
Rifts High and Low

How to Unlock: Automatically after setting up the second campsite (M8,5) or discovering a Rift (M8,5a)(M8,5b)

Quest Giver: – (M8,5) or (M8,5a) or (M8,5b)

You can unlock this quest by either setting up camp in the central part of The Forbidden Oasis (M8,5) or approaching one of the two rifts associated with this quest (M8,5a)(M8,5b).

The quest involves sealing two rifts between the game world and the Fade. Refer to the game guide for instructions on closing Rifts. The first rift is located west of the second campsite (M8,5a). Use tunnels to reach the ledges above, and then find the spiral stairs shown in the above screenshot to reach the Rift. You may encounter stronger monsters, including the Fury Demon, but they should not be too difficult to defeat.

The second Rift is in the north-western corner of the Oasis, near the desert areas. It is guarded by demons around the twelfth experience level, so ensure your party is strong enough before attempting to close it. Focus on eliminating the Despair Demons first, as they pose the greatest threat.

Rewards for completing the quest:

  • Lots of experience
  • 400 Influence points
  • 4 Power points


What are Rifts High and Low?

Rifts High and Low are terms used to describe the altitude of dimensional rifts in the Rifts Roleplaying Game. Rifts High refers to rifts that open up high in the atmosphere, usually at an altitude of 10,000 feet or higher. These rifts are typically larger and more stable, allowing for the passage of larger creatures and vehicles. Rifts Low, on the other hand, open up closer to the ground, usually at an altitude of 500 feet or lower. These rifts are smaller and less stable, often closing quickly after opening. They are also more likely to be affected by the environment, such as weather patterns or nearby ley lines.

What are the dangers of rifts opening at different altitudes?

The dangers of rifts opening at different altitudes are related to the size and stability of the rifts. Rifts High are larger and more stable, which means they can allow the passage of larger creatures and vehicles. However, this also means that more dangerous creatures and beings can pass through, such as dragons or demons. Rifts Low, on the other hand, are smaller and less stable, often closing quickly after opening. This can create dangerous situations for creatures or vehicles that may be caught in the rift’s unstable field. Additionally, rifts that open too close to the ground can cause damage to buildings, vehicles, and people in the area. It is important for adventurers to be aware of the altitude of a rift before attempting to cross through it.

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