Map of M6 | Bangkok

Important Locations and Items in Hitman – M6 Bangkok

Locations on the map:

1 – Starting area: The quay is the default starting point for the mission, and all guests of the Himmapan hotel must arrive there by water.

2 – Gossipers from The Class: Two of The Class recording crew can be found chatting in the bar about the new band member, Abel De Silva.

3 – Meeting place: The garden on the top floor is where the key members of The Class crew have conversations. This is also where you can meet Cross himself, as well as Dexy Barat.

4 – Recording booth: Inside the recording booth, Jordan Cross is singing his new song.

5 – Hotel mail: There is a tray for hotel mail on the reception desk. This is where a message for Ken Morgan should be left.

6 – Terrace: Ken Morgan comes to the terrace from time to time, waiting for his apartment to be cleaned up.

7 – Restaurant counter: This is where some tasty treats are, which Ken Morgan nibbles on. He always takes them from the second plate on the right.

Important items on the map:

1 – Hotel security guard: This guard frequently talks on the phone while standing by the two vending machines.

2 – Waiter disguise: The disguise can be found in a locker between the restroom door and the laundry door.

3 – Stalker: A stalker who is following Jordan Cross’s every step can be found on the upper floor in the Queen’s Suite.

4 – Recording crew disguise: Julian, a member of the recording crew, went to room 207 for a romantic rendezvous. He left his clothes by the bathtub in the bathroom.

5 – Cross’s bodyguard: You can stun him when his pal heads toward room 404.

6 – Guitar: You can use the guitar to lure Dexy Barat into the room.

7 – Insecticide: The insecticide is in the BUG SWAT’s van.

8 – Manager’s note 1#: A manager’s note on an incident in the Queen’s Suite.

9 – Manager’s note 2#: A note on the hotel guest from room 205, Mr. Rieper.

10 – Manager’s note 3#: A note on the hotel guest from room 205, Mrs. Carrington.

11 – Manager’s note 4#: A note on the roof repair.

12 – Manager’s note 5#: A note on the safe, the code to which is known only to Dexy Barat.

13 – Manager’s note 6#: A note on the mess that The Class crew made in the Emperor’s Suite and the need to apologize to Ken Morgan.

14 – Master keycard: The master keycard lets you open every door in the Himmapan hotel.

15 – Wrench: This is one of the two tools required for the Ken Morgan tuk tuk kill opportunity.

16 – Screwdriver: This is one of the two tools required for the Ken Morgan tuk tuk kill opportunity.

17 – Cake topping: Jordan Cross will only be invited to his surprise party when the cake gets its topping.

18 – Exterminator’s schedule: The schedule contains information on the exterminator’s inspection planned in the Himmapan hotel.

19 – Exterminator’s disguise: An exterminator frequently checks on the ventilation system. This is the best place to stun him and take his clothes.

15 – Drum kit
Before you can impersonate De Silva, you must first demonstrate your drumming skills.

16 – Keyboard
Playing “La Cucarachat” on the keyboard unlocks a secret challenge.

17 – Hotel staff gossipers
The hotel staff also enjoy gossiping, and two of them are talking about a voice recording featuring Jordan Cross and Hannah Highmoore.

18 – Dexy Barat’s room
The band’s manager, Dexy Barat, keeps the audio recording of Cross and Highmoore in her room. You must find it to complete the mission.

19 – Room 202
You can stun one of The Class crew members and take his clothes in the bedroom of this room.

20 – Room 102
You can climb up the gutter here and access room 202.

21 – Safe
Dexy Barat’s safe contains important information, but only she knows the code to it.

22 – Room adjacent to room 404
This unnamed room is the only place where you can stun the manager and extract the safe code from her.

23 – Computer
Use this computer to play the recording from Barat’s safe.

24 – Conversation about the mic
Some of The Class crew discuss the faulty Branson MD-2 microphone.

25 – Room 207
This is where Julian meets with actress Carrington.

26 – Sound mixer
Wes Liston asks you to complete a matching mini-game to mix a song for him.

27 – Motorboat
This is one of the available exit routes after completing the mission objectives in Bangkok.

8 – Queen’s Suite
Ken Morgan uses this room, but only after the hotel staff has cleaned up the mess left by The Class crew.

9 – Linen room
Ken Morgan and Dexy Barat are supposed to meet here.

10 – Ventilation system
Poison the ventilation system with insecticide to briefly incapacitate hotel guests.

11 – Icehouse
Lure a kitchen staff member into this room to take their clothes.

12 – Emergency exit
Escape the island using this exit after killing both mission targets.

13 – Balcony
This is where Abel De Silva enjoys the view.

14 – Room with no witnesses
Stun Abel De Silva and take his clothes in this room.

