastern part of the Wastes, and the player must use the key to enter. The player can explore the whole tomb and collect the treasures from the large chest. Fighting the dragon (Sandy Howler) is not necessary to complete the quest. The rewards for completing the quest include a lot of experience, 2000 Inquisition influence, and 3 Inquisition power.


What is the Tomb of Fairel?

The Tomb of Fairel is a mysterious and ancient burial site located in the deserts of Egypt. It is believed to have been built over 2,000 years ago and is shrouded in legends and myths. The tomb is said to contain the remains of a powerful sorcerer named Fairel, who was known for his incredible magical abilities. It is said that Fairel was buried with all of his magical artifacts and treasures, which are still hidden within the tomb to this day.

Has anyone ever found the Tomb of Fairel?

Despite numerous attempts over the centuries, no one has ever definitively found the Tomb of Fairel. Many explorers and archaeologists have searched for the tomb, but it remains one of the most elusive and mysterious sites in all of Egypt. Some believe that the tomb is protected by powerful magical spells that prevent anyone from finding it, while others believe that the tomb is simply too well-hidden in the vast desert expanse of Egypt.

What kind of treasures might be found in the Tomb of Fairel?

Legend has it that the Tomb of Fairel is filled with incredible treasures and magical artifacts. It is said that Fairel was one of the most powerful sorcerers in all of Egypt, and that he amassed a great fortune during his lifetime. Some believe that the tomb contains powerful magical relics that could change the course of history, while others believe that it contains vast amounts of gold and other precious metals. Whatever may be inside the tomb, it is certain that it would be one of the greatest archaeological discoveries of all time if it were ever found.

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