The Forsworn Conspiracy | Side quests

This section of our guide to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim provides a comprehensive explanation of The Forsworn Conspiracy side quest. It revolves around a string of mysterious murders that require you to investigate the activities of conspirators who live in Markarth. The main part of this quest begins at the Shrine of Talos. Our walkthrough discusses all possible endings of this quest.

  • Initiating the quest
  • New main objective: Proceed to the Shrine of Talos
  • New main objective: Collect evidence about Weylin
  • New main objective: Collect evidence about Margret
  • New optional objective: Get the key to Margret’s room
  • New main objective: Read Margret’s Journal
  • New main objective: Collect evidence about Thonar
  • New main objective: Read Weylin’s Note
  • New main objective: Discover the identity of “N”
  • New main objective: Collect evidence about Nepos
  • New main objective: Return to Eltrys

Initiating the quest

Upon entering Markarth for the first time, you will witness a female vendor being murdered. The guards will swiftly capture the killer, and a man will approach you with a note that seems to belong to you. Check your inventory to find a cryptic invitation to the Shrine of Talos.

There is also an alternative way to initiate this quest – if you can move quickly enough, you can prevent the murderer from killing the woman by slaying him. She will reward you with a valuable amulet, and you will still receive the enigmatic note.

New main objective: Proceed to the Shrine of Talos

You should have no trouble locating the shrine – it is situated in the town’s heart, on one of the upper levels. Enter and meet Eltrys – the person who gave you the note at the market. Talk to him to discover that he is petrified by the events unfolding in the city. For many years, Markarth has been haunted by inexplicable and unpredictable murders. Eltrys’ father was a victim of one such murder.

As an outsider, you have more leeway in investigating the case. Your goal is to resolve the mysteries surrounding the murders and identify the perpetrators (Elthrys suspects the Forsworn). Begin by investigating the most recent murder – the victim’s name was Margret, and her killer was Weylin. Learning more about them should be the first step.

New main objective: Collect evidence about Weylin

New main objective: Collect evidence about Margret

You can complete these two objectives in any order you choose – they are closely connected. Every time you make progress in the investigation, you can return to Elthrys and provide him with a report. This way, you will be reimbursed for your investigative expenses – 200 gold coins for each valuable piece of information.

To begin with, it’s advisable to start with Margret. If you were able to rescue her, she can be found residing at the Silver-Blood Inn or the marketplace. Speaking to her will provide some information, but it is not very useful and should not be solely relied upon. If Margret died during the mission, you must still go to the inn to speak to Kleppr, the innkeeper. He will inform you that Margret rented the best room for a month in advance and might have the key to her room. However, he will not be too eager to give it to you. To move the investigation forward, you will need to access the murdered woman’s room. How to obtain the key is explained in the “Obtain the key to Margret’s room” section.

Once you have obtained the key or broke into the room, take a look around. In the nightstand, you’ll find Margret’s Journal, which is the most important item in the room. Reading it will provide clarity about the situation.

If you want to take care of Weylin first, you can head to The Warrens in Markarth, where he used to sleep. Speak to Garvey, the manager of the building, and ask about Weylin. Garvey has the key to his room and can be persuaded, bribed, intimidated, or even robbed to obtain it. If you can’t get the key, you can break into Weylin’s room to find his notes.

To obtain the key to Margret’s room, you can persuade, bribe, or intimidate Kleppr. Alternatively, you can pickpocket him if you’re skilled enough. If all else fails, use a picklock to open the door.

Reading Margret’s Journal reveals that she was an agent of General Tullius whose mission was to gather information about the Silver-Blood and their Cidhna Mine. Thonar Silver-Blood was of particular interest to her, but unfortunately, her notes indicate that she was not successful and feared for her life.

It is recommended to take care of Weylin before speaking to Thonar Silver-Blood, as doing so may result in the quest giver having a fatal accident, and you won’t receive payment.

The new objective is to obtain evidence about Thonar. To do this, you need to go to The Treasury House in Markarth and speak to Rhiada who is behind the counter. When you ask about Thonar, you will be told that he doesn’t want any visitors. You can try persuading, intimidating, or bribing him, but if that doesn’t work, you can break into his room. However, Thonar will not be happy with your visit and will threaten to call the guards. Unexpectedly, a group of mage-assassins will come in and kill Thonar’s wife. After defeating them, you can question Thonar about commanding the Forsworn. The next objective is to read Weylin’s note, which can be found in his room. The note is a short letter from a mysterious “N” instructing the assassin to put fear into the Nord hearts. It is important to meet with Elthrys before meeting “N” to avoid any complications. To find out who “N” is, you need to leave The Warrens and fight Dryston, who will reveal that he was sent by Nepos. Nepos is the mysterious “N” you are looking for. To find evidence about Nepos, you need to enter his house and speak to him. Nepos will reveal that he is a Forsworn agent following the orders of the King and that you will not leave there alive. You will have to defeat him and his three servants, including one mage. After defeating them, you can take whatever you want from the dwelling, especially the Mystery of Talara, Book IV, which can boost your Illusion.

New Objective: Go back to see Eltrys

Whether you talked to Nepos, Thonar, or both, the result will be the same. Go to the Shrine of Talos, where you usually meet Eltrys, and find his dead body surrounded by three city guards. They will tell you that anyone who opposes the Forsworn meets the same fate. They plan to do the same to you.

Don’t fight the guards – the entire Markarth guard is involved in the conspiracy. Even if you manage to kill the enemies in the Shrine of Talos, expect to be attacked by dozens of guards patrolling the streets.

Even if you leave the city and come back, you’ll still be considered a public enemy. You’ll also have to pay a large fine for each guard you kill, making it more difficult. It’s better to go to prison, which is part of another side quest called No-one Escapes Cidhna Mine.

Side quest unlocked: No-one Escapes Cidhna Mine


1. What is The Forsworn Conspiracy side quest in Skyrim?

The Forsworn Conspiracy is a side quest in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, where players are tasked with investigating a conspiracy in Markarth. The quest begins when the player is accused of murdering a woman named Margaret, who is actually a member of the Forsworn, a group of rebels who want to reclaim the Reach from the Nords. The player must navigate the political intrigue of Markarth and uncover the true culprits behind the conspiracy.

2. How do I start The Forsworn Conspiracy side quest?

To start The Forsworn Conspiracy side quest, players must first enter Markarth and witness a murder take place in the marketplace. The guards will then arrest the player and accuse them of the murder. From there, the player must navigate the political intrigue of Markarth and uncover the true culprits behind the conspiracy.

3. What are the rewards for completing The Forsworn Conspiracy side quest?

Completing The Forsworn Conspiracy side quest in Skyrim will reward players with a level of experience and an increase in their Speechcraft skill. Additionally, players will receive the key to the abandoned house in Markarth, which can be used as a player home. However, the biggest reward for completing this quest is the ability to progress to the next quest in the story arc, No One Escapes Cidhna Mine.

4. Can The Forsworn Conspiracy side quest be failed?

Yes, The Forsworn Conspiracy side quest can be failed if the player is unable to navigate the political intrigue of Markarth and uncover the true culprits behind the conspiracy. If the player is unable to complete the quest, they will not be able to progress to the next quest in the story arc, No One Escapes Cidhna Mine. However, the quest can be retried by reloading a previous save or starting a new game.

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