Suggested assassination spots

1 – Fire axe
Use the axe to kill Ken Morgan.

2 – Lethal poison vial
Use the vial of lethal poison to eliminate a target.

3 – Tuk tuk
Ken Morgan is interested in purchasing this vehicle, providing an opportunity for assassination.

4 – Railing
Push Jordan Cross off the roof from this spot.

5 – Cake
A vegan cake prepared for Jordan Cross’s birthday can be used to eliminate him.

6 – Cross’s lodge
Cross will be waiting here during his apartment’s disinsection.

7 – Branson MD-2 microphone
This faulty microphone is required for one of the kill opportunities involving Jordan Cross.

8 – Microphone
Swap the working microphone for a faulty Branson MD-2 to create an opportunity for assassination.

9 – Adjusting voltage

This is where you can increase the voltage on Cross’s microphone to electrocute him.

10 – Ken Morgan’s Bathroom

This is where you can drown Ken after he follows you to the Queen’s Suite.

11 – Audio Technician with a Letter

The audio technician has a letter from Barat to Morgan.

12 – Armchair

This armchair is hidden behind a folding screen. It’s a good spot to wait for Cross while playing the audio recording of his girlfriend Hannah.

Mission Objectives and Location Map – M6

This map shows the area of the Bangkok mission, set in the Himmapan hotel complex. Agent 47’s objective is to assassinate two targets: Jordan Cross, a gifted musician, and a lawyer who helped Cross get away with the murder of his girlfriend. There are many ways to kill your targets, the most complex of which are discussed in this guide. Himmapan hotel’s verticality made it possible to include many interesting and unique locations. Although not as vast as the Marrakech map, there are still many places to explore.

Mission Intel

Mission targets are Jordan Cross and Ken Morgan, AKA “The Brick.”

Jordan Cross and his band spend most of their time in the garden (M6,3) on the top floor of the north wing. Cross frequently walks between the garden and the recording studio (M6,4), where he records with his band, The Class. After being contacted by the hotel manager about the exterminators’ inspection, Cross leaves his apartment and sits in the loge in the main hall of the hotel (M6,6). If you impress him with your drumming skills, he will invite you to the rooftop (M6,2).

Ken Morgan, AKA “The Brick,” follows a set route from the reception desk (M6,5), where he keeps asking for a message he is expecting, to the terrace (M6,6), where he talks to his bodyguard, all the way to the restaurant (M6,7), where he eats. He repeats this cycle, but your actions may cause him to go to the Queen Suite (M6,8), the linen room (M6,9), or to check out the tuk-tuk car (M6,3).

Assassinations in the Hitman series can be simple or complicated. Simple assassinations are easier to detect and can cause mission failure. You can poison your target’s meal or shoot them, but the real fun is in an elaborate plan, which is the topic of this guide.

Difficulty: The mission is not overly challenging, especially when you get familiar with the layout of rooms and learn how to move between them using outer draining pipes, the underground tunnel, and staircases. However, it may be a little problematic at first, so it’s good to get acquainted with the location before you start killing. You can easily do that by pursuing the “Chameleon” challenge (find all disguises in Bangkok).


What is M6 on the location map of Bangkok?

M6 on the location map of Bangkok refers to the MRT (Mass Rapid Transit) station named “Sam Yan”. It is located in the Pathum Wan district of Bangkok and serves as an important transportation hub for locals and tourists alike. Sam Yan station is situated near Chulalongkorn University, one of the most prestigious universities in Thailand, and is also a short distance from the famous Jim Thompson House museum.

How do I get to M6 on the location map of Bangkok?

There are various ways to get to M6 on the location map of Bangkok, depending on your starting point. If you are coming from Suvarnabhumi Airport, you can take the Airport Rail Link to Phaya Thai station and then transfer to the BTS Skytrain to reach Sam Yan station. Alternatively, you can take a taxi or hire a private car to take you directly to Sam Yan station. If you are already in Bangkok, you can use the BTS Skytrain or MRT subway system to reach Sam Yan station.

What are some nearby attractions to M6 on the location map of Bangkok?

There are several popular attractions located near M6 on the location map of Bangkok. Chulalongkorn University is within walking distance of the station and is a beautiful campus to explore. Jim Thompson House museum, which showcases traditional Thai architecture and houses a collection of art and antiques, is also nearby. Other attractions in the area include Siam Discovery, a shopping mall featuring a variety of high-end brands, and Lumpini Park, a large public park where you can relax and enjoy nature.

Is M6 on the location map of Bangkok accessible for people with disabilities?

Yes, M6 on the location map of Bangkok is accessible for people with disabilities. The station is equipped with elevators, ramps, and other facilities to make it easy for people with mobility challenges to navigate the station. There are also designated seating areas and assistance available for those who need it.

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