Elex 2: Miners for Scrappy (Tavar) – Walkthrough

This page of the Elex 2 guide provides a detailed description of the Miners for Scrappy mission that becomes available after completing the Gas in the Mine quest.

This mission involves hanging leaflets in three different locations – near Chloe’s bar, at the Fort’s entrance, and on Thorhild’s farm. The first two locations are easy to access, but you’ll encounter some obstacles while trying to hang the leaflet on Thorhild’s farm.

  • Hanging leaflets
  • The leaflet on Thorhild’s farm

Hanging leaflets

To hang the leaflets in the first two locations, simply interact with the notice board. However, on Thorhild’s farm, you’ll be stopped by a guard who will prevent you from doing so.

The leaflet on Thorhild’s farm

To hang the leaflet on Thorhild’s farm, you have two options: either hang the leaflet without permission and damage your relationship with Thorhild, or convince her to allow you to hang it. You can persuade her by paying 1000 Elexit Crystals or by using your Intelligence (if it’s at least 20) to convince her. Once you’ve hung all the leaflets, return to Scrappy to complete the Miners for Scrappy mission in Elex 2.


1. What is Elex 2: Miners for Scrappy (Tavar)?

Elex 2: Miners for Scrappy (Tavar) is an open-world video game developed by Piranha Bytes and published by THQ Nordic. It is a part of the Elex series, which takes place in a post-apocalyptic world where factions fight for control of the remaining resources. In this game, players take on the role of a protagonist who must navigate through various challenges and make choices that affect the game’s outcome.

2. How do I start playing Elex 2: Miners for Scrappy (Tavar)?

To start playing Elex 2: Miners for Scrappy (Tavar), you need to have a compatible gaming platform like PlayStation 4, Xbox One, or PC. You can purchase the game from online retailers or gaming stores. After installing the game, you can select your difficulty level and start playing. The game features a tutorial that will help you get familiar with the game’s mechanics and controls.

3. What are some tips for playing Elex 2: Miners for Scrappy (Tavar)?

One tip for playing Elex 2: Miners for Scrappy (Tavar) is to explore the game’s world thoroughly. The game features a vast open world with numerous locations to visit, quests to complete, and resources to collect. Additionally, it would help if you made strategic choices when it comes to factions and alliances. The game features multiple factions with varying goals and ideologies, and your choices can affect the game’s outcome.

4. How long does it take to complete Elex 2: Miners for Scrappy (Tavar)?

The length of time it takes to complete Elex 2: Miners for Scrappy (Tavar) depends on several factors, such as your play style, difficulty level, and how thoroughly you explore the game’s world. On average, the game can take anywhere from 30 to 50 hours to complete. However, if you choose to complete side quests and explore the game’s world more, it can take much longer to finish the game.

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