Growing Sunflower and Corn in Farming Simulator 22

This page provides information on how to grow sunflower and corn in Farming Simulator 22.

In this guide, you will discover the high yields per hectare for sunflower and corn, the necessary equipment for harvesting, and the processing options available in factories.

  • Equipment Required
  • Corn
  • Sunflower

Equipment Required

Corn and sunflower are root plants and require a special header for harvesting.

  1. Medium tractor – plowing the field will produce the best results, but light subsoilers can be used.
  2. Cultivator or plow – subsoilers or spaders can be used instead of a plow, while disc or mechanical harrows can be used instead of a cultivator.
  3. Planter,
  4. Harvester with a header for harvesting corn and sunflower (with “spikes”),
  5. Average trailer – ideally, its capacity should be close to or greater than the harvester’s capacity.

To increase profits:

  1. Fertilize the field twice,
  2. Roll the soil immediately after sowing,
  3. Mulch before cultivation/plowing,
  4. Prevent weed growth,
  5. Avoid harvesting in the rain,
  6. Plowing increases the harvest by 15%.

The collected goods can be stored in a silo.


Corn is a root crop that requires a header for harvesting.

  1. It is used in cereal production.
  2. It can be fed to pigs.

Corn yield is 18,000l per hectare.


Sunflower is a root crop that requires a header for harvesting.

  1. It is used in canola oil production in an oil mill (200l canola -> 100l canola oil).
  2. It can be fed to pigs.

Sunflower yield is 10,000l per hectare.


1. What new features are included in Farming Simulator 22 related to sunflowers and corn?

Farming Simulator 22 introduces several new features related to sunflowers and corn. These include new machinery and equipment specifically designed for planting, harvesting, and processing these crops. Additionally, players can now adjust the spacing of their corn plants to optimize growth and yield. Sunflowers can also be harvested for their seeds, which can be used for various purposes such as oil production or as animal feed.

2. How do I plant corn in Farming Simulator 22?

To plant corn in Farming Simulator 22, you will need to use specialized equipment such as a planter or seeder. First, select the appropriate equipment for the size of your field and attach it to your tractor. Then, fill the equipment with corn seeds and adjust the spacing as desired. Finally, drive the equipment over your field to plant the corn. Make sure to monitor your crops regularly and adjust their growth conditions as needed.

3. What are the benefits of planting sunflowers in Farming Simulator 22?

Planting sunflowers in Farming Simulator 22 can offer several benefits. Sunflowers are a low-maintenance crop that can grow in a variety of conditions, making them a good option for less experienced players or those with limited resources. Additionally, sunflowers can be harvested for their seeds, which can be sold or used for other purposes. Sunflower oil is also a valuable commodity in the game, making this crop a potentially lucrative investment.

4. How do I harvest sunflowers in Farming Simulator 22?

To harvest sunflowers in Farming Simulator 22, you will need to use specialized equipment such as a combine harvester or header. First, attach the equipment to your tractor and position it near your sunflower field. Then, activate the equipment and drive it over the field to harvest the sunflowers. Once harvested, the sunflowers can be sold or used for other purposes such as oil production or animal feed.

5. Can I cultivate sunflowers and corn together in Farming Simulator 22?

While it is possible to cultivate sunflowers and corn together in Farming Simulator 22, it may not be the most efficient use of your resources. These crops have different growth requirements and may not thrive in the same conditions. Additionally, planting them together can make it more difficult to manage and harvest each crop separately. It is generally recommended to plant each crop in its own dedicated field to optimize growth and yield.

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