Dead by Daylight Guide: The Artists Perks and Powers

This guide page offers a description of The Artist, a killer in DBD, including details about her perks and powers, as well as tips on how to play her effectively.

This page provides a comprehensive overview of The Artist. It includes information about the perks and powers she possesses, as well as advice on how to use them to your advantage.

  • Basic Information
  • Powers and Perks
  • Playing The Artist
  • Sample Build

Basic Information

The Artist is a ranged killer who requires precision and a good understanding of survivor behavior to be effective.

  1. Name: Carmina Mora
  2. Height: Moderate
  3. Terror Radius: 32 meters
  4. Movement Speed: 4.6 m/s
  5. Difficulty Level: Difficult
  6. DLC: Chapter 22 – Portrait of a Murder

Powers and Perks

The Artist’s unique power is called Birds of Torment. It involves deploying up to three birds that become active when a survivor interacts with them. The birds can also be activated manually and used to attack survivors and control generators.

The Artist’s perks are also very powerful and can be used to great effect when combined properly. For example, Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance causes Hex Hooks to appear on the map, and when a survivor is hooked on one, the generator with the highest progression explodes and loses 9/12/15% of repair progression. The survivors working on the generator will scream, but their position will not be revealed. Grim Embrace allows The Artist to see survivors’ auras when they are close to a hooked survivor.




Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance

Hex Hooks appear at the beginning of the game. If a survivor is hooked on one, the generator with the highest progression explodes and loses 9/12/15% of repair progression. Survivors scream but their position is not revealed.

Grim Embrace

Every time a Survivor is hooked for the first time, you will obtain a Token. Once you have collected four Tokens, the perk will activate:

  1. The Entity will block all generators for 30/35/40 seconds.
  2. The aura of the Obsession will be revealed for 5 seconds.

Hex: Pentimento

Enables you to revive destroyed totems as Rekindled. For each totem revived, you will receive a Token:

  1. 1 Totem: Reduces the repair progression speed of all Survivors by 20/25/30%.
  2. 2 Totems: Reduces the healing speed of all Survivors by 20/25/30%.
  3. 3 Totems: Reduces the recovery speed of all downed Survivors by 20/25/30%.
  4. 4 Totems: Reduces the Exit Gates opening speed of all Survivors by 20/25/30%.
  5. 5 Totems: All Totems are permanently blocked by The Entity.

How to Play as The Artist?

The primary objective of The Artist is to put pressure on Survivors. Without Corrupt Intervention, it can be challenging to do so in the early game stages since the number of generators far exceeds your power’s capacity. It is recommended to choose the three generators that are the farthest away and send birds towards them. You can monitor the other four in a standard manner.

As the game progresses, your tasks will become easier as the number of generators decreases, and it will be simpler to control them. Keep the same strategy – send the birds towards the generators that are farthest away from you.

When you pursue a Survivor, you must also use your power. Whenever you enter a loop that is difficult for you, you can deploy ravens by the pallet or windows and release them when a Survivor is across from them. You can do this in two ways:

  1. Deploy them along the wall adjacent to the window or pallet and launch the birds when a Survivor jumps over it;
  2. Deploy them perpendicularly to the jump places and activate the birds when a Survivor is opposite.

The Survivor will either take damage from the birds or leave the loop to avoid getting hit. If they choose the latter option, you will have time to catch up with them before they reach the next safe point.

Recommended Build

The Artist can monitor the generators very efficiently, thanks to her power. You can use her to send ravens to generators and check if someone is repairing them at the moment.

The optimal build, which works incredibly effectively with The Artist, is as follows.




Barbecue & Chilli

Once you hang a Survivor on a hook, the auras of Survivors who are more than 60/50/40 meters away from you will be revealed for 4 seconds.

Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance.

At the start of the game, 4 Hex Hooks will appear on the map. If you hook a Survivor on one of them, the generator with the most progression will explode and lose 9/12/15% of repair progression.

The Survivors working on the generator will scream, but their location will not be exposed.

Dead Man’s Switch

Upon hooking a Survivor, this perk becomes active for 20/25/30 seconds. During this time, if the Survivor stops repairing the generator, it will be blocked by the Entity.

Corrupt Intervention

At the start of the match, the three generators farthest from the Killer will be blocked for 80/100/120 seconds.

This perk deactivates when the first Survivor enters the Dying State.

This build maximizes the potential of The Artist. Corrupt Intervention blocks the generators at the beginning of the match, allowing you to pressure Survivors working on them.

The synergy between Pain Resonance and Dead Man’s Switch is also crucial. When you hook a Survivor on a Scourge Hook, any Survivor working on a generator will automatically stop, and Dead Man’s Switch will block the generator.

If a Survivor is repairing a generator, you can send birds their way. If you hit them with your power, they will likely run away in fear of being hit again, and Dead Man’s Switch will block the generator.

This build also includes Barbecue & Chilli, which allows you to see Survivors and send birds in their direction.


1. What are the perks of playing as The Artist in Dead by Daylight?

The Artist is a killer in Dead by Daylight with unique perks that can give you an advantage during gameplay. The first perk is called “Discordance,” which allows you to see the location of two or more survivors working on the same generator. The second perk is called “Maddening Whispers,” which allows you to hear the breathing of survivors within a certain radius of your location. The third perk is called “Surge,” which triggers an explosion that damages generators and nearby survivors after you hook a survivor for the first time during a match.

2. What is The Artist’s power in Dead by Daylight?

The Artist’s power is called “Fragments of Misery.” This power allows you to create a painting on any available wall in the map. Survivors who look at the painting will suffer from the “Exposed” status effect, which means they can be downed in one hit. Additionally, The Artist can use his power to teleport to any painting he has created, allowing for quick traversal of the map.

3. How do you unlock The Artist in Dead by Daylight?

The Artist is a DLC character in Dead by Daylight, which means he must be purchased separately from the base game. You can purchase The Artist DLC on the platform of your choice, such as Steam, PlayStation, or Xbox. Once you have purchased the DLC, The Artist will be available to play as in Dead by Daylight.

4. What are some strategies for playing as The Artist in Dead by Daylight?

One strategy for playing as The Artist is to use your power to create paintings strategically around the map. This can help you keep track of where survivors are and quickly teleport to their location if necessary. Another strategy is to use your perks to your advantage. For example, Discordance can be useful for finding generators with multiple survivors working on them, while Maddening Whispers can help you locate hiding survivors.

5. What are some tips for playing against The Artist in Dead by Daylight?

When playing against The Artist, it’s important to be aware of the paintings he creates and avoid looking at them if possible. If you do end up exposed, try to stay hidden and avoid The Artist’s line of sight. Additionally, try to be mindful of the generators you are working on, as Discordance can reveal your location to The Artist if multiple survivors are working on the same generator.

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