Choosing Your Character’s Race and Gender – Part 2 | Character Development

On this page of the TES V: Skyrim World Atlas, we will introduce you to the second group of races available in the game, which includes Khajiit, Dark Elves, Nords, Orcs, and Redguards. Our guide will provide you with a review of each race’s unique abilities and starting skill bonuses.

  • Khajiit
  • Dark Elves
  • Nords
  • Orcs
  • Redguards


Skill Bonuses:

  1. +10 points to Sneak (25 instead of 15 points)
  2. +5 points to Alchemy (20 instead of 15 points)
  3. +5 points to One-handed (20 instead of 15 points)
  4. +5 points to Pickpocket (20 instead of 15 points)
  5. +5 points to Archery (20 instead of 15 points)
  6. +5 points to Lockpicking (20 instead of 15 points)

Unique Abilities:

Night Eye (active unique ability) – This ability allows the main character to see better in darkness for 60 seconds. In my opinion, it is not too useful because you can achieve almost the same effect using torches or simple spells that only cost a few points of mana. Besides, only a small number of dungeons and caves in the game are so dark that it’s difficult to explore them without any sight improvements.

Dealing four times as much damage in unarmed combat (passive ability) – This is a rather useless ability, especially since there are no penalties for choosing one-handed weapons for melee combat. There are a few brawls in the game; however, it’s easy to win them even if you’re playing as a member of a different race.


If you plan on playing as a thief and want to be a skilled assassin aside from stealing from civilians, you should consider choosing a Khajiit. The second part works best if you prefer getting closer to your targets and eliminating them in melee combat instead of using bows for ranged attacks.

Dark Elves

Skill Bonuses:

  1. +10 points to Destruction (25 instead of 15 points)
  2. +5 points to Alchemy (20 instead of 15 points)
  3. +5 points to Illusion (20 instead of 15 points)
  4. +5 points to Light Armor (20 instead of 15 points)
  5. +5 points to Alteration (20 instead of 15 points)
  6. +5 points to Sneak (20 instead of 15 points)

Unique Abilities:

Ancestor’s Wrath (active unique ability) – This is a rather useful ability that surrounds the main character with a magical barrier for 60 seconds. Any creature that tries to make physical contact with the player receives fire damage. It’s worth mentioning that you can unlock a similar spell later in the game, so the ability is useful mostly at the beginning of your journey.

50% more resistant to fire (passive ability) – This is an extremely useful passive ability because many enemies encountered during the game deal fire damage, including most of the dragons. You’ll notice the difference, especially if you’re wearing light armor that offers weak protection on its own.


If you plan on playing as a mage and want to rely mostly on highly offensive spells from the Destruction school of magic, you should consider choosing a Dark Elf. This is not your only option, however, because with bonuses to sneak and light armor, you can also easily become a skilled thief.



  1. +10 points to Two-handed (25 instead of 15 points)
  2. +5 points to Block (20 instead of 15 points)
  3. +5 points to One-handed (20 instead of 15 points)
  4. +5 points to Smithing (20 instead of 15 points)
  5. +5 points to Light Armor (20 instead of 15 points)
  6. +5 points to Speech (20 instead of 15 points)


Battle Cry (active unique ability) – This is a useful ability which forces nearby enemies to flee and lasts for 30 seconds. It’s ideal to use during battles with large groups of enemies to give yourself time to restock, heal, and prepare for the next wave of attacks.

50% more resistant to frost (passive ability) – This passive ability makes the game easier, but frost damage isn’t as common as fire damage and is mainly dealt by draugrs. However, it’s still a valuable bonus to consider when deciding which race to choose.


If you plan on playing as a warrior who mostly uses two-handed weapons but can switch to a one-handed weapon and shield, consider choosing a Nord. A proper Nord should wear light armor to move swiftly on the battlefield and perform quick attacks.



  1. +10 points to Heavy Armor (25 instead of 15 points)
  2. +5 points to Block (20 instead of 15 points)
  3. +5 points to Two-handed (20 instead of 15 points)
  4. +5 points to One-handed (20 instead of 15 points)
  5. +5 points to Smithing (20 instead of 15 points)
  6. +5 points to Enchanting (20 instead of 15 points)


Berserker Rage (active unique ability) – This is an extremely helpful ability that allows the orc to enter a rage state for 60 seconds. During this time, the character deals twice as much damage and only receives half the damage. It’s ideal for quickly dealing with weaker groups of creatures or for defeating stronger foes.


If you plan on playing as a warrior who mainly uses a one-handed weapon and shield and wears heavy armor to focus on dealing as much damage as possible with each hit, consider choosing an Orc.



  1. +10 points to One-handed (25 instead of 15 points)
  2. +5 points to Archery (20 instead of 15 points)
  3. +5 points to Block (20 instead of 15 points)
  4. +5 points to Smithing (20 instead of 15 points)
  5. +5 points to Destruction (20 instead of 15 points)
  6. +5 points to Alteration (20 instead of 15 points)


Adrenaline Rush (active unique ability) – This valuable ability improves stamina regeneration rate by 10 times and lasts for 60 seconds. Having more stamina is helpful during fights, especially if you like dealing powerful blows that require a lot of energy to succeed.

The passive ability of being 50% less likely to get poisoned is not very useful in Skyrim. Although it is easy to get poisoned in the game, it can be easily cured by visiting a shrine or drinking a cheap potion.

If you plan on playing as a combination of a warrior and a mage, it is recommended to choose a redguard. As a warrior, you can choose to use two weapons or a weapon and a shield. Combining offensive and regeneration/protection spells will give the best results for the mage.


1. How important is it to consider race and gender when developing a character?

It is crucial to consider race and gender when developing a character, as these factors greatly influence a character’s experiences, perspectives, and interactions with other characters and the world around them. By understanding how a character’s race and gender shape their identity, you can create a more nuanced and authentic portrayal that resonates with readers. Additionally, incorporating diverse perspectives can broaden the appeal of your work and make it more relatable to a wider audience.

2. How can I avoid stereotypes when writing characters of different races and genders?

The first step to avoiding stereotypes is to do your research and talk to people from different backgrounds to gain a better understanding of their experiences and perspectives. It’s important to avoid relying on tropes and clichГ©s and instead strive for a more complex and realistic portrayal of your characters. This might mean challenging your own assumptions and biases and being willing to revise your work based on feedback from beta readers or sensitivity readers. Ultimately, the key is to approach your characters with empathy and respect, and to avoid reducing them to one-dimensional archetypes.

3. How can I create a diverse cast of characters without tokenizing or appropriating identities?

Creating a diverse cast of characters requires more than just adding a few characters of different races or genders to your story. It’s important to ensure that each character is fully realized and not just a caricature or stand-in for their identity. This means giving each character their own unique backstory, motivations, and personality traits. It’s also important to avoid appropriating identities or using them as a plot device. If you’re writing outside of your own experience, it’s important to do your research and consult with sensitivity readers to ensure that you are representing different identities accurately and respectfully.

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