Elex: Tavar Minor Quests Walkthrough

This section provides walkthroughs for side quests in Elex that are available in Tavar (the desert region of the game world, controlled by the Outlaws from their base in the Fort). We have only included quests that are not initiated in The Fort (which can be found in other parts of this guide).

  • The Ambushed Caravan
  • Medicine for the Hunters
  • A Test of Courage
  • The Converter in Tavar
  • Meat for Connor

The Ambushed Caravan

How to unlock the quest: Talk to Kid, near the Converter in Tavar.

To unlock this quest, you must explore the area of the Converter in Tavar. Along the main road leading out of The Fort, you will come across the wreckage of the caravan shown above. Speak to Kid to learn about the Albs’ attack and offer to help him reach the Outlaws’ base (Kid will follow you until the quest is completed). Begin by examining the surrounding area and locating the five Goods Crates (two of which are hidden in the sand) (200XP).

You can reach The Fort by following the highway or taking a shortcut – avoid powerful monsters; Kid must survive. Enter the Fort through any gate (but be aware that Spike guards one of them, right?). After entering the city, Kid will thank you for your assistance and you will receive 400XP and 300 Elexit.

You can encounter Kid again at the House of Pleasures in the Fort. When you enter the nightclub, he will be arguing with Hank, who will eventually shoot him. You can speak to Hank. In addition to inquiring about why he shot Kid, you should also inform him about the crates you found earlier. You will receive 1000XP.

Medicine for the Hunters

How to unlock the quest: Talk to Scrappy, near The Fort.

Join the fight with the jackals in Rider’s greenhouse

Scrappy is in the junkyard adjacent to the southern walls of The Fort. During your meeting, you can offer to help get the meds to Rider, which Scrappy hopes to exchange for food. You will receive 10 Pick-me-up Stim.

Rider is in the large greenhouse south of The Fort and when you arrive, you will find him battling numerous Jackals. Help him defeat the monsters before it’s too late. After you finish, speak to Rider and give him the meds. You will receive 400XP, 100 Elexit, and 20 Raw Meat for Scrappy (you can also trade with Rider). Return to Scrappy with the meat. You will receive 400XP and be able to trade with Scrappy. You can also receive a reward for completing this quest – 58 Elexit, chems (3x Pick-me-up Stim), or a weapon (Crossbow).

A Test of Courage

How to unlock the quest: Speak with Roger near the Converter in Tavar.

The place where you can find Roger

Roger can be found near the Converter in Tavar, located northwest of The Fort. The man should be standing on one of the large asphalt roads. He can give you a quest in which you must retrieve an Energy Amplifier device located inside the converters.

It is recommended to attempt this quest at a higher level due to the occupation of the converter in Tavar by Alb warriors. The first few enemies can be found near the entrance, while the remaining opponents wait inside.

Use lifts to access new floors and aim to reach the floor with closed doors presented in the picture. To open them, the Hack ability must be used (the code in this case is 3729). Be cautious as this room is filled with high radiation, so either protect yourself or enter for a brief period. Take the Energy Amplifier from the table on the left (400XP) and return to Roger (who has a camp in the area). You will receive 700XP and 120 Elexit.

The Converter in Tavar

This quest is unlocked automatically after reaching the Converter in Tavar.

You must defeat the Alb Commander and the robot accompanying him. It is recommended to begin this quest after meeting with Sestak in the Converter in South Abessa during the Refuge of the Separatists main quest. Access codes required to deactivate converters in other areas can only be obtained at this point.

The converter in Tavar is heavily guarded, and you may encounter high-level Albs and drones during exploration (destroy them before receiving too much electricity damage or reprogram them). Therefore, it is advised to avoid this area until later in the game. Use lifts to reach new floors and weaken the Alb Commander as much as possible before his Combat Robot joins the fight.

Once the Commander is defeated (300XP), locate the big red console shown in the picture and use it to turn off the converter (2000XP).

Warning – Before leaving the converter, examine the platform on its rooftop to discover several valuable items, including Elex Drinks (free bonuses to character development).

Meat for Connor

This quest is unlocked by speaking with Connor at the gas station in Tavar Mountains.

The gas station in Tavar Mountains is situated in the northwest corner of Tavar (on the Abessa border) and is depicted in the picture. Here, you will find Connor accompanied by a tamed jackal. Inquire about goods and offer to bring meat, specifically six pieces of Raw Meat. This task is simple as Raw Meat can be collected from several monsters, including weaker ones. Completing the task earns you 200XP and 80 Elexit.


1. What are minor quests in Tavar?

Minor quests in Tavar are small tasks that players can complete to earn experience points, gain reputation with factions, and receive rewards. These quests are not part of the main story but are still important to complete as they provide valuable resources and information for the player.

2. How do I find minor quests in Tavar?

Minor quests in Tavar can be found by exploring the city and talking to NPCs (non-player characters). Look for characters with an exclamation point above their heads, as this indicates that they have a quest available. Some quests may also be triggered by completing other quests or by reaching a certain level.

3. What types of minor quests are available in Tavar?

There are several types of minor quests available in Tavar, including delivery quests, escort quests, hunting quests, and gathering quests. Delivery quests require the player to deliver an item to a specific location or NPC. Escort quests require the player to protect an NPC while they travel to a certain location. Hunting quests require the player to defeat a certain number of enemies, and gathering quests require the player to collect a certain number of resources.

4. What rewards can I receive from completing minor quests in Tavar?

Players can receive a variety of rewards for completing minor quests in Tavar, including experience points, reputation with factions, gold, items, and resources. Some quests may also unlock new areas or provide information that is useful for completing other quests.

5. Are minor quests in Tavar necessary to complete the game?

While minor quests in Tavar are not necessary to complete the main story, they can provide valuable resources and information that can make the game easier to complete. Additionally, completing minor quests can help the player gain experience points and improve their character’s abilities, making them better equipped to handle the challenges of the main story.

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