
Precipice of War

How to unlock: This quest will be unlocked automatically once you complete the Underground Undercover quest.

Quest objectives:

  • Defend the Railroad HQ
  • Talk with Desdemona
  • Secure the Church
  • Talk with Desdemona
  • Meet Tinker Tom at the Police Station
  • Eliminate Brotherhood forces
  • Defend the vertibird
  • Talk with Tinker Tom
  • Talk with Deacon

Defend the Railroad HQ from the Brotherhood of Steel’s attack

The Brotherhood will attack the hideout through a second entrance at the back of the HQ.

After warning Desdemona about the Brotherhood of Steel’s attack on the HQ, prepare for the defense of the location. Two armored and a few unarmored enemies will enter the hideout through the back entrance. You can quickly block it with mines or use the miniature atomic bomb to immediately get rid of all of them. However, the quest doesn’t end here.

Use power armors which you can take from the fallen enemies to get through the corridor to the church.

Walk out through the main entrance to the church and keep going through the corridor while eliminating the brothers on your path (many of them will have armor). The last ones are located inside the church and you can catch them by surprise with any explosives – they are standing close to each other.

Reclaim the police station by following Tom and Deacon

Tom will give you explosives that will be useful for the next task.

Talk with Desdemona after eliminating all the attackers. She will give you the next objective – going with Tinker Tom to Cambridge Police Station. First, meet with Tom and Deacon (it is a good idea to have another companion at that point, which will allow you to attack the station with three allies). Other Brotherhood paladins will be waiting for you in front of the station, try eliminating them from a distance. Then enter the building.

Sit behind the cannon of the transporter quickly to easily get rid of the Brotherhood.

Your objective is to clear the location completely. Luckily, you won’t find any powerful enemies here. Once all the targets are down, talk to Tom. He will give you C4. Use the stairs inside to reach the roof of the building. The enemy transporter is located there. Quickly sit behind the cannon in the vehicle. After a moment, the Brotherhood will attack you again. Only after you get rid of all the enemies, you can speak with Deacon and complete the quest.

Quest rewards: Experience points, equipment set from Deacon (Stimpaks, grenades, ammunition), and 500 bottlecaps.


What is the Precipice of War?

The Precipice of War refers to the moment when a conflict is on the verge of breaking out. It’s the point at which tensions have risen to such an extent that any small incident or miscalculation could trigger a full-blown war. This term is often used in discussions of international relations and military strategy, as it highlights the importance of preventing conflicts from escalating to this point.

What are some examples of moments in history when we were on the Precipice of War?

There have been many moments in history when the world was on the Precipice of War. One of the most well-known examples is the Cuban Missile Crisis, when the United States and the Soviet Union came dangerously close to nuclear war. Other examples include the 1914 assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, which sparked World War I, and the 1967 Six-Day War between Israel and its Arab neighbors. In each of these cases, tensions were high and the slightest misstep could have led to a catastrophic outcome.

How can we prevent conflicts from reaching the Precipice of War?

Preventing conflicts from reaching the Precipice of War requires a combination of diplomacy, communication, and a willingness to compromise. It’s important for countries to maintain open channels of communication and engage in dialogue to resolve disputes before they escalate. Additionally, international organizations such as the United Nations can play a key role in mediating conflicts and promoting diplomacy. Finally, nations should be willing to make compromises and find mutually beneficial solutions to disagreements rather than resorting to military action.

What are the potential consequences if a conflict does reach the Precipice of War?

If a conflict reaches the Precipice of War, the consequences can be catastrophic. War can result in the loss of countless lives, the destruction of infrastructure and property, and economic devastation. Additionally, conflicts can have long-lasting effects on a region’s political and social stability. In some cases, wars have even led to the formation of new nations or the collapse of existing ones. Given these potential consequences, it’s essential that we do everything in our power to prevent conflicts from escalating to this point.

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