Butcher’s Bill

How to unlock: This quest becomes available once you have completed the Boston After Dark mission at the Old North Church (M6,2).

Quest objectives:

  • Travel to the dead drop
  • Determine the status of Augusta Safehouse
  • Report back to Doctor Carrington

Travel to the dead drop

Once you report to Dr. Carrington, he will give you another mission. Head towards the Mass Fusion Building located southeast of the base. You will receive your new orders there. Be cautious of enemy shooters, as they are numerous.

Determine the status of Augusta Safehouse

Make your way to Kendall Hospital and infiltrate the building. The initial part of the hospital is filled with simple thugs, most of whom do not possess any ranged weapons. However, as you go deeper into the hospital using the elevator, the enemies get stronger.

Be especially vigilant of the double blue door. You can be attacked with a rocket launcher from the balcony on the other side. Descend and search the marked desk. You do not need to worry about the other residents, just make your way back to Dr. Carrington with the documents through the same path you took earlier.

If you choose to go down instead, be prepared to fight a deathclaw. There is also a large field with high radiation before the exit. Therefore, try to reach the exit as quickly as possible. After talking to the quest giver in the headquarters, you will complete the mission and a series of missions for the doctor.

Quest rewards: experience, 150 bottlecaps


1. What does the term “Butcher’s Bill” mean?

The term “Butcher’s Bill” is a military slang term that refers to the number of casualties and deaths that result from a military operation or battle. It is usually used to describe the number of soldiers who were killed, wounded or missing in action. The term is believed to have originated during World War I, when it was used to describe the grim task of counting and recording the number of dead soldiers after a battle. Today, the term is still used by military personnel and historians to describe the human cost of war.

2. How is the Butcher’s Bill calculated?

The Butcher’s Bill is calculated by adding up the number of casualties and deaths that result from a military operation or battle. This includes soldiers who were killed in action, wounded, or missing. The Butcher’s Bill can also include civilians who were killed or injured during the conflict. The calculation of the Butcher’s Bill is an important part of military planning and analysis, as it helps commanders to evaluate the effectiveness of their strategies and tactics. It is also an important measure of the human cost of war and can be used to inform debates about the morality and ethics of military action.

3. Why is the Butcher’s Bill important in military operations?

The Butcher’s Bill is an important measure of the human cost of military operations. It helps commanders to evaluate the effectiveness of their strategies and tactics and to make informed decisions about future operations. The Butcher’s Bill can also be used to assess the impact of military operations on civilians and to inform humanitarian efforts. It is an important tool for military planners, analysts, and historians, who use it to understand the nature and consequences of war. The Butcher’s Bill is also an important measure of the sacrifice made by soldiers and civilians who have been affected by conflict.

4. How does the Butcher’s Bill affect soldiers?

The Butcher’s Bill can have a profound impact on soldiers who have been affected by conflict. For soldiers who have lost friends and comrades in battle, the Butcher’s Bill can be a reminder of the sacrifices that have been made. It can also lead to feelings of guilt or survivor’s guilt for those who have survived the conflict. For soldiers who have been injured or disabled in battle, the Butcher’s Bill can be a reminder of the physical and emotional toll of war. The Butcher’s Bill can also affect soldiers who have not been directly involved in combat, but who have served in support roles or who have been affected by the conflict in other ways. It is an important measure of the human cost of war and a reminder of the sacrifices made by soldiers and civilians.

5. How can the Butcher’s Bill be reduced?

The Butcher’s Bill can be reduced through a variety of measures, including improved training and equipment for soldiers, better intelligence and planning, and more effective diplomacy and conflict resolution. It is also important to address the root causes of conflict, such as poverty, inequality, and political instability. The Butcher’s Bill can be reduced through efforts to promote peace and stability, such as peacekeeping operations and humanitarian aid. It is also important to support veterans and their families, who have been affected by the human cost of war. By working together to reduce the Butcher’s Bill, we can help to create a safer and more peaceful world.

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