Walkthrough for Magnetic Personality Level

Characters: Spider-Man, Iron Man (Mark 42), Thor

True Believer Status: 100,000 studs

At the start of the mission, you have to battle a huge army of Magneto Acolytes. They will continue to come, and you need to stop them. To do this, switch to Spider-Man and use his spider sense on the wall to the right of the room. You’ll reveal two attachable points, which you can yank with your web, and uncover a silver plate. Use Iron Man’s rockets to destroy it, and then choose Thor to charge the battery.

Turn left and find the other silver wall. Destroy it, and then charge the second battery as Thor. After that, create a lever from the debris and rotate it to open the door.

In the next room, defeat all your opponents and destroy all the objects lying around. Build a stopper from the scattered bricks and place it on the canal. This will partially stop the flow of enemies. Then jump over the gap on the right side.

Eliminate all the minions and jump to the platform above. Use Spider-Man’s spider sense to uncover a crack on the glass window, and then smash it with Thor. Then switch back to Spider-Man and yank two attachable points to scatter some bricks. Build a battery from them and charge it with electricity.

Move further and fight another group of enemies. Use Spider-Man’s spider sense to uncover a passage to the upper level. Go there, turn right, and destroy all the nearby objects so you can build a lever from the debris. Hang on the pole with a character other than Spider-Man and leave it alone for a while.

Move to the wall on the opposite side of the room and jump on another lever. When both switches are turned on, choose Spider-Man and shoot his web at two attachable points. This will open the door to the next stage.

Defeat all enemies and approach the panel with two attachable points. Yank them and build a computer from the debris. Use it as Iron Man to rotate the machine, and you can create a passage. Now it’s time for the final battle with Magneto!

In the first round, dodge all attacks and run around the arena, waiting for the enemy to make a mistake (note that minions will continue to come). Magneto will throw some bricks at you – avoid them for some time, then build a huge iron from the debris. Use it with Iron Man to beat up the weakened villain.

The second round is quite the same – dodge the enemy’s attacks and wait for the proper quantity of bricks to appear. After a short time, you will have an opportunity to build a pumpkin from them and hit it with Thor’s hammer. Now you can defeat Magneto.

The last phase of the game is quite analogous. You have to wait for the bricks to appear and then create a battery out of them. After that, charge it with electricity. Once the battery is fully charged, switch to Spider-Man and use his web to attack the enemy by aiming at the attachable point. This will ultimately lead to the enemy’s defeat.


1. What is a magnetic personality?

A magnetic personality is a set of traits that make a person attractive and charismatic to others. People with magnetic personalities are often described as confident, outgoing, and charming. They have a way of making others feel comfortable and at ease, and are often skilled at building strong relationships. Some of the key characteristics of a magnetic personality include strong communication skills, a positive attitude, and the ability to inspire and motivate others.

2. How can I develop a magnetic personality?

Developing a magnetic personality takes time and effort, but it is possible with practice. One of the best ways to start is by focusing on your communication skills. This includes things like speaking clearly and confidently, listening actively, and being able to articulate your ideas effectively. It’s also important to work on your social skills, such as being able to read body language and pick up on social cues. Additionally, a positive attitude and the ability to inspire others are key components of a magnetic personality. You can work on developing these traits by focusing on your own personal growth and learning to see the positive in every situation.

3. Can anyone have a magnetic personality?

Yes, anyone can develop a magnetic personality with the right mindset and effort. It’s important to remember that a magnetic personality is not something you are born with, but rather something you can develop over time. While some people may have a natural talent for communication and social skills, these traits can also be learned and developed through practice and experience. By focusing on your own personal growth and developing your skills, you can become more confident, outgoing, and charismatic, and ultimately develop a magnetic personality.

4. How can a magnetic personality benefit me in my personal life?

A magnetic personality can bring many benefits in your personal life. It can help you build stronger relationships, make new friends, and even find romantic partners. Additionally, having a magnetic personality can make you more confident and comfortable in social situations, which can lead to a more fulfilling and enjoyable life. People with magnetic personalities are often seen as leaders and influencers, and can have a positive impact on those around them. By developing a magnetic personality, you can become a more successful and influential person in your personal life.

5. How can a magnetic personality benefit me in my career?

A magnetic personality can be a huge asset in your career. People with magnetic personalities are often seen as confident, charismatic, and influential, which can make them more successful in their careers. They are often able to build strong networks and form valuable connections, which can lead to new opportunities and career advancement. Additionally, having a magnetic personality can make you a more effective communicator and leader, which can help you excel in your job and stand out among your colleagues. By developing a magnetic personality, you can become a more successful and influential person in your career.

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