Finding Septimus Signus | Elder Knowledge

This section of the guide for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim continues the main quest walkthrough for Elder Knowledge. The player is given a task to find Septimus Signus, which involves a long journey to his remote outpost. Unfortunately, the player is currently stranded in the wasteland, far from Winterhold.

  • New main objective: Ask Urag about the insane book
  • New main objective: Find Septimus Signus

New main objective: Ask Urag about the insane book

Speak to Urag gro-Shub once again and inquire about Ruminations on the Elder Scrolls, a book written by Septimus Signus (as shown in the above screenshot). Septimus has apparently gone mad, and the book’s contents are incomprehensible. Urag will inform the player that Septimus is hiding in some remote location, and the player must find him.

New main objective: Find Septimus Signus

Consult the world map to locate Septimus, who can be found north of the College of Winterhold. As the College is situated on a high cliff, the player must first find a way to descend. Cross the bridge connecting the College to the main continent and head towards the city of Winterhold. The difficult part is finding a safe spot to slide down to the bottom (as seen in the above screenshot). Look for a location east of the bridge that leads to the College.

After reaching the water (as seen in the above screenshot), head north towards the marked location. It’s not necessary to climb onto the island where the College is located. The player can swim around it. The important thing is to keep moving towards the objective marked by the game.

Be cautious, as the player may encounter Horkers on the way to Septimus. If they pose a challenge, the player can simply run away since they won’t pursue. The objective is to reach Septimus Signus’s Outpost, which is marked on the map (as shown in the above screenshot). Approach the small hatch and enter.

Proceed forward and carefully descend into a small cave. Initiate a conversation with Septimus Signus upon reaching him (as depicted in the above screenshot). The mad mage will reveal that the Elder Scroll is in Blackreach and ask the player to record the Scroll’s contents using a special dwarven artifact, the Blank Lexicon. He will also provide the player with two necessary items: the Attunement Sphere, which will enable access to the underground complex, and the Blank Lexicon, onto which the Scroll’s contents must be transcribed.


1. What is the quest “Elder Knowledge” in Skyrim?

The quest “Elder Knowledge” in Skyrim is a main quest that is part of the main storyline. It is a continuation of the previous quest, “Alduin’s Bane” and you will receive it by speaking to Paarthurnax or Arngeir after completing the previous quest. The quest involves finding the location of an Elder Scroll, which is a powerful artifact that is needed to stop Alduin, the main antagonist of the game.

2. Who is Septimus Signus in Skyrim?

Septimus Signus is a character in Skyrim who is an expert on the Elder Scrolls. He is a Hermaeus Mora worshipper who resides in an isolated outpost in the northern region of Skyrim. He is involved in the quest “Elder Knowledge” as he provides the player with information on how to locate the Elder Scroll.

3. Where is Septimus Signus’ Outpost located in Skyrim?

Septimus Signus’ Outpost is located in the northern region of Skyrim, in the area known as the “Pale”. It is situated on a small island called “Septimus Signus’s Outpost” that is located north of the College of Winterhold. The island is only accessible by swimming or by boat, and it is guarded by dangerous ice wraiths and horkers.

4. How do I complete the “Discerning the Transmundane” quest in Skyrim?

To complete the “Discerning the Transmundane” quest in Skyrim, you must first speak to Septimus Signus and receive the “Oghma Infinium” book. You must then collect the blood of each of the 10 races in Skyrim and give them to Septimus. After doing so, he will use the blood to unlock the Dwemer lockbox in his outpost, which contains the Elder Scroll. Once you have the Elder Scroll, you can return to the main questline and use it to defeat Alduin.

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