Far Cry 6: How to Take Down Enemy Helicopters

This guide provides instructions on how to neutralize and destroy enemy helicopters in Far Cry 6. You will learn about different methods to shoot down or force a helicopter to land using an EMP charge.

The following tips will help you to deal with enemy helicopters that you will encounter in the game. We have included separate methods to shoot down the helicopters and force them to land.

  • When do helicopters appear?
  • Method 1 – Using a rocket launcher
  • Method 2 – Using stationary machine guns
  • Method 3 – Sabotaging a helicopter with the Volta Supremo
  • Method 4 – Using a sniper rifle

When Do Helicopters Appear?

You can encounter enemy helicopters in the following ways:

  1. When you alert an area, an enemy may get into a helicopter and start flying it. Prevent this by killing the enemy before they get into the helicopter.
  2. In high-level regions, helicopters may patrol an area. Look out for the helicopter icon on your radar and avoid staying in the open if you don’t want to fight it.
  3. During missions, you may be attacked by helicopters. They can appear in both main operations and side quests. Avoiding confrontation may be difficult or impossible.

Method 1 – Using a Rocket Launcher

Use rocket launchers to shoot down enemy helicopters. Learn how to get them by reading the “Rocket Launcher – How to Get?” page. For example, you can find a unique La Guaracha launcher in Segunda in the southern part of the Valle De Oro region.

Try to use the launchers when the helicopter hasn’t spotted you yet. Otherwise, the pilot may start dodging the missiles. Fortunately, pilots don’t use this trick all the time.

Method 2 – Using Stationary Machine Guns

In some locations, you may find stationary machine guns that are great at destroying helicopters. However, using them will make you immobile and exposed. Use them only to attack weaker helicopters.

Method 3 – Sabotaging a Helicopter with the Volta Supremo

This method requires the Volta Supremo, a backpack with a unique attack. You can purchase it from Juan’s stores or find it on Libertad Island for 100 units of Depleted Uranium. This rare resource can be found in large containers inside enemy bases.

One way to take down a helicopter in Far Cry New Dawn is by using the Volta’s special attack. This attack sends out an EMP pulse that paralyzes all devices in the area, including helicopter systems. To ensure the attack reaches the target, wait for the helicopter to fly closer before using it.

Once hit, the helicopter can crash to the ground depending on its altitude and energy level. This will either result in the enemies fleeing or the helicopter exploding. Even if the crew survives the explosion, they are easier to defeat than the machine itself.

Method 4 – Sniper Rifle

Another method to take down a helicopter is to use a sniper rifle, but it’s riskier and works better for smaller helicopters. This method also has a higher chance of success if the enemy machine hasn’t spotted you. Equip yourself with a sniper rifle and a good scope and find a vantage point from which you can see the area well.

Aim for the helicopter pilot’s head and shoot. The better the scope, the greater the zoom, and remember to hold your breath for a better aim. If the pilot is killed, the helicopter will crash.


1. What are the best ways to destroy helicopters in Far Cry 6?

There are several ways to take down helicopters in Far Cry 6. One of the easiest ways is to use a rocket launcher or grenade launcher. These weapons deal a lot of damage and can destroy a helicopter in just a few hits. Another effective way is to shoot the pilot or the engine of the helicopter. This can be done using a sniper rifle or any other weapon with a high accuracy. Lastly, you can also use anti-aircraft guns or mounted turrets to shoot down helicopters. These weapons are usually found in military bases or checkpoints.

2. Can you use vehicles to take down helicopters?

Yes, you can use vehicles to take down helicopters in Far Cry 6. One of the most effective vehicles for this purpose is the helicopter itself. If you manage to hijack a helicopter, you can use its weapons to shoot down other helicopters. Another option is to use a car or a boat with a mounted weapon. These vehicles can deal a lot of damage to helicopters, but they are not as effective as rocket launchers or anti-aircraft guns.

3. Are there any special tactics for taking down helicopters in Far Cry 6?

Yes, there are several tactics that can help you take down helicopters more efficiently in Far Cry 6. One of the most important things is to stay hidden and avoid being detected by the helicopter. This can be done by using cover or by staying in a building. Another tactic is to use distractions to lure the helicopter away from its target. For example, you can set off a car alarm or shoot a flare to distract the helicopter. Lastly, you can also use explosives to create a trap for the helicopter. For example, you can place mines on a road and wait for the helicopter to fly over them.

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