The Break of Dawn – p. 2

After the battle, use the staircase located in the southeast corner of the large room and turn left, activating the first pedestal (shown in the above screen). Unfortunately, this is not the end of the puzzle, as you will need to activate up to three pedestals to reach the next location.

Turn around and go to the newly unlocked eastern room (shown in the above screen). Then, turn north. While you’re there, it is recommended to check out the northeast storage room, where you can find some valuable items left out in the open, in addition to a chest. Return to the previous room and take the left corridor.

Be careful, as there is a trap activated by touching the line where the corridor turns west. Continue on until you reach the fenced balconies in the large room. Go west and after reaching a destroyed bridge, turn left and jump onto the ledge with the second pedestal (shown in the above screen). Interact with it.

Once again, jump onto the northern balcony and continue onwards, coming across a locked chest on your way. Eventually, you should reach a western passage (shown in the above screen), which was unlocked as you activated the second pedestal. Go west and turn north. After reaching the new room, eliminate the Corrupted Shades there, being aware of archers attacking from a distance.

Ignore the western stairs and use the ones located in the eastern part of the room. After reaching the upper balcony, take the eastern corridor. Soon, turn south, which will lead you to the last, third pedestal (shown in the above screen). Interact with it.

Activating the third pedestal will unlock the exit from the ruins, but the problem is that it’s on the lowest level. Carefully jump onto the consecutive shelves, trying not to jump from too high. After reaching the very bottom, go to the southern passage (shown in the above screen) and open the door leading to Kilkreath Catacombs.

Head towards the southern room. Once there, check the contents of the chest for valuable items and then interact with the pedestal (shown in the above screen), which will unlock the eastern corridor. Before proceeding, it is recommended to save your game as you will soon face the strongest enemy in this quest.

Approach the eastern room with caution, as Malkoran and the Corrupted Shades accompanying him will be there. It is recommended to let the Shades see you and then retreat to fight them in the corridor leading to the last room of the catacombs (shown in the above screen). With some luck, you should be able to get rid of all, or at least most of them, before the Necromancer appears.

New main objective: Destroy Malkoran

Malkoran is not an easy enemy to defeat. If you prefer ranged attacks, it is best to stay in the corridor where you fought with the Shades and hide every time Malkoran casts a more powerful spell (shown in the above screen).

If you prefer close combat, it’s best to wait for the Necromancer to appear in the corridor where you battled the Shades (shown in the screenshot above). This approach has the advantage of moving him away from the corpses in the main room, preventing him from resurrecting them. In the narrow corridor, you can easily corner Malkoran or use the Unrelenting Force Shout to knock him down. Regardless of your tactic, you must deplete his health completely.

But the battle doesn’t end there, as the slain Necromancer will transform into Malkoran’s Shade (as seen in the screenshot above). If you prefer ranged attacks, retreat from the Shade quickly and employ defensive spells to protect yourself from its potent magic. If you prefer close combat, continue to attack it (as shown in the screenshot above), destabilizing it and not giving it the chance to counterattack.

Retrieving Dawnbreaker

New main objective: Retrieve Dawnbreaker

I suggest examining Malkoran’s body first, although he won’t have anything valuable on him. Proceed to the last room of the catacombs and approach the pedestal marked by the game (shown in the screenshot above) to obtain Dawnbreaker.

Meridia will have one last conversation with you, just like the previous one in the sky (as seen in the screenshot above). The Daedric Prince will express gratitude for ridding the world of Malkoran and allow you to keep Dawnbreaker. It’s an excellent one-handed sword with additional fire damage and increased effectiveness against undead.


1. What is the significance of the title “The Break of Dawn” in part 2?

In part 2 of “The Break of Dawn,” the title refers to the moment when the sun rises and the darkness of the night fades away. This symbolizes a new beginning for the protagonist, as he has just experienced a moment of clarity and understanding. The break of dawn represents the start of a new day, and for the protagonist, it signifies a new chapter in his life.

2. How does the protagonist’s perspective change in part 2?

In part 2 of “The Break of Dawn,” the protagonist’s perspective undergoes a significant change. He begins to see the world in a different light and gains a new understanding of his past mistakes. He starts to realize the impact of his actions and how they have affected those around him. This newfound perspective allows him to make amends and strive towards a better future.

3. What themes are explored in part 2 of “The Break of Dawn”?

Part 2 of “The Break of Dawn” explores several themes, including redemption, forgiveness, and self-discovery. The protagonist is on a journey to make amends for his past mistakes and find a sense of inner peace. The theme of forgiveness is also prominent as the protagonist seeks forgiveness from those he has wronged. Finally, the theme of self-discovery is explored as the protagonist gains a new perspective on his life and learns more about himself.

4. How does the setting contribute to the story in part 2?

The setting of part 2 of “The Break of Dawn” plays an important role in the story. The protagonist takes a journey through a remote and desolate landscape, which serves as a metaphor for his internal journey. The isolation and barrenness of the setting reflect the protagonist’s feelings of loneliness and despair. However, as the story progresses, the setting transforms into a lush and vibrant landscape, symbolizing the protagonist’s personal growth and newfound hope.

5. How does the use of symbolism contribute to the story in part 2?

The use of symbolism in part 2 of “The Break of Dawn” adds depth and meaning to the story. The journey the protagonist takes is full of symbolic imagery, such as the barren landscape, the rising sun, and the river he must cross. These symbols represent the protagonist’s internal struggles and the obstacles he must overcome. The use of symbolism also allows the reader to connect with the story on a deeper level and gain a greater understanding of the protagonist’s journey towards redemption.

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