Gloomwood: Can You Revisit Previous Locations and Use Shortcuts?

Gloomwood is a game that doesn’t follow the traditional mission-based structure, and our guide will help you understand if you can go back to previous locations. This is crucial if you want to complete the game 100%.

As you progress through Gloomwood, you might want to revisit previous areas. On this page of the guide, we explain if it’s possible to return to locations you’ve already visited, such as Croup’s Fishery or Coast Caves.

  • Passages between locations
  • Shortcuts and backtracking

Passages between locations

In Gloomwood, the game is not divided into separate stages or missions. Instead, the game world consists of several separate locations that are connected by passages (as shown in the screenshot above). Although there is a loading screen while moving through each passage, you should consider the regions as parts of a larger world rather than separate areas.

Shortcuts and Backtracking

Gloomwood allows you to revisit previous areas. After transitioning from location A to location B, you can easily move back to location A.

If you want to complete the game 100%, you should revisit completed locations to collect any missed items. You might have to explore the already-visited buildings more carefully or return with tips to uncover additional loot. For example, in Coast Cliffside (the third location), you can find a combination for a safe located in Croup Fishery (the first location). Without the combination, you cannot access the contents of the safe. Therefore, backtracking will be necessary.

Shortcuts are another feature that helps you revisit previous areas more easily or from a different angle. You might find small shortcuts that allow you to shorten the path to your objective, or larger shortcuts that link you to previously visited locations from a different side. For example, at the beginning of Coast Cliffside, you can find a cave that connects to the basement of Croup’s Fishery. This shortcut is explained in detail in our walkthrough and can save you a lot of time, as you don’t have to cross the whole Coast Caves region again.

Some shortcuts might allow you to access phonographs (saving locations) more easily. Saving your progress will help you avoid dying and allow you to repeat a section if something went wrong.


1. Can you return to previous locations in Gloomwood?

Yes, you can return to previous locations in Gloomwood. The game allows players to backtrack and explore areas they’ve already visited. This is useful for finding missed items, secrets, and alternate routes. However, some areas may be locked or inaccessible until certain objectives are met, so players may need to progress further in the game to fully explore previous locations.

2. Are there shortcuts in Gloomwood?

Yes, there are shortcuts in Gloomwood that can help players navigate the game world more efficiently. These shortcuts can include hidden passages, unlocked doors, and even secret routes that can bypass certain areas. Some shortcuts may require puzzles to be solved or items to be collected before they can be accessed. Players should keep an eye out for any potential shortcuts as they explore the game world.

3. Is backtracking necessary in Gloomwood?

Backtracking is not necessarily required in Gloomwood, but it can be helpful for finding missed items and exploring alternate routes. However, players can progress through the game without backtracking if they choose to do so. The game is designed to allow players to explore at their own pace, so backtracking is ultimately up to the player’s preference and playstyle.

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