
Meeting with Alvor | Before the Storm

This page of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim guide presents a walkthrough of the beginning of the main quest Before the Storm. The guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to reach Riverwood and find Alvor, with whom the protagonist must speak.

New main objective: Talk to Alvor in Riverwood

Note! This objective is given only if, during the Unbound main quest, you chose to befriend Hadvar. If you allied with Ralof, go to Meeting with Gerdur instead.

Open the map to see that Riverwood is to the north of the Helgen Keep exit (as shown in the screen above). You don’t have to follow a straight line to get there; you can stay on the main path. If you chose to befriend Hadvar, follow him and stay nearby.

On your way, stop by the Guardian Stones (as shown in the screen above). Interact with either the Thief Stone, Mage Stone, or Warrior Stone to receive a blessing and increase your skills in a certain field by 20%.

Continue heading north and be prepared to fight off some Wolves (as shown in the screen above). If Hadvar is nearby, the fight should be easy. Otherwise, be careful and attack the wolves one at a time. Afterwards, examine their bodies and head towards Riverwood.

When you reach Riverwood, approach Alvor and listen to a short conversation between him and Hadvar. Then go to the door leading inside Alvor and Sigrid’s house (as shown in the screen above). More talking awaits you there. Alvor offers you some free items, which you should move to your inventory. Later in the conversation, you will learn that you need to meet with the Jarl of Whiterun and inform him of the dragon’s attack so that he can send more soldiers to Riverwood. Before leaving, talk to all the NPCs and ask them additional questions. For more information, see Going to Whiterun.


What is the Meeting with Alvor in Before the Storm?

The Meeting with Alvor is a quest in the video game Before the Storm. The quest is set in the town of Riverwood in the game’s fictional world, and the player must meet with a character named Alvor to complete it. The quest is part of the game’s main storyline and is essential for the player to progress. During the meeting, Alvor will provide the player with important information and tasks that they must complete to continue the game. The Meeting with Alvor is a pivotal moment in the game and serves as a turning point for the player’s journey.

Why is the Meeting with Alvor important in Before the Storm?

The Meeting with Alvor is important in Before the Storm because it sets the stage for the game’s main storyline. During the meeting, the player learns important information about the game’s world and characters, and is given tasks that they must complete to move forward in the game. Additionally, the meeting provides an opportunity for the player to interact with Alvor, who is an important character in the game. The Meeting with Alvor is a critical moment in the game’s plot, and its outcome can have a significant impact on the player’s journey and the game’s ending.

What should I expect during the Meeting with Alvor in Before the Storm?

During the Meeting with Alvor in Before the Storm, the player can expect to learn important information about the game’s world and characters, and to receive tasks that they must complete to progress in the game. Additionally, the meeting provides an opportunity for the player to interact with Alvor, who is an important character in the game. The player should also expect to make choices during the meeting that will impact the game’s storyline and ending. The Meeting with Alvor is a critical moment in the game, and the player should be prepared to pay close attention to the dialogue and make strategic decisions throughout the meeting.

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