How to Defeat Jango Fett in LEGO Skywalker Saga?

This guide provides a detailed description of all 3 fights with the bounty hunter Jango Fett in Episode 2 (Attack of the Clones) of LEGO Skywalker Saga. It includes strategies to defeat him in direct confrontations and damage his spaceship.

  • List of Fights with Jango Fett
  • First Fight – Bounty Hunter Blues
  • Second Fight – The Hunt for Jango
  • Third Fight – The Petranaki Panic

List of Fights with Jango Fett

Jango Fett is a bounty hunter, and players will face him 3 times during the second episode of the campaign.

The fights take place in the following moments:

  1. At the landing site during the Bounty Hunter Blues quest.
  2. The pursuit of Fett’s ship as part of The Hunt for Jango level.
  3. The arena fight in the second part of The Petranaki Panic level.

First Fight – Bounty Hunter Blues

The first confrontation with Jango Fett occurs after reaching the landing site during a visit to Tipoca City on the planet Kamino. The best strategy to defeat him is to throw your lightsaber.

During the fight, players must avoid enemy starship fire and Jango’s missiles by moving away from them. However, players will not be able to defeat Jango Fett during this fight.

Second Fight – The Hunt for Jango

This fight is part of a story mission that involves defeating Jango’s starship after reaching the asteroid field. Players must deplete the enemy ship of both the blue shield bar and the red ship’s hull bar three times.

Players must pay attention to the yellow marker displaying the current location of Jango’s starship and aim at the small circle preceding the starship to correct the projectile trajectory.

During this battle, players must react to notifications about incoming rockets and do barrel rolls or rollovers to avoid them. However, players should avoid doing barrel rolls near asteroids as they might accidentally hit them.

Jango will also drop Seismic Charge traps, which players must avoid by keeping a safe distance to prevent the shock-waves generated when they explode from reaching their ship.

Third Fight – The Petranaki Panic

The third and final fight with Jango Fett takes place in the arena in the second part of The Petranaki Panic level.

In this phase, you will need to discover Jango’s location twice. It is an effortless task as you need to fly to the areas marked in yellow. These locations are in various asteroids that you need to fly through to continue your pursuit. To avoid colliding with asteroid fragments, it is advisable to reduce your flight speed.

After reducing both energy bars of Jango’s starship to zero thrice, the quest will end with a cut-scene.

The Third Battle – The Petranaki Panic

The third encounter with the bounty hunter is a part of the arena fights. You have to reach the second phase of the battle, where you will face three monsters – mini-bosses.

In the next phase of the fight, you will face droids initially. You can defeat them by using standard attacks or by mounting one of the nearby beasts.

Later, Jango Fett will join the fight. From the moment the boss appears, it is advisable to focus all your attacks on him.

Attacking Jango Fett is not complicated. Throwing a lightsaber at him is an excellent idea as it will aid you in reacting to his attacks.

Jango Fett’s powerful attack is firing rockets. You can avoid them by moving away from the area where they are supposed to land (indicated by red circles on the ground) or by using the Force to catch them in flight.

Another unique attack by Jango is trapping the hero. You need to press the indicated button quickly to free yourself before getting hit by the bounty hunter’s powerful attack.

Fortunately, Jango Fett has only one health bar. Therefore, you don’t need to attack him for an extended period to win the final fight.


What is Jango Fett in LEGO Skywalker Saga?

Jango Fett is a boss character in the LEGO Skywalker Saga game. He is a Mandalorian bounty hunter and the father of Boba Fett. Jango Fett is known for his combat skills and the use of his jetpack.

How to beat Jango Fett in LEGO Skywalker Saga?

To beat Jango Fett in LEGO Skywalker Saga, you need to use your Jedi character’s combat skills. Jango Fett has a lot of health, so it’s important to keep attacking him until he goes down. Use your Jedi’s Force powers to stun Jango Fett and then attack him with your lightsaber. Keep an eye out for his jetpack attacks and dodge them by jumping or rolling out of the way. You can also use the environment to your advantage by throwing objects at Jango Fett. With these strategies, you can defeat Jango Fett and move on to the next level of the game.

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