Locations Available | Dragon Age History

Dragon Age: Inquisition offers a variety of wide locations to explore, but does not provide a fully open world. The player can move between these locations using a menu in the shape of a map. In this article, we will explore some of the well-known places that the developers have prepared for us.


The Hinterlands – a southern area in Ferelden, also known from Dragon Age: Origins. It is a green land with a temperate climate, offering meadows, woods, lakes, plains and villages. However, the beautiful landscape is being destroyed by the war between the Templars and mages, who both see the local people as allies of their enemies and commit crimes, hurting innocent civilians. Therefore, the Hinterlands are currently a very dangerous area. Redcliffe Castle stands at the heart of the land, towering majestically over green plains. The fortress guarantees safety for the city lying at its feet, which prospers due to shipping of goods from Orlais and dwarven cities in the Frostback Mountains. The castle is also the first line of defense for the whole of Ferelden.

Theringal Redoubt – a fortress in Ferelden which served as the headquarters and a place of training for the Seekers of Truth order over the years. The Seekers of Truth is an elite organization answering to the Chantry which is responsible for saving the Chantry from dangers from outside and from inside the order, using silent espionage techniques. The function of the Redoubt changed about forty years ago (in 8:99 Divine), when the Seekers lost their source of finances that allowed them to keep the fortress in a good state.

The Dales

Exalted Plains – one of the areas that make up the Dales. This place witnessed the fall of the elven civilization centuries ago, bending under the power of human forces fighting for the Chantry. Nowadays, it is an arena for another conflict, which is the Orlesian Civil War. However, nobody fights here for the moment, as the actions of both sides of the conflict were paralyzed by another danger – rising undead. Due to the informal ceasefire, the Inquisitor can search for the cause of this mysterious phenomenon and explore the environment, wandering through wide hill ranges and swamps, facing their dangerous inhabitants, with dragons involved.

Emerald Graves – an area representing a typical landscape of the Dales, an ancient wilderness with streams and rocks covered with majestic waterfalls. This location can be divided into two parts. The southern part is in the hands of the Orlesian nobility, which built roads and residences there. However, it is abandoned at the moment, due to the civil war (with the biggest battles taking place in the Dales). The northern part belongs to nature and the original inhabitants of this land. Here, we can find elven ruins, which are the remains of an ancient necropolis. We will see refugee camps, wild animal lairs and passages leading to a network of caves, inhabited by creatures far more dangerous than wolves.

Emprise du Lion is an area located in the east of the Dales, situated on the mountainsides of the Frostback Mountains. The land has a freezing climate and dangerous paths, making it an unpleasant place to be. The area has clear signs of elven presence, much more distinct than in the Emerald Graves, without the graveyard character. Currently, the land is in the hands of Red Templars who have destroyed and murdered the original citizens, and their houses, majestic amphitheaters, and a fortress towering above the land. The Inquisitor will visit Emprise du Lion to strengthen his organization and fight against the malefactors. The Inquisitor will also have the opportunity to meet a dragon or two in the hot springs located in Emprise du Lion.


Halamshiral is a city located in the north-eastern part of Orlais, near the feet of the Frostback Mountains and at the coast of the Waking Sea. The city was built by the elves marking the end of their exodus, but it became an Orlesian city after an Exalted March. Although humans rule Halamshiral, the elves still outnumber them as the original citizens. The Winter Palace is the most important building in the city, a residence belonging to Empress Celene I, full of splendor. Peace talks will be conducted between the sides of the civil war in the palace. The Inquisitor and his subordinates will attend a ball organized for this occasion to ensure everything goes well and prevent anyone from attempting assassination.

The Western Approach is a desert area in the north-western part of Orlais. It is now a wasteland where you can only hear the wind blowing above the dunes, rock formations, gloomy ruins, and iron towers marking the only relatively safe place. Life used to thrive here, but the Second Blight forced the citizens to move. They didn’t come back even after the humans’ eventual victory and building a strong facility of the Grey Wardens. The outflow of people made the Grey Wardens leave the Western Approach, abandoning the monumental Adamant Fortress, which guards the edge of the Abyssal Rift to this day. The fortress will be restored by the Inquisition, but the hero will have to clear the area of the darkspawn before living in the castle.


What are the available locations in Dragon Age?

Dragon Age is a popular role-playing video game that offers a vast world with various locations to explore. The game takes place in the fictional kingdom of Ferelden, where players can travel to different places such as the Denerim, Redcliffe Village, and Orzammar. Each location is unique, with different landscapes, creatures, and quests to complete.

In addition to Ferelden, players can also explore other parts of the game’s world, including Orlais and Tevinter Imperium. These locations are featured in the game’s sequels, Dragon Age II and Dragon Age: Inquisition. Orlais is a prosperous and elegant country with a rich culture, while Tevinter Imperium is a powerful and dangerous nation ruled by mages.

What is the history of Dragon Age?

The Dragon Age series is set in a fantasy world created by BioWare, a Canadian video game developer. The first game, Dragon Age: Origins, was released in 2009 and introduced players to the kingdom of Ferelden, where they could play as a Grey Warden, a legendary order of warriors who protect the land from darkspawn.

The game’s storyline is influenced by the player’s choices and features multiple endings. The success of Dragon Age: Origins led to two sequels, Dragon Age II and Dragon Age: Inquisition, which expanded the game’s world and lore.

The Dragon Age series has a rich history, with multiple factions, religions, and cultures. The world is also shaped by the actions of powerful beings such as dragons and titans. The games’ stories are often complex and political, with themes of power, corruption, and redemption.

What are the different races in Dragon Age?

Dragon Age features several playable races, each with their own unique abilities, histories, and cultures. The main races are humans, elves, dwarves, and qunari.

Humans are the most common race in the game and are known for their adaptability and ambition. Elves are a smaller and more agile race that has faced discrimination throughout history. Dwarves are short and stocky and live in underground cities called thaigs. Qunari are a horned race with a strict hierarchical society.

In addition to the main races, Dragon Age also features minor races such as the Avvar, a tribal people who worship the Lady of the Skies, and the Kossith, a race of qunari who live in Par Vollen.

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