LEGO Skywalker Saga: Yavin 4 – trial, walkthrough

This page provides a guide to the solo trial named Keeping the Secret – Jek Porkins, located on the planet Yavin 4 in LEGO Skywalker Saga.

The walkthrough of the Keeping the Secret trial found in the Great Temple on Yavin 4 can be found on this page of the LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga guide.

Keeping the Secret

  1. Location: Great Temple.
  2. How to unlock: Start the Stay on Target level from Episode 4 – A New Hope.
  3. Reward: The Jek Porkins character.

This trial requires you to shoot down flying targets to score as many points as possible. Each drone you shoot down rewards you with approximately 100 points.

Below are the prizes available:

  1. 400 points – Bronze medal and 250 studs;
  2. 800 points – Silver medal and 500 studs;
  3. 1,200 points – Gold medal and the Jek Porkins character.


What is the Yavin 4 trial in LEGO Skywalker Saga?

The Yavin 4 trial is a challenging level in LEGO Skywalker Saga where players must complete a series of puzzles and battles to progress through the game. The trial takes place on the forest moon of Yavin 4 and features iconic characters such as Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, and Princess Leia. Players must use their skills to navigate through the jungle and defeat enemies along the way. The Yavin 4 trial is one of the most exciting and difficult levels in the game, providing players with a real challenge and a chance to test their LEGO building and combat skills.

What are some tips for completing the Yavin 4 trial in LEGO Skywalker Saga?

There are several tips for completing the Yavin 4 trial in LEGO Skywalker Saga, including using the Force to move objects, building structures to reach higher places, and using different characters to solve puzzles. Players should also collect studs along the way to earn points and unlock new characters and upgrades. To defeat enemies, players can use blasters, lightsabers, and other weapons. It is also important to keep an eye out for hidden areas and secrets, which can provide valuable rewards and help players progress through the level. With patience and skill, players can master the Yavin 4 trial and move on to the next exciting level in the game.

What characters are available in the Yavin 4 trial in LEGO Skywalker Saga?

The Yavin 4 trial in LEGO Skywalker Saga features a variety of characters from the Star Wars universe, including Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Princess Leia, Chewbacca, and more. Each character has unique abilities and skills that can be used to solve puzzles and defeat enemies. For example, Luke Skywalker can use the Force to move objects and deflect blaster fire, while Han Solo is skilled with a blaster and can shoot targets from a distance. Princess Leia can use her diplomatic skills to persuade enemies to help her, and Chewbacca is a powerful fighter with a fierce roar that can stun enemies. Players can switch between characters to use their different abilities and complete the Yavin 4 trial.

How long does it take to complete the Yavin 4 trial in LEGO Skywalker Saga?

The length of time it takes to complete the Yavin 4 trial in LEGO Skywalker Saga depends on the player’s skill level and how quickly they can solve puzzles and defeat enemies. On average, it takes about 30-45 minutes to complete the Yavin 4 trial, but some players may take longer if they are stuck on a particular puzzle or battle. The trial is designed to be challenging but also fun and rewarding, providing players with a sense of accomplishment when they finally complete it. With practice and persistence, players can improve their skills and complete the Yavin 4 trial more quickly and efficiently.

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