Rock Up at the Lock Up | Minikit Collectibles

Minikit Set 1

To obtain this minikit, you need to destroy five lifebelts hidden throughout the area. The first one is located at the beginning of the stage – break the blue-and-silver crate on the right side to reveal it.

The second lifebelt is situated on the right, near the seaside, close to the suspension bridge.

The next lifebelt can be found near the entrance to the prison, on the right side of the platform.

The fourth lifebelt is placed on the roof of a building (near the lift).

The final lifebuoy is located on the roof of the same building, but on the left side.

Minikit Set 2

On the left side of the starting location, you will see some metal bars. Use Magneto’s magnetic powers to pull them, then pick up the minikit as a flying character.

Minikit Set 3

Choose Iron Man and fly to the right corner of the area (above the sea). Destroy the silver box floating on the water and wait for the fish carrying the minikit.

Minikit Set 4

Stand on the seaside under the lift and search for a valve. Use a character with a web attack (e.g. Spider-Man or Venom) to pull an attachable point. Wait for the water to spill and freeze it using Iceman’s special ability. Destroy the ice block to receive a minikit.

Minikit Set 5

Enter the prison and approach the metal bar. Destroy it using Magneto’s abilities to gain access and pick up the next minikit.

Minikit Set 6

At the same location, head to the right, eventually reaching the wall. Use Magneto’s magnetic powers to operate an object three times to unlock a minikit.

Minikit Set 7

Above the cage with Abomination locked inside, you can find a golden wall – melt it using Human Torch.

Minikit Set 8

Before exiting the prison, but after unlocking the lift, destroy all obstacles in the area. Build a battery from the debris and charge it with electricity using Thor or Storm. Turn on the computer (once again) and navigate through the simple maze.

Minikit Set 9

During the fight with Abomination, head to the silver box on the left and destroy it using Hawkeye or Iron Man. Build a blue box from the debris and approach the computer hidden in the nearby corridor. This will unlock the first helicopter toy – there are two more to go.

Turn right and melt the golden box using Iron Man or Human Torch. Then choose Sandman and dig out the second toy.

Jump to the tower on the left, destroying all objects in the area. Now go to the room with the computer and turn it on to release the final helicopter.

Minikit 10

To find the minikit, turn right and head towards the lift pit. It’s located at the top of the pit and hidden from view.


What are Rock Up at the Lock Up Minikit Sets?

Rock Up at the Lock Up Minikit Sets are a series of LEGO sets that allow you to create your own miniature versions of police stations and jails. These sets include a variety of different building pieces and mini-figures, such as police officers, robbers, and even a police dog. You can use these sets to create your own police-themed play scenarios, or to add to your existing LEGO city. Each set includes instructions on how to build the structure, as well as suggestions for additional activities and mini-games you can play with it.

How many Rock Up at the Lock Up Minikit Sets are there?

Currently, there are two Rock Up at the Lock Up Minikit Sets available: the Police Station and the Jail Cell. The Police Station set includes a miniature police station building, as well as three mini-figures: two police officers and a criminal. The Jail Cell set includes a miniature jail cell, as well as two mini-figures: a police officer and a criminal. Both sets are designed for ages 6 and up, and are compatible with other LEGO building sets.

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