How to Get Water in Farming Simulator 22?

This guide will show you how to obtain water in Farming Simulator 22 to feed your animals.

In Farming Simulator 22, you need water to feed most of your animals. This guide will give you information on how to fill the water tank, where to place it, and which animals require water.

Except for bees and hens, almost all animals need water as well as food. To avoid the hassle of replenishing their water supply, you can purchase outbuildings connected to the waterline. However, if you use the cheapest pastures, you still need to provide water for your animals.

To transport water, you need a special tanker found in the Animals shop tab. Note that not every tanker is used for the same purpose. Some are used to transport water, while others are for fuel, slurry, or milk. You can fill your tanker from any body of water, but the rear of the tanker must be submerged for the refueling button to appear. Streams and shallow rivers won’t work for filling the tanker.

To refill the water at the pasture, go to the spot marked with a water droplet. Only the tanker, not the tractor, should be on the marker. You can fill the tanks when standing in the right place and having the tanker selected. You can check your animals’ water levels from the Animals tab or by approaching the pasture.

You can also build wells near the pastures, which serve as a point to fill your tanker. However, it doesn’t automatically replenish the animals’ water levels. You need to pay for it, and the cost is a few hundred euros per tanker. This could add up quickly if you have many animals on different pastures.


1. How do I obtain water in Farming Simulator 22?

In Farming Simulator 22, there are two main ways to obtain water. The first way is by using a water tank, which can be purchased from the store. Simply fill the tank with water from a river, pond, or water source and transport it to your farm. The second way is by using a well, which can also be purchased from the store. Place the well on your farm and connect it to a water trough or water trailer to fill them up. Keep in mind that both methods require a vehicle to transport the water.

2. Can I collect rainwater in Farming Simulator 22?

Unfortunately, rainwater cannot be collected in Farming Simulator 22. You will need to rely on the two methods mentioned above to obtain water for your crops and animals.

3. How often do I need to water my crops in Farming Simulator 22?

The frequency at which you need to water your crops in Farming Simulator 22 depends on the crop and the weather conditions. Some crops require more frequent watering, while others can go longer without it. Keep an eye on the moisture level of your fields and adjust accordingly. It’s also important to note that overwatering can be just as harmful to crops as underwatering.

4. Do animals in Farming Simulator 22 require water?

Yes, animals in Farming Simulator 22 require water to stay healthy. You will need to provide them with a water trough or water trailer filled with water. Make sure to keep an eye on the water level and refill as needed.

5. Can I use water for anything besides crops and animals in Farming Simulator 22?

Yes, water can be used for a variety of tasks in Farming Simulator 22. It can be used to clean equipment and vehicles, fill up swimming pools, and even as a source of income by selling it to other farmers in the game. However, keep in mind that the demand for water from other farmers may vary depending on the map and gameplay settings.

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