Overwatch 2: Ranking of Characters

On this page of the Overwatch 2 guide, you will find a list of all the playable heroes in the game organized into different tiers. This will help you understand which characters are easier to play as, more adaptable or better suited for specific tasks.

  • General Information
  • S Tier (universal characters)
  • A Tier
  • B Tier
  • C Tier (situational characters)
  • Summary

General Information

It is important to note that this ranking list is different from those used in other games. In Overwatch 2, as in the first game, the characters are well-balanced and there isn’t a single hero that is perfect for the DPS, tank or support role. It all depends on various factors such as:

  1. Maps and objectives: each map has its own layout that can favor either ranged or close combat. Additionally, objectives on the maps vary, sometimes requiring you to escort a robot, or capture a specific point on the map.
  2. The opposing team: if the enemy team consists of low-mobility characters with high health, then it would be ideal to have a sniper like Hanzo or Widowmaker, or an assassin who specializes in close-range combat like Reaper. However, against a different team composition, these characters may not be as effective.
  3. Your team’s composition: it is advisable to have diverse DPS characters, rather than having the same ones. For instance, having a flanker like Tracer, who specializes in quick movement and attacking enemies from behind, and a sniper who can support the team from a distance.

The tiers do not necessarily reflect the strength of the characters as they are all well-balanced. Rather, the tiers indicate which heroes are more situational and may be picked less often, while others are useful in a wide range of situations.

S Tier (universal characters)

This tier features characters that are versatile enough to be effective on most maps, and can help your team achieve the objective and win the match.

following heroes are considered the best of the best and should be a priority pick:


Ana is a versatile hero who can deal damage and heal her team from a safe distance. Her sleep dart and ability to disable healing for enemies are powerful tools.


Baptiste is a strong support hero who can heal in a variety of ways. His device that prevents his team from dying and the large field that boosts damage of any projectiles that pass through it are both powerful tools.


D.Va is a tank hero who can perform her role alone in the team. She has high mobility and the ability to kill the opposing team with one good ultimate, making her a top pick.

B tier

The following heroes are still great choices, but may not have the same impact as those in the A tier:


Genji is a difficult hero to use, but he is very mobile and deals high damage. His ultimate ability is especially devastating.


Lucio is a simple and fun to use support character who can increase the speed of his companions and heal them over an area. Mastering wall-riding will make him even more effective.


Orisa is a tank hero who can stun enemies from a distance and is immune to crowd control effects. She is a solid choice for any team.


Tracer is a highly mobile hero who can quickly take out low-health targets and tanks. Her only drawback is her low health points.


Sojourn is a new hero who specializes in medium and long range. She deals a lot of damage and can kill enemies in one shot with her fully charged laser.


Sombra is a dangerous hero who can hack neutral objects and disable enemy abilities. She may not deal as much damage as other heroes, but her supporting abilities make her a valuable asset.


Zarya’s bubbles are a powerful tool that can charge her up and protect both herself and her ally. She is a solid choice for any team.


Zenyatta is a versatile support hero who can deal high damage and heal one character. His ultimate ability can change the fate of the game.

These particular characters do not possess unique qualities in terms of healing, damage output or the ability to control crowds. However, the issue arises when they do not necessarily align with a particular objective on the map.

following heroes are considered B tier:

  • Ashe – while her damage output is high, her ultimate ability can be ineffective on certain maps.
  • Cassidy (formerly McCree) – his changes to the grenade make him less effective at stunning enemies, but he still deals good damage.
  • Hanzo – a skilled player can make him a valuable team member, but inexperienced players should avoid him.
  • Junker Queen – she excels in close quarters combat but struggles in open spaces.
  • Mercy – her healing and damage boost abilities are strong, but she is vulnerable in confined spaces.
  • Moira – she is most effective in tight spaces where her healing abilities can be used to their full potential.
  • Doomfist – his high damage output makes him a powerful hero in closed rooms.
  • Reinhardt – he is versatile and useful for escort missions, but his shield is not as durable as it used to be.
  • Sigma – he is better suited for fighting in enclosed areas due to his limited attack range.
  • Widowmaker – she is a strong sniper and excels in open spaces.
  • Winston – he is not great at defending one point but is effective against support characters.
  • Reaper – he is most effective in close combat situations.
  • Soldier 76 – his ultimate ability requires line of sight and can be ineffective if enemies are hiding.

