Mass Fusion

How to Unlock: Complete Mankind Redefined in the Institute (M5,6).

Quest Objectives:

  • Talk to Allie Filmore
  • Relay to Mass Fusion
  • Obtain the Executive ID
  • Go to the reactor level
  • (Optional) Restore the elevator’s power supply
  • Find the Beryllium Agitator
  • Open the reactor
  • Collect the Beryllium Agitator
  • Deal with security at the reactor level
  • Leave Mass Fusion
  • (Optional) Help the forces of the Institute in the foyer
  • Talk to Allie Filmore

Reach the Mass Fusion Building

To begin, meet with Allie Filmore at the Institute who will provide details for the quest. Doctor Filmore will accompany you on your new quest, and there is no need to worry about any risk as she cannot die. Do not access the world map; instead, use the elevator to reach the relay that you used to get to the Institute the first time. Confirm that you want to use the relay (shown in the screenshot above), which will make you an enemy of the Brotherhood of Steel. You will travel to the Mass Fusion building.

Note: Before you relay, obtain a Hazmat Suit, which you can buy in Diamond City. This is important because later in the quest, you will have to enter a highly-irradiated room where Rad-X and RadAway are of little use.

Note: If you do not want to antagonize the Brotherhood of Steel yet, wait to start this quest until you have completed all quests connected with them. Additionally, you can warn the Brotherhood against the actions of the Institute, and thus antagonize the Institute instead.

Obtain the Executive ID

After reaching your destination, eliminate all enemy soldiers of the Brotherhood of Steel and beware especially of the more heavily-armored ones. You cannot use the elevator here yet because you first need to obtain the ID. The Mass Fusion Executive ID is in the desk shown in the screenshot above. Additionally, you will find the Mass Fusion Executive Lab Password here. Locate the terminal and hack into it. Select the first item on the menu, which will reveal that you need to search for the reactor at the underground level 01.

Go to the Reactor Level

Use the elevator shown in the screenshot above and interact with the ID Card Reader to set it in motion. Prepare a good weapon for ranged combat because you will be attacked by more Brotherhood of Steel members during the ride. Stay at the back of the elevator and use V.A.T.S. to target and eliminate enemies.

To access the next floor, first eliminate all remaining Brotherhood of Steel soldiers after the elevator has been immobilized. It is recommended to finish the optional objective of restoring power to the elevator by jumping onto the balconies above and locating the fuse box in the marked room. Once completed, return to the elevator and wait for it to reach the next floor. If you have difficulty reaching the fuse box, search for the Mass Fusion Labs Key to gain access to an alternative route to the foyer with more opponents to defeat.

Upon arrival at the basement, engage in combat with Brotherhood of Steel members and laser turrets in the foyer. After the fight, use the ID on the ID reader of the nearby cargo elevator to reach the basement level.

Find the Beryllium Agitator

Proceed until you reach a room with a large glass wall. Wear the Hazmat suit before pressing the switch in the corridor to protect yourself from radiation. After the decontamination process, enter the room with the agitator. It is advised to save at this point due to potential dangers beyond radiation.

Collect the Beryllium Agitator

The agitator can be collected after reaching another switch that opens the reactor. The room is highly radioactive, but the jumpsuit provides protection.

Deal with security at the reactor level

Quickly destroy the two turrets mounted on the ceiling of the reactor room using a good rifle. Beware of vulnerability to fire while wearing the Hazmat suit and take cover if needed.

Confront all the unfriendly machines

Return to the narrow hallway, put on your main suit, and activate the decontamination procedure once again. Don’t rush back to your allies as powerful robots will soon arrive in the room they’re in. The first one to appear is the Sentry Bot. It’s best to use the rocket launcher or any other weapon with similar firepower to destroy it. You can attack it while staying in the narrow corridor, but be careful and ensure that the projectile doesn’t explode too close to you. Also, avoid standing too close to the Sentry Bot as it explodes when destroyed.

Once you’ve dealt with the Sentry Bot, attack the Assaultrons. It’s a good idea to use a good rifle or shotgun for medium-range combat. Head towards the exit of the building. Along the way, you’ll come across one more Protectron that you can destroy using grenades or a good rifle.

Exit the Mass Fusion Building

You can assist the Synths in defeating the final group of Brotherhood of Steel soldiers

Take the cargo elevator once again, which will bring you back to the lobby. Here, you can complete the second optional objective, which is to assist Synths in battling Brotherhood of Steel soldiers. It’s a good idea to do this, and just like earlier, be careful of the enemies wearing power armor. Regardless of whether or not you helped the Synths, leave the building. Go to the Institute and talk to Allie Filmore to give her the agitator.

Quest rewards: Experience points, a new quest for the Institute (Pinned).


What is Mass Fusion?

Mass Fusion is an American company that specializes in energy production and distribution. The company was founded in 1858 and has since become one of the most successful energy companies in the country. Mass Fusion is known for its innovative technologies and commitment to sustainability. The company has a wide range of products and services, including power plants, transmission lines, and energy storage systems. Mass Fusion is also involved in research and development, constantly working to improve its products and find new ways to generate and distribute energy.

What are the benefits of using Mass Fusion products?

There are many benefits to using Mass Fusion products. Firstly, Mass Fusion is committed to sustainability and uses renewable energy sources whenever possible. This means that their products are environmentally friendly and help to reduce carbon emissions. Secondly, Mass Fusion products are reliable and efficient. They use the latest technologies to ensure that energy is generated and distributed as efficiently as possible. This means that customers can save money on their energy bills. Finally, Mass Fusion has a wide range of products and services, which means that customers can find the right solution to meet their energy needs. Whether you’re looking for a small-scale energy storage system or a large-scale power plant, Mass Fusion has the products and expertise to help you.

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