Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord: Beginner’s Guide to Combat

Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord provides various options for defeating enemies, including melee combat, ranged weapons, and horseback charging. This guide focuses on combat and its related elements.

The combat system in Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord is simple yet distinct from most games. Thus, understanding how it works is essential. This guide describes all available fighting methods, including the basics of taking blows, blocking, and using ranged weapons. It also covers mounted combat, such as lowering the lance, and horse control. Lastly, it lists the best weapons for beginners.

  • Control during combat
  • Melee combat
  • Ranged combat
  • Horseback combat
  • The best weapons for beginners

Control during combat

It is important to learn the basic controls used to execute the techniques described below. This table focuses only on combat, while a more extensive control scheme of Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord is available in another section of the guide.

Attack and attack direction

Block and block direction

Kick or hit with a shield (when blocking)

Changing weapons

Lowering the lance. Only applicable to Couch-type weapons only used on horseback

Melee combat

Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord allows you to choose the direction of your attacks and blocks. Although the combat system is straightforward, it is advisable to spend time in the tutorial to learn character animations or the speed of throwing punches if you have not played the previous games in the series.

Delivering attacks and controlling direction

An arrow on the screen shows the direction of attack.

The arrow indicates the direction of your attack on the screen, which is determined by your mouse movement. For example, if you wish to execute a cut from left to right, swing the mouse to the left.

You can also perform overhead attacks and thrusts. To deliver an overhead attack, move the mouse upwards. To perform a thrust, push it downwards. However, not all weapons allow the full range of attacks. Pole weapons, for instance, can only perform high and low thrusts. You can also kick your opponents or push them away with your shield.

Blocking and Defense

Blocking in Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord is similar to throwing punches, where the arrow determines the direction of the block. However, blocking with a weapon requires watching the opponent closely and blocking attacks at the right angle. For easier defense, using a shield is recommended, as it has a larger surface area and can block most attacks.

Distance Combat

Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord offers various distance weapons such as bows, crossbows, and throwing weapons that can be used both on foot and while riding on horses. Although attacking on horseback is challenging, it offers greater mobility.

Aiming with Distance Weapons

Using distance weapons is simpler than melee weapons; when using a bow, crossbow, or throwing weapon, a crosshair appears on the screen. The shot is most accurate when the crosshair is narrow, but it gradually expands as the left mouse button is held down. The larger the crosshair, the lower the chances of hitting the target.

Choosing the Best Distance Weapon

Each ranged weapon in Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord has its advantages and disadvantages. Bows offer the best range but have a faster arrow drop over distance. Crossbows have a shorter range but are easier to aim due to their gentle trajectory. Throwing weapons are best used in combination with melee weapons, as they have low range and can only be carried in small numbers.

Horseback Combat

On horseback, all weapons can be used, but aiming with a bow while riding is difficult. The most effective weapon on horseback is the lance, which can cause massive damage when used during a charge. Two-handed weapons offer the best range, while single-handed weapons are also effective. War horses are recommended for their high HP and damage during a charge.

Controlling Your Horse in Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord

Controlling your horse is a crucial aspect of the game that differs from controlling your character. The table below displays all the available options for riding your horse, including how to charge and lower your lance.

Move your horse to the left.

Move your horse to the right.

Double-click to start charging.

Hold to abruptly break your charge.

Lower (couch) your lance.


The Best Weapons for Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord Beginners

If you’re new to the game, it’s recommended to have a universal set of weapons that can be used in any situation. You have four slots for weapons, but you can only change your weapons in campaign mode and not during battles. It’s recommended that you equip your hero with a single-handed weapon, a shield, a lance, and a throwing weapon – having a horse is essential if you want to use a lance.

These weapons will be useful in any situation; a one-handed weapon and shield combination is great for sieges and raids on bandit hideouts. The lance will strengthen your mounted charges, and the thrown weapon will be useful for killing or weakening your opponents. If you’re not using a horse, replace your lance with a throwing weapon, bow, or crossbow, and a set of arrows or bolts.


What are the basic combat mechanics in Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord?

The basic combat mechanics of Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord involve using various weapons and shields to engage in melee combat. Players can also use bows and arrows or crossbows to engage in ranged combat. When fighting, players need to be aware of their positioning relative to their enemies, as well as their weapon reach and timing. Blocking and parrying attacks is also important, as is managing stamina and health. Additionally, players can command troops to fight alongside them, making battles much more complex.

What are some tips for beginners when it comes to fighting in Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord?

For beginners, it is important to practice the basic mechanics of combat in Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord. This involves getting comfortable with the different types of weapons and shields, as well as understanding how to block, parry, and dodge attacks. It is also important to manage stamina and health effectively, as these can quickly become depleted in the heat of battle. Players should also experiment with different troop types and formations to find the ones that work best for their play style. Finally, it is important to remember that battles in Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord can be long and intense, so patience and perseverance are key to success.

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