The listed characters are excellent in their respective roles, but they may not be suitable for every match because of their situational skills. Nonetheless, they are still powerful heroes and worth selecting.

Wrecking Ball is ranked lower because he is challenging to master, especially for new players. Using his rope and spinning around his axis is difficult without objects to grab onto. Brigitte is a great character for protecting the rear of your team from heroes like Tracer or Genji, but she doesn’t offer much healing. She can only grant her team members armor.

Echo’s ability to fly and glide makes her unsuitable for battles on maps that require players to fight for a point or where there are tight spaces. However, she offers great versatility with the ability to copy moves or turn into a given character for a short while. Pharah, like Echo, is better suited to fighting in open spaces. She won’t be able to use her full potential on smaller maps or inside buildings.

Roadhog is a character who can either help your team a lot in quickly eliminating enemy heroes while being difficult to kill or cause your team to lose. This is because enemy heroes can quickly charge their ultimate by attacking him.

The C tier includes situational characters who are best at a specific task. If used for that purpose, they can contribute a lot to winning the game. However, they may not be very effective at dealing with other heroes.

  1. Bastion is a hero who can be a game-changer for the defending team, whether it’s holding a specific point or pushing an object. He deals a lot of damage in his tank configuration, and his ultimate ability turns him into artillery, allowing him to launch deadly bombs at enemies from a distance. However, when it comes to offense, he’s too slow and vulnerable to enemy attacks.
  2. Symmetra is another hero who excels in defending an area, thanks to her ability to teleport her team from one point to another. Her turrets and photon barrier are also great for defending the target. However, she’s not very effective when attacking and can only rely on her weapons.
  3. Torbjorn is similar to Symmetra in that he doesn’t offer much value in offense, except when he places his turret in a strategic location that’s hard for enemies to destroy.
  4. Junkrat is perfect for setting traps for enemies and fighting in small spaces. He deals high damage but has poor accuracy. His bombs can bounce off walls or objects but don’t travel very far.


It’s important to remember that any hero can be great in the right hands. However, sometimes it’s better to choose a versatile hero instead of one that doesn’t fit well in the given match. Don’t hesitate to switch heroes often if you’re being countered and can’t do much. The new hero, Kiriko, hasn’t been included in the tier list yet since players are still discovering her strengths and weaknesses. With time, we’ll know which tier she belongs to.


1. What is the tier list for Overwatch 2 characters?

The tier list for Overwatch 2 characters is a ranking system that indicates the strength and usefulness of each hero in the game. The tier list is based on a combination of factors, including the character’s abilities, their overall performance in different game modes, and their popularity among players. The characters are divided into different tiers, with those in the higher tiers being considered more powerful and valuable than those in the lower tiers.

2. Which characters are expected to be in the top tier in Overwatch 2?

While the tier list for Overwatch 2 is not yet finalized, there are some characters that are expected to perform well and be in the top tier. These include heroes like Tracer, Genji, Widowmaker, and McCree, who have strong offensive capabilities and can deal a lot of damage to the enemy team. Other characters like Reinhardt, Zarya, and Lucio are also expected to be in the top tier due to their ability to protect their team and provide valuable support.

3. Will the tier list for Overwatch 2 change over time?

Yes, the tier list for Overwatch 2 is likely to change over time as the game is updated and new heroes are added. As players discover new strategies and tactics, some heroes may become more or less popular, which could affect their ranking on the tier list. Blizzard, the developer of Overwatch 2, will also make balance changes to the game to ensure that all heroes are viable and well-rounded.

4. How can I use the tier list to improve my gameplay in Overwatch 2?

You can use the tier list to gain a better understanding of which heroes are currently the strongest and most valuable in the game. By choosing heroes from the top tier, you may increase your chances of winning matches and climbing the competitive ladder. However, it is important to remember that the tier list is not the only factor to consider when choosing a hero. Your personal playstyle, the composition of your team, and the enemy team’s composition should also be taken into account when selecting a hero to play.

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