
How to Successfully Siege Cities and Castles in Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord?

Most wars in Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord involve sieges on castles and towns. In this guide, we explain the process of besieging and defending, and provide tips for effectively attacking cities and castles.

Sieges are essential to developing your faction or strengthening your own kingdom in Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord. Regardless of your objective, the fundamental elements of every siege remain the same. This guide provides information on how to attack cities and castles, as well as how to prepare for and carry out a siege. Additionally, you will find general advice and tips to make every siege easier.

  • How to attack a city or castle?
  • How to prepare for a siege?
  • How to effectively carry out a siege?

How to attack a city or castle?

Taking control of enemy cities or castles is possible.

You can only besiege enemy cities and castles, which requires a declared war against the faction to which they belong. If this condition is met, launching a siege is as simple as traveling to the chosen city or castle and selecting the option to Besiege the town / Besiege the castle.

How to prepare for a siege?

Building siege engines is crucial before the attack begins.

When the siege begins, the construction of the camp commences, which is shown by the Building Siege Camp progress bar. Keep in mind that other lords are active during this time and may bring reinforcements to the attacked town. During camp construction, it’s advisable to build at least one siege engine, as it will make the siege considerably easier. To build a siege engine, click on one of the blue squares in front of the castle or city and choose from the following options:

  1. Siege machines for attacking enemy units: Ballista, Fire Ballista, Onagers, Fire Onagers.
  2. Siege machines that make it easier to get inside: Trebuchets (destroys walls), Siege Tower (allows you to get onto the walls), Rams (destroys gate).

The duration of the siege engine construction process depends on the Engineering skill of your hero or clan member assigned as Engineer. With a low level of this skill, construction will take a long time. Furthermore, if enemies possess siege engines, they can destroy your machines even before the siege begins. Due to the long construction time of siege engines, it’s also important to ensure an adequate supply of food for your units.

If you’re unable to build a siege engine, you can still participate in the siege. In any siege, you’ll receive ladders and barricades (ranged units can hide behind them). Conquering the walls with ladders is more challenging, but possible; however, expect greater losses among your soldiers.

Effective Siege Tactics in Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord

The tactics required to successfully carry out a siege in Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord may vary depending on the size of the armies involved and the available siege machines. However, there are a few universal tips that can help:

  1. Enemy walls can be scaled using automatically appearing ladders. If the ladders are knocked over by the enemy, they will need to be set up again.
  2. Siege towers and rams will move towards the target automatically. Remaining units will follow suit, unless given other orders.
  3. Ballistae, fire ballistae, onagers, and fire onagers can be operated automatically or controlled manually.
  4. During a siege, units can be commanded as in a regular battle. This can be useful for positioning archers to support infantry.
  5. It is important to support soldiers during the siege. Equipping a bow or crossbow can be helpful in taking out ranged enemy units. After breaching the walls or gate, actively participating in the siege can also make a difference.


1. How do I prepare for a siege in Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord?

Before attacking a castle or city, it’s important to make sure you have enough troops and supplies to sustain a siege. You’ll need to gather a large army and ensure that they’re well-equipped with adequate weapons and armor. It’s also a good idea to have plenty of food and medical supplies on hand to keep your troops healthy. Additionally, make sure to scout out the enemy’s defenses and plan your attack accordingly.

2. What are some effective siege tactics in Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord?

One effective tactic is to use siege engines like battering rams and trebuchets to breach the enemy’s walls. You can also try to cut off their food supply by surrounding the city or castle and preventing any supplies from getting in. Additionally, you can use stealth to infiltrate the enemy’s defenses and open the gates from the inside.

3. How do I lead my troops during a siege in Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord?

As the commander, it’s important to stay back and give orders to your troops rather than getting directly involved in the fighting. Use the command menu to give orders to your archers, infantry, and cavalry and coordinate their attacks. Make sure to keep an eye on your troops’ morale and use inspirational speeches or rewards to keep them motivated.

4. What are some common mistakes to avoid during a siege in Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord?

One common mistake is to rush the enemy’s defenses without proper preparation, which can lead to heavy losses. It’s also important to avoid getting too close to the enemy’s walls or gates, as this can expose you and your troops to enemy fire. Finally, make sure to keep your troops well-fed and rested, as exhaustion and hunger can lead to low morale and decreased effectiveness in battle.

5. How can I increase my chances of success during a siege in Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord?

One way to increase your chances of success is to recruit and train specialized troops, such as engineers who can build and repair siege engines, or archers who are particularly skilled at taking down enemy defenders. You can also try to negotiate with the enemy beforehand to avoid a bloody battle, or use spies to gather intelligence on their defenses and weaknesses. Finally, make sure to have a solid plan in place and communicate effectively with your troops to ensure a coordinated and effective attack.

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