Crestwood Secrets Guide

Main points to remember about M13 Crestwood – Secrets – Dragon Age: Inquisition

Mosaic pieces


Glyphs (runes)

Other hidden treasures

1 – Veil amplifier – Artifact

Mosaic pieces

M 1 – Mosaic Piece, collection: Freed Are Slaves (you need to explore a concealed cave – the entrance is situated to the west of the mosaic).

M 2 – Mosaic Piece, collection Freed Are Slaves: you have to go through the caves below the keep to reach it.

M 3 – Mosaic Piece, collection Freed Are Slaves: you can only get to it by selecting an alternate exit from the Flooded Caves.

Glyphs (runes)

G – Great Lightning Rune. Red Jenny’s cache is also located here.


B – Bottles on the Wall: Bottles of Thedas.

Other hidden treasures

Banner 1 – Free Marches Banner Crown.

The above map shows the locations of all the noteworthy collectibles in Crestwood. This mainly includes mosaic fragments, Thedas bottles, and glyphs (runes). Additionally, the map displays the locations of standards, among others.

Note – Some of the markings on the map denote the collectibles that you can find in caves and dungeons. If you are unable to locate a collectible, check if there is an underground passage nearby.


What are the secrets of Crestwood?

Crestwood is a small town in the United States that has a reputation for being full of secrets. One of the most well-known secrets is the mysterious disappearance of a group of teenagers who went into the woods and never came back. Some people believe that there is a supernatural element to the disappearance, while others think that it was just a tragic accident. Another secret of Crestwood is the strange behavior of some of its residents. There have been reports of people acting strangely, as if they are under some sort of mind control. Some people believe that there is a secret government experiment happening in the town, while others think that it is just a coincidence.

Why do people love secrets?

Humans have a natural curiosity that makes them want to know things that others don’t. Secrets give us a sense of power and control over others, and they can also make us feel like we are part of a special group. For some people, secrets are a way of creating intimacy and building trust with others. People love to be trusted with secrets, and they often feel a sense of pride when someone shares something with them that they wouldn’t share with anyone else. Secrets can also be exciting and thrilling, as they often involve things that are forbidden or taboo. In some cases, secrets can also be a way of protecting ourselves or others from harm.

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