
Is Ammo Limited in The Ascent?

While upgrades in The Ascent are limited, players may wonder if they need to refill their ammo during gameplay. This guide page will provide an answer.

In The Ascent, certain actions like dodging or using augmentations and tactical grenades have limitations due to special points. This leads to the question of whether or not ammunition for weapons is also limited in the game. This guide page will address this concern.

Will You Run Out of Ammo?

Thankfully, players will not run out of ammo completely as no weapon in the game has this limitation (considering the various types of opponents in the game). While the weapon must be reloaded after the magazine is empty, there is no need to purchase or locate additional ammunition. However, other actions in the game do have limitations. Dodging requires at least one arrow next to a player’s character circle (which regenerate over time). Tactical weapons require tactical recharging points, which regenerate through combat or yellow vials dropped by enemies and automats. Lastly, using augmentations is limited by the energy that recharges over time or by picking up blue vials.


1. Is ammo limited in The Ascent?

Yes, ammo is limited in The Ascent. Each weapon has a set amount of ammo that can be carried at once, and players will need to keep an eye on their ammo count and replenish it as needed. There are several ways to replenish ammo, such as picking up ammo drops from defeated enemies, buying ammo from vendors, or using ammo stations located throughout the game world. It’s important to manage ammo carefully, especially during boss battles or other challenging encounters where running out of ammo could mean defeat.

2. Can players increase their ammo capacity in The Ascent?

Yes, players can increase their ammo capacity in The Ascent by upgrading their weapons and purchasing certain upgrades from vendors. Some upgrades may increase the overall ammo capacity of a weapon, while others may reduce the amount of ammo consumed per shot or increase the rate of fire, allowing players to conserve ammo more effectively. Additionally, players can equip certain augmentations that may provide additional ammo or other benefits related to ammo management.

3. Are there any weapons in The Ascent that don’t require ammo?

Yes, there are several weapons in The Ascent that don’t require ammo, such as the melee weapons and the energy-based weapons. These weapons use a different resource called energy, which regenerates over time or can be replenished by using certain augmentations or items. While these weapons may not be as powerful as their ammo-based counterparts, they can be useful for conserving ammo or dealing with enemies that are resistant to physical damage.

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