
Getting to Kuwaq Yaku – Where the Twins Meet

This guide provides a walkthrough for the story mission “Where the Twins Meet” in Shadow of the Tomb Raider.

In this section, Lara and Jonah must reach the village of Kuwaq Yaku while being pursued by Trinity. This is the final part of their journey through the Peruvian jungle.

Before setting out, check Lara’s inventory in the camp. She has obtained the Vest of the Empress Jaguar after defeating both jaguars, which provides a stealth bonus. It’s recommended to wear it now for added protection.

Remove the obstacle with Jonah’s help and proceed. The characters will approach an area previously explored by Lara alone. You can revisit it for hidden treasures, but it’s optional.

En route to Kuwaq Yaku, Trinity mercenaries in an APC will interrupt your journey. Stay hidden to avoid getting shot by the gunner. Take out the first enemy by the vines and move toward the APC. Climb the shelf to eliminate the mercenary standing on its edge.

After securing the area, climb to the highest rock shelf to trigger a cut-scene. You’ll obtain the Vicar Mark II assault rifle and the AB.45 pistol.

Upon entering a cave, the protagonists encounter a flammable barricade. Use a flame arrow to destroy it, which can be crafted using components found nearby. Shoot the arrow by pressing an alternative button while aiming the bow.

The characters will soon reach Kuwaq Yaku. The final step is a short, steep slide downhill to the village to find Abby. The next section will commence.


1. What is Kuwaq Yaku and why is it important in the game?

Kuwaq Yaku is a location in the game “Shadow of the Tomb Raider” where Lara Croft arrives after her plane crashes in the Peruvian jungle. It is an ancient Incan village that has been inhabited by the locals for centuries. In the game, Kuwaq Yaku serves as an important hub where Lara can trade resources, upgrade her gear, and interact with the locals to learn more about the story and the culture of the region. It also features several side missions and challenges that can help her improve her skills and acquire new weapons and abilities.

2. How do I reach Kuwaq Yaku in the game?

To reach Kuwaq Yaku, you need to follow the main story quest until you reach the mission called “Downpour”. This mission will take you through the jungle and across a river until you reach the entrance of the village. Along the way, you will encounter several obstacles and enemies that you need to overcome using your skills and weapons. Once you reach Kuwaq Yaku, you can explore the area, talk to the locals, and start completing side missions to gain experience points and resources.

3. What are the Twins and why do they confer in Kuwaq Yaku?

The Twins are two ancient spirits that represent the duality of life and death in Incan mythology. They are believed to have the power to control the balance of nature and the fate of the world. In the game, the Twins are central to the story as Lara seeks to prevent a catastrophic event that they have foreseen. Kuwaq Yaku is the place where the Twins are said to confer, and Lara must uncover the secrets of the village and the nearby temple to gain access to their knowledge and prevent the disaster from happening.

4. What can I expect to find in Kuwaq Yaku besides the main story?

Kuwaq Yaku is a rich and vibrant location that offers many opportunities for exploration and discovery. Besides the main story quests, you can find several side missions, challenges, and collectibles scattered throughout the village and the surrounding jungle. These include hidden tombs, crypts, and treasure chests that contain valuable rewards such as new weapons, outfits, and upgrades for Lara’s skills and abilities. You can also interact with the locals to learn more about the culture and traditions of the region, and even participate in mini-games such as hunting and fishing to gather resources and earn experience points.

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