List of Unique Light Machine Guns in Far Cry 6

This page contains the locations of all the unique Light Machine Guns available in Far Cry 6.

In this guide for Far Cry 6, we have compiled a list of all the unique Light Machine Guns along with their exact locations. The guns have been categorized by regions to make it easier for you to find them.

  • Crackle&Pop
  • Sink or Swim
  • Impact Driver


Region: Esperanza.

Subregion: —

District: West Lado.

You can find the gun crate on the roof, between cages, boxes, and various containers.

Special features: Crackle&Pop is a light machine gun that has been initially modified with a specter collimator, explosive rounds, supremo head shots, and rapid reloading.

  1. specter collimator,
  2. explosive rounds
  3. supremo head shots,
  4. rapid reloading.

Sink or Swim

Region: El Este.

Subregion: Sierra Perdida.

District: Nueva Vida.

The weapons chest is located at the bottom of the water tank. To get it, you have to dive in. Be mindful of your character’s lung capacity.

Special features: Swim or Drown is a light machine gun that has been modified with incendiary rounds, an American suppressor, a collimator microscope, cold, and agile shooter.

  1. incendiary rounds,
  2. American suppressor,
  3. collimator microscope,
  4. cold,
  5. agile shooter.

Impact Driver

Region: Valle De Oro.

Subregion: Barrial.

District: Muerte Point.

The weapons chest is located in a small room full of shelves. You can reach it by jumping over the wall.

Special features: Impact Driver is a light machine gun that has been modified with a tactical reticle, armor-piercing rounds, agile shooter, and gut-wrencher.

  1. tactical reticle,
  2. armor-piercing rounds,
  3. agile shooter,
  4. gut-wrencher.


What are Light Machine Guns in Far Cry 6?

Light Machine Guns (LMGs) are a type of weapon in Far Cry 6 that are designed to deliver a high volume of fire with sustained accuracy. They are typically heavier and less mobile than other types of firearms, but make up for it with their high damage output and large ammo capacity. LMGs are ideal for taking on groups of enemies, and can even be used to suppress enemy fire by keeping them pinned down.

What are some unique LMGs in Far Cry 6?

Far Cry 6 offers a variety of unique LMGs that can be obtained throughout the game. One such weapon is the MG 42, a German machine gun that was used during World War II. This LMG features a high rate of fire and can be upgraded to have a larger ammo capacity. Another unique LMG is the M249, a light machine gun used by the US military. This weapon is known for its accuracy and reliability, making it a popular choice among players who prefer a more tactical approach to combat.

How can I obtain unique LMGs in Far Cry 6?

There are several ways to obtain unique LMGs in Far Cry 6. One way is to complete certain missions or side quests that reward players with specific weapons. Another way is to purchase them from vendors using in-game currency. Players can also find unique LMGs scattered throughout the game world, either by exploring or by completing certain objectives. Additionally, some LMGs can be crafted using various materials and resources that can be found throughout the game.

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