LEGO Skywalker Saga: Better Call Maul – walkthrough

On this page of the LEGO Star Wars The Skywalker Saga guide, you will find a detailed walkthrough of the Better Call Maul level from Episode 1. This includes information on the related missions, defeating the Darth Maul boss, using fast travel, and unlocking the passage at Lake Paonga.

  • To the Senate!
  • New Allies
  • Better Call Maul – challenges
  • Better Call Maul – walkthrough

To the Senate!

Once you have won the pod race, head back to the crew’s spaceship, which is the starting point where you began exploring Mos Espa earlier. Stand in the blue circle and confirm that you want to continue with the main storyline. On the galaxy map, select Coruscant and use the fast travel option to transport to the Federal District, which will automatically land you on Coruscant and take you to a new quest location. After landing, speak to Senator Palpatine by standing in the blue circle.

Follow the senator to a taxi stop and use the taxi to travel to Coruscant Senate Building. Once there, go straight to Senator Palpatine’s office.

New Allies

After watching the cutscenes, use a taxi to take the heroes to the North Landing Pad and select Naboo from the galaxy map. Your specific destination will be Lake Paonga. Once there, head towards the lake and use the passage leading to Gungan City. Go to the throne room where you will receive a new task to find a Sacred Place. Leave Gungan City and return to Lake Paonga.

Build the rotating mechanism located in the area shown in the picture, which will unlock a new passage. Reach Nass’ whereabouts and talk to him by standing in the blue circle. Return to the Speeder to advance to the Better Call Maul level.

Better Call Maul – challenges

This level features three challenges:

  1. Complete Maul-ing – To complete this challenge, you must defeat Darth Maul in under 10 minutes. It’s best to ignore any optional exploration and collectibles, and focus on quickly completing the puzzles at the end of the level.
  2. Forced Out – Your objective is to use the Force to push 5 droids off the walkway. You will encounter several groups of droids between fights with Darth Maul, and there are also motionless droids playing music that are easy targets. Stand close enough to the droids and press the Force button to push them off the platform into the abyss.

  1. Odds Stacked in Your Favor – Use the Force to find a way past the electrical hazard. After the second encounter with Darth Maul, instead of taking the suggested side passage, look at the crates shown in picture 1. Use the Force to move them to the area with electricity, and place two crates there (example in picture 2) so that you can jump on them and use the “shortcut” to the boss.

Better Call Maul – Walkthrough

This level consists of duels with Darth Maul, the boss.

You must deplete Darth Maul’s health bar four times, and subsequent fights with him will be separated by other scenes.

If this is your first boss fight, the game will launch an additional tutorial. You can attack Darth Maul from a distance in two main ways: using lightsaber throw or using the Force to throw objects at him. Hold down the aiming button to lock the camera on the boss and keep track of him as he may start blocking your attacks.

  1. Use lightsaber throw
  2. Use the Force to pick up and throw objects

In some cases, melee fights may occur and a QTE scene may trigger. Mash the indicated button to win the wrestling attempt with Darth Maul.

Avoid Darth Maul’s strong attacks, marked with red stripes, such as lightsaber throws and long jumps. Use dodge to avoid being hit and rely on the option to block attacks during close combat.

Force choke is the rarest attack of Darth Maul. Protect yourself by waving the left analog stick sideways or pressing the side directional keys quickly and alternately.

To defeat Darth Maul in the game, weaken him until he depletes his first health bar. He will run away, and you must chase him while fighting off a group of droids. Use the Force and lightsaber throw abilities or run to them and smash them. Some droids are surrounded by a force field, and you can sabotage their barriers by reflecting projectiles.

You must reach the first elevator, which Darth Maul used earlier, and defeat another group of regular droids on the upper level. The second duel with Darth Maul is unique because he can block all attacks, making it impossible to attack him from the front. In such cases, you must switch to the other hero or ask the other player for help while playing in co-op to attack him from behind.

After winning the second duel, Darth Maul will damage a fragment of the floor, creating areas that emit electricity. The only solution is to jump on subsequent protruding elements and objects to avoid electric shock. Defeat more droids and get closer to Darth Maul. The main path will be blocked again, and you can use the side passages to deal with this. While exploring the side area, you will come across new droids and a damaged elevator that can be easily repaired by using the Force on the component that has fallen off the elevator and placing it in the appropriate slot.

After reaching the top and wiping out the snipers, jump down to the lower level. An alternative way of dealing with electricity is to focus on the crates that can be moved with the Force. Place them in the area with electricity and then jump on them. You will have the third duel with Darth Maul, and the most useful tactic is to often use the lightsaber throw.

In the tunnel with the force fields, run between them when they are turned off to avoid taking damage. You have to solve the Force-related puzzles two times. In the first one, move the interactive objects to the slots of the same color. In the second one, place a blue object in the left slot, causing a green object to appear in the right slot. Then, match all four objects to the different colored slots on the sides of the force field.

After completing all puzzles, engage in the last, fourth duel with the boss. Defeating Darth Maul ends the level.


1. What is LEGO Skywalker Saga: Better Call Maul?

LEGO Skywalker Saga: Better Call Maul is a video game that is based on the Star Wars franchise. It is the latest addition to the LEGO Star Wars series and is developed by Traveller’s Tales. The game features a brand new story that is set in the Star Wars universe and has a unique twist. The gameplay is similar to other LEGO games and is designed to be accessible to players of all ages. Players can play through the game’s story mode and unlock new characters, vehicles, and levels as they progress.

2. Who is Maul in LEGO Skywalker Saga: Better Call Maul?

Maul is a character in LEGO Skywalker Saga: Better Call Maul. He is a Sith Lord and is one of the main antagonists in the game. Maul is known for his use of a double-bladed lightsaber and his incredible combat skills. In the game, Maul is a playable character and can be unlocked by completing certain levels. Players can use Maul’s unique abilities to solve puzzles and defeat enemies. Maul is also a key character in the game’s story mode and plays a significant role in the game’s plot.

3. What are some tips for playing LEGO Skywalker Saga: Better Call Maul?

There are several tips that can help players succeed in LEGO Skywalker Saga: Better Call Maul. Firstly, it is important to collect as many studs as possible as they can be used to unlock new characters and levels. Secondly, players should take their time exploring each level and try to find all the hidden secrets. Thirdly, players should experiment with different characters and their abilities to find the best combinations for each level. Finally, players should be prepared to face tough challenges and bosses, but with persistence and a little bit of luck, they should be able to overcome them.

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