Ill Met By Moonlight – p. 1

Initiating the quest

Quest requirements: This mission can be completed at any point in the game. As it comprises of at least one challenging battle, it is advisable to undertake it only after your character has gained sufficient strength. Moreover, if you wish to avoid any additional complications, it is recommended to complete this quest before you acquire the ability to transform into a werewolf.

Begin by travelling to Falkreath, which is located in the southern region of the map (as shown in the above screenshot). In case you haven’t discovered it yet, it would be best to set out from Riverwood and journey towards the south-west.

There are two ways to initiate this quest. The first method involves travelling to the northern part of Falkreath, where you will come across a large cemetery, and witness the end of a burial ceremony (as shown in the above screenshot).

After the ceremony, approach Mathies and inquire about the deceased (as shown in the above screenshot). The man will inform you that his daughter was brutally murdered by a certain Sinding, who is presently incarcerated in the local prison. Note – if you do not encounter anyone during your visit to the cemetery, it is likely that you have already participated in the ceremony during a previous visit to the town. In such a scenario, search for Mathies in the vicinity of Corpselight Farm.

The second method does not involve speaking with Mathies at all, and instead requires you to converse with Sinding, the man accused of the heinous crime (as shown in the above screenshot). Details on how to locate Sinding and how to proceed with the conversation can be found in the Talk to Sinding main objective.

Meeting Sinding

New main objective: Talk to Sinding

You can meet with Sinding regardless of whether you have talked to the father of the deceased girl or not (it will not affect the outcome). Head towards the south-eastern corner of the village, and locate the entrance to Falkreath Barracks (as shown in the above screenshot). Once inside, make your way to the door leading to Falkreath Jail.

Do not engage in a fight, and instead turn left and head towards the northern cell. Wait for Sinding to approach you, and then converse with him (as shown in the above screenshot). He will reveal that he is a werewolf, and that he accidentally killed the girl. He possesses a cursed ring which causes the transformation to occur randomly.

In the end, you can offer to assist Sinding by taking the Cursed Ring of Hircine, and embarking on a quest to locate the Lord of Hunt, who can remove the curse. The first step of this plan involves slaying a majestic beast, which is believed to guarantee an audience with Hircine.

Audience with Hircine

New objective: Kill the White Stag

Before embarking on the hunt, it’s important to note that the ring received from Sinding cannot be removed until the end of the mission. If your character can already transform into a werewolf, wearing the ring may trigger the transformation unexpectedly. To minimize the risk of scaring Falkreath’s citizens, it’s best to leave quickly and complete the mission as soon as possible. While transformed, don’t forget to re-equip your equipment upon returning to normal.

View the world map to locate the White Stag, found in the woods east of Falkreath (see above). It’s best to travel by foot, as it’s not far away.

When you find the target, you’ll discover that your objective is to kill the White Stag, not some other beast. It’s recommended to use a bow or spells from a distance (see above). Make sure to kill it quickly.

If your character prefers close combat, hunting the stag will be more challenging as it will run away immediately. Consider using your powers, such as the Unrelenting Force Shout (see above).

Once the White Stag is dead, the Aspect of Hircine will appear. Speak with it (see above). Hircine will request that you hunt down Sinding and skin the werewolf. Whether you agree or refuse, you will be able to continue the quest.


1. What is “Ill Met By Moonlight”?

“Ill Met By Moonlight” is a short story by W. Stanley Moss written in 1950. It is a true account of his experience during World War II where he, along with Patrick Leigh Fermor, kidnapped General Heinrich Kreipe, a German general stationed in Crete, Greece. The story is a thrilling account of the daring mission and the unexpected challenges they faced along the way.

2. Who are the main characters in “Ill Met By Moonlight”?

The two main characters in “Ill Met By Moonlight” are W. Stanley Moss and Patrick Leigh Fermor. Moss was a British soldier and a member of the Special Operations Executive (SOE), while Fermor was a writer and also a member of the SOE. The two men were tasked with kidnapping General Kreipe in Crete during World War II and their daring mission is the focus of the story.

3. What was the purpose of the mission in “Ill Met By Moonlight”?

The purpose of the mission in “Ill Met By Moonlight” was to kidnap General Heinrich Kreipe, who was the commander of the German occupation forces in Crete during World War II. The kidnapping was intended to demonstrate the vulnerability of the German forces and boost the morale of the Cretan resistance fighters. Moss and Fermor successfully kidnapped General Kreipe and managed to evade German patrols and checkpoints to reach their rendezvous point with a submarine waiting off the coast of Crete.

4. What were some of the challenges faced by Moss and Fermor during the mission?

Moss and Fermor faced several challenges during the mission, including navigating through the mountainous terrain of Crete, avoiding German patrols and checkpoints, and dealing with unexpected setbacks such as the loss of their radio equipment. They also had to contend with the language barrier and the difficulty of communicating with the Cretan resistance fighters who assisted them in their mission.

5. What is the significance of the title “Ill Met By Moonlight”?

The title “Ill Met By Moonlight” is a reference to a line from William Shakespeare’s play “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”. The full line is “And, ere I take this charm from off her sight, / As I can take it with another herb, / I’ll make her render up her page to me. / But who comes here? I am invisible; / And I will overhear their conference.” The use of this quotation in the title suggests the clandestine and secretive nature of the mission, as well as the unexpected challenges that Moss and Fermor faced along the way.

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