How to Capture Caer Bronach

Unlocking the quest: The quest will be added to your journal automatically once you approach Caer Bronach, which is located in the central part of Crestwood (M13,5).

Quest giver: – (M13,5)

The main objective of this quest is to recapture the Caer Bronach stronghold from highwaymen. Completing this mission will not only earn you experience, Influence, and Power points but will also grant you access to the dam, which is required to complete the Still Waters side quest.

It is recommended that you complete this quest when you have reached at least level 12. The enemies inside the stronghold are tough, and you will have to fight their leader.

When you approach the stronghold’s main entrance, destroy the gate using either your melee weapons or offensive spells. You can either head straight into the first yard or defend outside of the keep at the destroyed gate. You will encounter Highwayman Foot Soldiers, Highwayman Archers on rooftops, and Armored Mabari, which you should slow down before they reach your weaker party members.

After eliminating the first wave of enemies, start moving across the keep. You will encounter more enemies and additional reinforcements. Setting traps on their routes, such as explosive runes, is recommended. You should also prioritize killing the enemy archers. Attack Highwayman Guardsmen from the side.

Take the stairs to the upper level, where you will encounter the last group of opponents (M13,5a). The Highwayman Chief will join this fight after a while. Make sure to avoid the boss’s stronger melee attacks and rely on electricity-based attacks as the boss is vulnerable to them. After defeating the Chief, loot his corpse, where you should find a legendary weapon, The Last Stand Maul.

To officially seize Caer Bronach, take the last stairs to the North-Western part of the fort. Find the interactive point and press the appropriate key/button to set the Inquisition flag.

Since you have already seized the keep, you can now resume the Still Waters side quest.

Rewards for completing the quest:

  • New side quest unlocked: Rift at Caer Bronach
  • New Inquisition stronghold unlocked: Caer Bronach
  • Experience (lots)
  • 1600 Influence points
  • 5 Power points
  • Legendary weapon (The Last Stand Maul)


1. What is Caer Bronach?

Caer Bronach is a location in the game Dragon Age: Inquisition. It is a fortress that belongs to the Red Templars and serves as their main base of operations in the Hinterlands.

2. Why do I need to capture Caer Bronach?

As part of the main quest in Dragon Age: Inquisition, you need to capture Caer Bronach in order to gain control over the region and weaken the Red Templars’ hold on the Hinterlands. Additionally, capturing Caer Bronach will allow you to unlock new side quests and gain valuable rewards.

3. How do I prepare for the battle at Caer Bronach?

Before attempting to capture Caer Bronach, it is recommended that you level up your party and equip them with the best weapons and armor available. You should also recruit additional allies and complete any relevant side quests in the Hinterlands to strengthen your forces. Finally, be sure to stock up on healing potions and other supplies before heading into battle.

4. What strategies should I use when attacking Caer Bronach?

When attacking Caer Bronach, it is important to take a tactical approach. Use your party’s unique abilities to take out enemies one by one, focusing on the most dangerous foes first. Be sure to keep your party members healed and use crowd control abilities to prevent enemies from overwhelming you. Finally, take advantage of the fortress’s layout to gain strategic advantages, such as using cover to avoid enemy fire.

5. What are the rewards for capturing Caer Bronach?

Upon successfully capturing Caer Bronach, you will be rewarded with experience points, gold, and valuable items. Additionally, you will gain control over the Hinterlands region, which will unlock new side quests and allow you to establish a base of operations in the area. Finally, capturing Caer Bronach will weaken the Red Templars’ hold on the region, making it easier to complete other quests and explore the area with less risk of encountering dangerous enemies.

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