Surprising Engagement

Way to unlock: Speak with Josephine in Skyhold, must have a relationship with her.

The quest-giver: Josephine (M12,6)

Upon returning to Skyhold, entering Josephine’s office will trigger a cutscene.

While in a relationship with Josephine (M12,6), discuss Antiva with her. Afterwards, leave and when you return to her office, a cutscene will activate. This will unlock the “Challenge Josephine’s FiancГ© to a Duel” operation. During the conversation, you can choose the crow icon to unlock the “Gather Information on Lord Otranto” operation as well.

Josephine’s fiancГ© from Val Royeaux

Upon completing the operation, you will be instructed to go to Val Royeaux. Upon arrival, another cutscene will commence. During this scene, you can decide whether or not to pursue a relationship with Josephine.

There are no rewards for completing this task.


1. How did the engagement happen unexpectedly?

The engagement happened unexpectedly because it was not planned or expected by either person. It may have been a spontaneous decision, a surprise proposal, or a sudden realization of love and commitment. Sometimes unexpected engagements happen when a couple is swept away by their emotions and decide to take the next step in their relationship without much prior discussion or planning.

2. What are some challenges that may come with an unexpected engagement?

Some challenges that may come with an unexpected engagement include a lack of preparation or financial planning, surprise reactions from family and friends, and uncertainty about the future. If the couple has not had time to discuss their long-term goals and expectations, they may run into disagreements or misunderstandings later on. Additionally, if the engagement is met with disapproval from loved ones, it can cause stress and strain on the relationship.

3. How can a couple navigate an unexpected engagement successfully?

A couple can navigate an unexpected engagement successfully by communicating openly and honestly about their feelings, goals, and plans. It is important to discuss any concerns or challenges that may arise and work together to find solutions. Creating a budget and financial plan can also help alleviate stress and uncertainty. Additionally, it is important to be understanding and patient with each other as the relationship transitions into a new phase. Seeking support from trusted friends and family members can also provide a sense of comfort and guidance.

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